Academic Placement

Do I Need to Take a Placement Test?

To support your success, we want to make sure you start college in classes that are right for you. Generally, placement is required for Reading/English and Math, but you don’t necessarily have to take a test. For example, we can use your high school GPA to determine your starting point for most courses. Check out the details below and contact your student success advisor if you have questions.

Request Test Scores

You may request that your placement test scores be sent to other colleges or universities, or to your employer by mail, email or in person.

Note: This page includes most, but not all, qualifying placement methods. If you have taken a test in high school (e.g., PARCC) or at another college (e.g., COMPASS, ALEKS, Classic ACCUPLACER) that you’d like to submit, please contact the Testing Center at (309) 694-5234 or [email protected].

Science, Engineering, and Math Majors

If you are majoring in science, engineering, or math, you will need to take a specific track of math and science classes that includes calculus.  Many science courses require specific math placement and/or successful completion of certain math courses. Pay attention to notes for science, engineering, and math majors in each section below and contact your student success advisor to discuss your placement options.

High School GPA

The simplest way to determine your placement at ICC is to use your high school grade point average. With a GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale, you will place into most college-level courses including English 110 and Math 110 or 111.

A few things you should know about submitting your high school GPA to ICC:

Attn: Enrollment Services, Illinois Central College, 1 College Dr., East Peoria, IL 61635, [email protected]

Placement Available by High School GPA

High School GPA on a 4.0 ScalePlacement
2.3 or higherMath 080 & 110 (courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (courses taken concurrently)
2.7 or higherMath 110/111
English 110
Most college-level courses
3.0 or higher & a C or better in High School Algebra IIMath 085 & 115 (courses taken concurrently)
3.0 or higher & a B or better in High School Algebra IIMath 115/190

If your high school GPA cannot determine your placement, your placement will be determined one of the methods below.

Early College, Transitional & High School Courses

High School CourseworkPlacement
C or better in Algebra I and IIMath 110/111
C or better in Algebra I, II, and GeometryMath 130
C or better in Pre-Calculus or CalculusMath 165

Note: science, engineering, and math majors are required to place into Math 115/120 or Math 165 or take courses to prepare you for Math 115/120. Math 110/111 do not lead to Math 115/120/165. 

ACT and SAT Scores

Check the table below to see if your ACT or SAT scores qualify you for college-level courses.

ACT Scores

TestMinimum ScorePlacement
ACT Reading18College Ready
ACT Math17Math 080 & 110 (courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (courses taken concurrently)
ACT Math22Math 110/111/130
Math 085 & 115 (courses taken concurrently)
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Agricultural Business 118
Physics 110
ACT Math25Math 115/120/190

SAT Scores

TestMinimum ScorePlacement
SAT – EBRW480College Ready
SAT Math450Math 080 & 110 (courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (courses taken concurrently)
SAT Math520Math 110/111/130
Math 085 & 115 (courses taken concurrently)
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110
Agricultural Business 118
SAT Math580Math 115/120/190

A few things you should know about your ACT or SAT scores:

GED® Scores

If you have earned your high school equivalency through the GED® test since 2015, check the table below to see if your scores qualify you for college-level courses.

TestMinimum ScorePlacement
Reasoning Through Language Arts165College Ready
Math165Math 110/111/130
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110
Agricultural Business 118

A few things you should know about your GED scores:

Attn: Enrollment Services, Illinois Central College, 1 College Dr., East Peoria, IL 61635, [email protected]

Courses From Other Colleges

If you have taken courses at another college or university, ICC may be able to transfer those credits and determine your placement based on your grades. Contact the college(s) you attended and ask them to send your transcript(s) to ICC by mail or email:

Attn: Enrollment Services, Illinois Central College, 1 College Dr., East Peoria, IL 61635, [email protected]

College Proficiency Tests

You may be eligible to receive ICC credit for certain courses if you’ve completed AP, CLEP, or IB exams. Check the table below for details about English and Math credit you may be able to earn.

Advanced Placement (AP)

TestMinimum ScoreCredit from ICC
AP English Language3English 110
AP English Literature3English 110 or Literature 110
AP Calculus AB3Math 222
AP Calculus BC3Math 222
AP Calculus BC4Math 222 & 223
AP Statistics3Math 111

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

TestMinimum ScoreCredit from ICC
CLEP College Composition50English 110
CLEP College Algebra50Math 115
CLEP Pre-Calculus50Math 165
CLEP Calculus50Math 222

International Baccalaureate (IB)

TestMinimum ScoreCredit from ICC
IB English A: Literature (Higher)4English 110 & 3 credit hours of General Education Humanities
IB English A: Literature (Higher)6English 110 & Literature 110
IB Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation (Standard)4Math 110 & 111
IB Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation (Standard)6Math 110, 111, 115
IB Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches (Higher)4Math 111 & 165
IB Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches (Higher)6Math 111 & 222

A few things you should know about earning AP, CLEP, and IB credit:

Accuplacer (Next Generation) Scores

If you don’t qualify for college-level courses based on any of the options described above, you will need to take the ACCUPLACER test. The ACCUPLACER covers reading and math, and you may be asked to write an essay.

Schedule ACCUPLACER Test

Make an appointment to take the ACCUPLACER:

After you’ve submitted an admissions application to ICC, visit the Testing Center Appointments page. Under Select a service, click on ICC Accuplacer Placement Test and select the test(s) you need to take. (You probably need to take Reading & Math, but contact the Testing Center at 309-694-5234 if you have questions.) Next, select where you want to test—either at the East Peoria or Peoria campus. Finally, select the date and time you want to test and enter the required information.

A few things you should know about the ACCUPLACER test:


Check the tables below for Next Generation ACCUPLACER scores.


Minimum ScorePlacement
200English 085
237English 095
English 099/110 (Courses taken concurrently)
Emergency Medical Technician 114
Health 121
259College Ready

WritePlacer Test

If your ACCUPLACER Reading test score is close to College Ready, you will take the WritePlacer test to have an opportunity to reach College Ready.

Minimum ScorePlacement
5College Ready

Math Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics Test

Minimum ScorePlacement
200Math 096/099
241Math 080 & 110 (Courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (Courses taken concurrently)
253Math 098/106
Computer Management 123
Chemistry 094
267Math 110/111/130
Math 085 & 115 (courses taken concurrently)
Agricultural Business 118
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110

Math Advanced Algebra and Functions Test

Minimum ScorePlacement
220Math 110/111/130
Math 085 & 115 (Courses taken concurrently)
Agricultural Business 118
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110
237Math 115
Math 120/190 (Geometry requirement must also be met by receiving a C or better in all semesters of High School Geometry or successful completion of Geometry Placement test)
257Math 122/134/135/137/165/211
Business 203
Chemistry 130
Biology 160
276Math 222

Courses that May Require Additional Testing

Some courses may require additional testing. Contact the Testing Center at (309) 694-5234 or [email protected] for complete details about the following courses.