COVID Illness Reporting Guidelines
If an Employee or Student Becomes Ill
- Employee or student experiences illness*, is diagnosed with or exposed to COVID-19 (even if fully vaccinated).
- Employee is required to inform manager. Student is required to inform instructor, Campus Housing Office, and athletic coach, as applicable. Stay home or go home if already on campus.
- Informed employee should notify Benefits & Leaves Office at [email protected]. Instructor should cc their Academic Dean and the Dean of Students. If someone on campus leaves due to illness, notify Facilities at 694-5120 immediately for cleaning protocol.
- Individuals should contact their healthcare provider or Health Department for quarantine and health care information.
- Benefits & Leaves office will contact the individual
If Individual Tests Positive for COVID-19
Benefits & Leaves Office will work with individual to determine return date based on current guidance. If employee, Benefits & Leaves Office will notify manager. If student, Dean of Students Office will notify all of their instructors. Student status will also be confirmed with Housing and Athletics.
If Individual Tests Negative for COVID-19
Benefits & Leaves Office will work with individual to determine a return date based on current guidance. If employee, Benefits & Leaves Office will notify manager. If student, Dean of Students Office will notify all of their instructors. Student status will also be confirmed with Housing and Athletics.
*Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
**Close contacts are defined as being within six feet of an infected person for a total 15 minutes over 24 hours. This applies two days before illness onset or two days before test was performed