
What Makes a Student Eligable?

  1. Students EFC (Expected Family Contribution which is determined through the filing of FAFSA) is less than the cost of attendance at the school.
  2. Student must be enrolled in a course of study that is eligible for financial aid. You can search for financial aid eligible programs at ICC here.
  3. Student must also meet the ICC academic requirements for financial aid. Whether a student is considered to be making satisfactory progress depends on a successful course completion rate, grade point average (GPA), and maximum hours attempted to complete his or her course of study.

Class Override Request

If students have a class that has been determined to not be financial aid eligible but is required to complete a program, students can request an override.

Academic Standards

ICC is required to establish satisfactory academic progress standards (SAP) for its federal and state financial assistance recipients in accordance with U.S. Department of Education regulations. These standards ensure that only students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their educational programs will continue to receive financial assistance.

It is required by the U.S. Department of Education that an entire student’s record be evaluated for determining academic eligibility for financial assistance, even those semesters for which a student did not receive financial assistance.

Failing to Meet Academic Requirements

The first semester a student fails to meet one or more of the academic requirements, the student is placed on SAP warning. The second consecutive semester a student fails to meet one or more of the academic requirements, the student is placed on SAP termination.

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