Dental Hygiene Clinic

Our Dental Clinic provides:

  • dental assessment and preventive treatments,
  • x-rays,
  • hygiene instructions and
  • referral for outside, additional services
The cost is $20 per visit. Call to schedule an appointment today, (309) 690-6999
Dental Hygienist, Dental Hygienist Lab Class, Peoria Campus

Notice to patients and potential dental hygiene applicants: Dental hygiene clinic students, faculty clinicians, and patients are exposed to bloodborne pathogens. These include (but are not limited to) pathogenic microorganisms present in human blood and have the potential to cause diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The Bloodborne Pathogen Policy is available by contacting the Dental Hygienist Program.

Dental Hygiene Clinic

Arbor Hall South » AS113
Peoria Campus
Mon-Thu: 8 am – 4 pm
Fri: Closed