Essential Facts
Spring 2021
ICC serves all or parts of 10 Central Illinois counties: Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Bureau, Logan, Marshall, Livingston, McLean, Stark, and Mason.
Compared to Other Illinois Community College Districts
- 7th largest (2,322 square miles)
- 12th highest in assessed valuation ($7.29 billion)
- 14th highest in operating tx rate (per $100 of equalized assessed value)
- 9th highest Fall headcount (8,749 Fall 2019, credit only)
Illinois Central College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges & Schools located at 30 North LaSalle, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504, (312) 263-0485.
Program & Class Information
About 1,400 classes offered each Spring. Average class size is 15.
- Associate, Arts: 42 programs of study
- Associate, Science: 14 programs of study
- Associate, Applied Science: 43 programs of study
- Occupational Certificate: 55 certificates
Fall Enrollment Trends (as of census day)
Year | Hours | Students | Full-Time Equivalency |
2017 | 74,014 | 8,873 | 4,934 |
2018 | 69,795 | 8,323 | 4,653 |
2019 | 67,415 | 8,263 | 4,944 |
2020 | 67,589 | 8,346 | 4,506 |
2021 | 57,623 | 7,217 | 3,842 |
Fall Enrollment by Type of Degree/Certificate
Type of Degree | Spring 2019 | Spring 2020 | Spring 2021 |
Associate in Applied Science | 15.1% | 14.3% | 13.6% |
Associate in Arts | 23.7% | 24.1% | 24.1% |
Associate in Engineering Science | 2.4% | 2.3% | 1.5% |
Associate in General Studies | 12.9% | 12.7% | 13.2% |
Associate in Science | 11.7% | 10.7% | 9.5% |
Certificate | 4.1% | 4.2% | 3.9% |
Undeclared | 27.8% | 28.4% | 30.2% |
Non-degree seeking/Personal Improvement | 2.3% | 3.3% | 4.0% |
Spring Student Profile (as of census day)
- White: 74.3%
- Black/African American: 11.4%
- Two or More: 5.1%
- Hispanic (any race): 5.0%
- Asian: 2.2%
- Non-resident Aliens: 1.6%
- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: 0.1%
- American Indian/Alaskan Native: 0.1%
- Unknown: 0.1%
Enrollment Status
- Full-time: 27.5%
- Part-time: 72.5%
- Male: 39.2%
- Female: 60.8%
- In-District: 88.8%
- Out-of-District: 8.4%
- Out-of-State: 1.2%
- Foreign Students: 1.6%
- 16 and Under: 4.0%
- 17-18: 31.5%
- 19-24: 38.5%
- 25-34: 15.6%
- 35-44: 6.6%
- 45-64: 3.5%
- 65 and Over: 0.3%
Average Age: 23
Fall Enrollment by Academic Organization
Academic Department | Number of Credit Hours | Percentage of Credit Hours |
Agriculture & Industrial Technology | 4,073 | 7.1% |
Arts & Behavioral Science | 11,160 | 19.4% |
Business, Legal & Informational Systems | 8,813 | 12% |
College & Career Readiness | 913 | 1.6% |
Corporate & Community Education | 98 | 0.2% |
Health Careers | 7,230 | 12.5% |
Humanities | 12,009 | 20.8% |
Math, Science & Engineering | 14,744 | 25.6% |
Physical Education | 312 | 0.5% |
Annual Enrollment (unduplicated)
- FY 2016: 14,279
- FY 2017: 13,593
- FY 2018: 13,132
- FY 2019: 12,633
- FY 2020: 12,688
Spring Online Campus Enrollment*
Class Type | Sections Offered | Credit Hours |
Hybrid Classes | 382 | 7,360.0 |
Online Anytime | 561 | 28,545.0 |
Online Scheduled | 331 | 12,611.5 |
Online Only | 2,109 |
Financial Aid
Types and Average Amounts of Aid Received* (FY 2020)
- Federal loans: $5,121
- Institutional grants: $2,787
- State/local grants: $1,465
- Pell grants: $5,251
- Federal grants: $5,194
- Any grant aid: $5,829
* Full-time, first-time, degree-seeking students
Percent of Student Receiving Aid by Type of Aid* (FY 2020)
- Federal loans: 15%
- Institutional grants: 19%
- State/local grants: 24%
- Pell grants: 35%
- Federal grants: 41%
- Any grant aid: 52%
* Full-time, first-time, degree-seeking students
Graduates by Fiscal Year**
Fiscal Year | Degrees | Certificates | Total |
FY 2016 | 1,239 | 573 | 1,812 |
FY 2017 | 1,217 | 674 | 1,891 |
FY 2018 | 1,148 | 525 | 1,673 |
FY 2019 | 1,052 | 505 | 1,557 |
FY 2020 | 1,340 | 721 | 2,061 |
Graduates by Type of Degree
Type of Degree | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 |
Associate in Applied Science | 24.1% | 24.2% | 17.6% |
Associate in Arts | 25.3% | 26.4% | 28.7% |
Associate in Engineering Science | 1.4% | 1.7% | 0.6% |
Associate in General Education | 5.9% | 6.0% | 10.3% |
Associate in Science | 11.8% | 9.3% | 7.8% |
Certificate | 31.5% | 32.4% | 35.0% |
Top Five Transfer Institutions (four-year or higher)
- Bradley University
- Illinois State University
- University of Illinois at Springfield
- Western Illinois University
- Methodist College
Faculty & Staff
As of Oct, 2020* | Full-time | Part-time | Total |
Faculty | 167 | 247 | 414 |
Administration | 32 | 0 | 32 |
Professional/Support | 105 | 31 | 136 |
Classified | 96 | 29 | 125 |
Custodial/Maintenance | 59 | 19 | 78 |
Total | 459 | 326 | 785 |