Success Stories

Each year the Illinois Central College Educational Foundation awards more than $900,000 in scholarships to over 600 students. Accessibility is a vital component of our mission. As dollars from the state continue to decrease, this mission becomes even more important. Gifts to the ICC Educational Foundation helps to ensure cost is not a barrier to any person seeking to improve his or her life through the opportunities ICC offers.

Many of our students could not attend college if not for the generous sponsors of our scholarship program. Each student who receives a Foundation scholarship has a unique story.

Scholarships Making a Difference

“I’m attending ICC to reach my goal of becoming a computer programmer. Thank you for helping me make my new life.”

“My mother just graduated with her Master’s degree after a fifteen-year interim. She is my inspiration to work hard. Thank you for the opportunity to further my education.”

“Thank you for the scholarship. I will use it to become the best teacher I can be and hope to teach the future generation not only book-smarts but also mediation, patience and love.”

“It really takes special people to help do something special for someone that you have never met. I can’t thank you enough for all that you are doing for me.”

“I loved the personal relationships I had with the professors at ICC.”

Summer 2021, Student – Demenika Parker

Educational Foundation

Edwards Library / Administration Building » L411
East Peoria Campus
Mon – Thur: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Fri: 8 am – 2 pm