Coursedog Programs List
911 Telecommunicator – PUBSV0262 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "PUBSV0262-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "911 Telecommunicator", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "43.0107", "code": "PUBSV0262", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1697635533406, "customFields": { "code": "PUBSV0262", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the 9-1-1 Telecommunicator certificate program is to prepare the graduates for employment as a 9-1-1 telecommunicator by educating them in the knowledge, skills, and behaviors as an entry level 9-1-1 telecommunicator at a police, fire, or EMS department.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 120; CRJ 110; CRJ 190", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CRJ 225; CRJ 191", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "CRJ 201", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "9-1-1 Telecommunicator Certificate", "igPds": "18", "xeM27": "Human & Public Service", "RXLTy": "Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-09-27", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Doug Heuermann", "hRP0F": "9-1-1 Services", "KbMWy": "9-1-1 Telecommunicator, Public Safety Telecommunicator, Police, Fire & Ambulance Dispatcher, 9-1-1 Operator, Emergency Management Specialist", "BzOLC": "<p>33-3021.02 Police Identification and Records Officers<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "2019-07-01", "5ATC7": "42", "sckmt": "306", "nw8kM": "18", "OLVfM": "Only Program", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Remain 16-week ", "7BoTl": "Modify program to add needed course.", "vCGmZ": "Add CMGEN 120 for students to obtain keyboarding skills. Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "D0Czi": "Change CMGEN 120 to CMPSC 120 .", "8eiko": [ "Other" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "Certificate as 911 Telecommunicator", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "PUBSV0262-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729948571229, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593729, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate professional interaction with all parties in the internship setting, such as with police, fire, and EMS.\n2. Students will demonstrate the ethics of professional responsibility within the 9-1-1 telecommunication profession.", "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will demonstrate ethical and service-oriented behaviors in the 9-1-1 Telecommunication field in which they choose to work.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will demonstrate skills of the 9-1-1 Telecommunication in which they plan to work, along with the issues and problems that arise within that system.", "justification": "1. Students will develop the skills necessary to work within the 9-1-1 telecommunication field, such as call taking, accurate address information, proper communications, computer systems, etc.\n\n2. Students will perform routine tasks involving technology to access information about the court system; the laws; cases; and court rules, as well as communicate about the same.\n\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will demonstrate knowledge in the area of criminal 9-1-1 Telecommunication, specifically new trends and laws that apply to their chosen profession.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of 9-1-1 Telecommunication and its role in contributing to our understanding of the evolving world of crime and the changing trends of telecommunication.\n\n2. Student will demonstrate knowledge of 9-1-1 Telecommunication issues that deal with new case law and the evolving changes in crime and the applicable law.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "911 Telecommunicator", "name": "911 Teleco", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "PUBSV0262", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 12, "rawSisId": "PUBSV0262", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"202\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"359\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"colgroup\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CMPSC 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"359\"><p>Business Computer Systems<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CRJ 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"359\"><p>Introduction to the Criminal Justice System<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CRJ 190 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"359\"><p>9-1-1 Telecommunicator I<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CRJ 191<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"359\"><p>9-1-1 Telecommunicator II<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CRJ 201<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"359\"><p>Internship in Criminal Justice<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CRJ 225<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"359\"><p>Criminal Law<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "911 Telecommunicator", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 10, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "911 telecommunicator" }
Accountancy – ICC0254001 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254001-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254001", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641515844115, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254001", "zSPuQ": "The Accountancy program of study is designed for the student who plans to pursue a career in accounting after completion of a bachelor's degree program. Upon completion of the degree at Illinois Central College, most of the general education requirements at most state universities in Illinois will have been met as well as the usual accounting and business courses found in the typical first two years of a bachelor\u00b4s degree. Public accounting, private accounting, managerial accounting, cost and governmental accounting are a sampling of the areas in which the student may specialize after transferring to a four-year bachelor\u00b4s degree.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "Approved Elective; COMM 110; ENGL 110; Humanities; Life Science", "2ILSA": "ACCTG 120; BUS 215; ECON 110; Physical Science", "NhgHM": "Approved Elective; ENGL 111; Fine Arts; MATH 135; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "1BIqF": "ACCTG 121; Approved Elective (if needed); BUS 203; ECON 111; Humanities\/Fine Arts", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems <br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "78rZ3": "<p>Students transferring to a four year institution are advised to check with their transfer institution which may recommend 60 credit hours be completed before transfer.<\/p>", "NFUSx": true, "cnba8": "Accountancy", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree.<br>** Select electives with the assistance of an advisor based upon transfer institution requirements: BUS 110, 111; CMPSC 120; MATH 115; ACCTG 206, 207, 208, 209.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Finance", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2018-10-24", "Hk6pU": "Dan Kelly", "vvKL0": "<p>Dan Kelly<\/p><p>Adam Saatkamp<\/p><p>Raymond Kowalczyk<\/p><p><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Accountancy", "KbMWy": "Certified Public Accountant, Certified Management Accountant, Auditor, Internal Auditor, Tax Accountant, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Advisor, Forensic Accountant", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": true, "lWQwc": "1968-05-01", "5ATC7": "76", "sckmt": "1122", "nw8kM": "66", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2026", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254001-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729814059010, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593727, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Accountancy", "name": "Accountanc", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254001", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254001", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"275\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"466\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"161\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>ECON 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Principles of Macroeconomics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>ECON 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Principles of Microeconomics<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>MATH 135 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p> Calculus for Business and Social Sciences <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>HUMANITIES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"275\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"466\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"161\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>ACCTG 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Financial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>ACCTG 121 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Managerial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>BUS 203 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Business Statistics<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>BUS 215 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p>Legal Environment of Business<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"275\"><p>APPROVED ELECTIVES **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"466\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 29, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Accountancy", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Accountancy", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "accountancy" }
Accounting Bookkeeper – BUSOC0106 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0106-2023-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Accounting Bookkeeper", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "52.0302", "code": "BUSOC0106", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1672851398485, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0106", "files": [ { "name": "Nov 9 2022 Meeting Minutes.docx", "path": "files\/form\/1668178195016\/7OqEH3VEQLsZ.docx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Accounting Bookkeeper Certificate program is to prepare students to pass the Certified Bookkeeping exam and obtain employment in accounting or an accounting related field. The Accounting Bookkeeper Certificate program provides education in accounting for personal income taxes, managerial decision-making using accounting information, and accounting work using spreadsheet and database software, in addition to basic accounting and payroll accounting. The Accounting Bookkeeper Certificate prepares students for possible employment as a bookkeeper, payroll clerk, or similar positions in other areas of accounting, such as manufacturers, service industries, accounting firms, financial institutions, insurance companies, and not-for-profit and governmental organizations.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "ACCTG 105; Communication", "2ILSA": "ACCTG 113; OFACS 132", "NhgHM": "ACCTG 115; ACCTG 120", "1BIqF": "ACCTG 108; ACCTG 216", "4MEvM": "ACCTG 121", "MMP2l": "BUS 110", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>Upon completion of this program students will have the skills to sit for the Certified Bookkeeper Exam. <\/p><p>Program is sequenced for a part time student, but the program can be completed within 1 year if needed. Please see your advisor for an individual plan.<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Accounting Bookkeeper", "igPds": "32", "c6uW8": "<p>* COMM 110 or 113 are recommended.<\/p><p><em>Note: Program is sequenced for a part time student, but the program can be completed within 1 year if needed. Please see your advisor for an individual plan.<\/em><\/p>", "59bEM": "20 (30 to 50 credits) ", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Finance", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Dan Kelly", "vvKL0": "<p>Dan Kelly<\/p><p>Adam Saatkamp<\/p><p>Raymond Kowalczyk<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0061\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0061\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Accounting", "KbMWy": "Bookkeeper, Bookkeeping Assistant, Payroll Clerk", "BzOLC": "<p>43-3031.00 Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks *;<\/p><p>43-3051.00 Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>473<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>COMM 281<\/p><p>Required 768<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 834, "lWQwc": "1978-10-25", "5ATC7": "34", "sckmt": "493", "nw8kM": "29", "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "BUSOC0061 Business AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "7BoTl": "Due to the consistent feedback from our advisory committee and local businesses requesting a more centralized focus on bookkeeping, we find it necessary to modify the Accounting Technician Certificate into a Bookkeeping Certificate. \u00a0This modification will better prepare students for a career in bookkeeping and to sit for the Certified Bookkeeper Exam.", "YTdw7": "Accounting 211", "vCGmZ": "Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "D0Czi": "We are removing ACCTG 211 and replacing it with OFACS 132. After consulting our advisory committee, we found the topics covered in OFACS 132 are better suited to prepare the bookkeeper students for the work force. ACCTG 211 focuses on both spreadsheets and databases but the specific spreadsheet skills learned are not broad enough and there is little need in the market for the database component. The program mission will remain the same as ACCTG 108 will cover the database component of the mission. The sequence is also being updated to reflect this change in program requirements. ", "8eiko": [ "Program requirements" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "Certificate as Accounting Bookkeeper", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2023-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0106-2023-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729779016478, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate basic understanding of the creation and use of accounting information as well as the principles of business.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the accounting equation.\n\n2. Students will be able to interpret basic financial statements.\n\n3. Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of fundamental cost accounting concepts.\n\n4 .Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the laws and regulations needed to manage business operations and accounting transactions.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will demonstrate the appropriate skills for a bookkeeper or accounting clerk.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to analyze economic activity, record business transactions, and construct basic financial statements.\n\n2. Students will be able to manipulate basic accounting information for use in managerial decision-making.\n\n3. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of accounting software and electronic spreadsheets.\n\n4. Students will be able to prepare payroll in conformity with federal and state laws and regulations.\n\n5. Students will be able to prepare individual federal income tax returns.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates of the program will demonstrate awareness of the need for ethical decision-making in the creation and dissemination of financial information.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate basic awareness of the need for ethical behavior in developing estimates and making accounting judgments.\n\n2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the fraud triangle and the need for internal controls over financial reporting.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Accounting Bookkeeper", "name": "Acct Bkpr", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0106", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 12, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0106", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"187\" scope=\"row\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"500\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"160\" scope=\"row\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>COMMUNICATION *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>*see recommendations below<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>ACCTG 105 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Bookkeeping\/Accounting I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>ACCTG 108 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Accounting Using Quick Books <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>ACCTG 113 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Tax Accounting<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>ACCTG 115 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Payroll Accounting<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>ACCTG 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Financial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>ACCTG 121 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Managerial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>ACCTG 216 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Bookkeeping Capstone<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>BUS 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Introduction to Business<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"187\"><p>OFACS 132<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"500\"><p>Electronic Spreadsheets<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"160\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Accounting Bookkeeper", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 20, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "accounting bookkeeper" }
Actuarial Science – ICC0254062 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254062-2023-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Actuarial Science", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254062", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1671312537896, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254062", "zSPuQ": "Students who have a strong interest in mathematics and business should investigate the Actuarial Science field of study. Actuaries use mathematical, statistical, and economic models to design, price, finance, and operate benefit plans which protect people from risks of injury, illness, death, property damage, and the loss of income due to unemployment or retirement. A required background in calculus, accounting, and economics can be acquired at Illinois Central College.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "ENGL 110; Life Science; MATH 222; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "2ILSA": "ACCTG 120; COMM 110 or 212; ECON 110; Humanities; MATH 224", "NhgHM": "Computer Programming; ENGL 111; Fine Arts; MATH 223; Physical Science", "1BIqF": "ACCTG 121; ECON 111; Electives; Humanities\/Fine Arts; MATH 230", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Math, Science, and Engineering<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 320B<br>(309) 694-5365<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Actuarial Science", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree.<br>** See an advisor as course selection depends on discipline and transfer institution.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Business Management & Administration", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2022-11-30", "Hk6pU": "Megan Bomer", "vvKL0": "<p>Megan Bomer<\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "ICC Curriculum Map_AA_2023_Actuarial Science.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700171437301\/eojG5Q6ms8GA.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Actuarial Science", "KbMWy": "Careers as an actuary working with health insurance, life insurance, property and casualty insurance, and pension and retirement benefits", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "D0Czi": "Instead of listing specific computer programming courses, changing to state a general \"Computer Programming\" for the recommended courses in the Program Layout and Sequence. While all transfer institutions require a course in computer programming, the programming language varies amongst transfer institutions.", "8eiko": [ "Recommended sequence", "Program requirements" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "MATH S&E", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "MATH S&E" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2023-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254062-2023-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1713900008128, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Actuarial Science", "name": "Actuarial", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254062", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254062", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"253\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"486\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>COMM 110 <br>or<br>COMM 212 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Public Speaking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ECON 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Principles of Macroeconomics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ECON 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Principles of Microeconomics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>MATH 222 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry I<\/p><\/td><td><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>9 to 10<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"253\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"486\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ACCTG 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Financial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ACCTG 121<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Managerial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>Computer Programming**<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>MATH 223<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry II <\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>MATH 224<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry III<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>MATH 230<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"486\"><p>Linear Algebra<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Actuarial Science", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 16, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "actuarial science" }
Agricultural Production – AGRIO0202 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "AGRIO0202-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "01.0101", "code": "AGRIO0202", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641555531866, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "AGRIO0202", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Agricultural Production certificate program is to prepare students for employment and\/or for the pursuit of an Agricultural Science and Technology Associate in Applied Science degree in agricultural production by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge, and hands-on techniques and skills of the agricultural production industry.\u00a0\u00a0", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "AGRI 200; Approved Elective; Mathematics, Communication, or English Elective", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "AGRI 113; Approved Electives", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "AGRI 201; AGRI 203", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "78rZ3": "The student is encouraged to select electives that will provide additional expertise in business, marketing and sales, crop production, or livestock production.", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Agricultural Production", "igPds": "26", "c6uW8": "<p>* AGBUS 118 or MATH 110 or higher; COMM 110, ENGL 110 or 116.<br>** Approved electives: AGBUS 110 or 111; AGBUS 112, 115, 211, 212; AGRI 110, 111, 114, 118 121, 221; AGMEC 117.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources", "RXLTy": "Agriculture & Natural Resources", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "AIT Dean", "vvKL0": "<p>Grant Grebner<\/p><p>Pete Fandel<\/p><p>Blake Lehman<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/AGRIO0004\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"AGRIO0004\">program<\/a> <\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "AIT_Grebner_Fandel_Lehman_Ag Production CERT Program Mapping.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717777299289\/F4N6TbzfVDGs.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Agriculture", "KbMWy": "Grain Merchandiser, Grain Elevator Manager, Farmer, Livestock Buyer, Feed Mill Manager, Agricultural Financial Representative, Animal Nutritionist, Ranch Manager, Agronomist, Crop Systems Specialist", "BzOLC": "<p>11-9013.00 Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers<\/p>", "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "2004-01-15", "5ATC7": "42", "sckmt": "442", "nw8kM": "26", "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "AGRIO0004 Agricultural Science and Technology AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "MUqtm": "District", "MGvmz": "Form 21 (Reasonable and Moderate Extension", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Mostly 16 week with a few 8 week and shortened duration courses", "7BoTl": "The reason the certificate is three semesters is that it requires classes be taken in the summer--and those classes are ONLY offered in the summer, so there isn't another option (that I am aware of) to have them in less than 3 semesters.", "vCGmZ": "Updating required program courses to from AGRI 112 to AGRI \u00a0200. AGRI \u00a0200 is an IAI recognized course, where AGRI 112 is not.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "diplomaDescription": "Certificate in Agricultural Production", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "AGRIO0202-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729941850470, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Certificate earners will demonstrate an understanding of the technical knowledge of an employee in agricultural production.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate technical knowledge of genetics, nutrition, physiology, reproduction and lactation of farm animals.\n\n2. Students will demonstrate technical knowledge of biological concepts of soil and plant growth.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Certificate earners will demonstrate proficiency in best management practices in agricultural production.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate proficiency of industry accepted management practices in the production of farm animals.\n\n2. Students will demonstrate proficiency in planning a sustainable soil fertility program.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Certificate earners will have a general understanding and appreciation for the attitudes and behaviors of an entry-level position in agricultural production.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate collegiality with fellow students during group projects.\n\n2. Students will express appreciation to hosts following laboratory visits to businesses or farms.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Agricultural Production", "name": "AgriProduc", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "AGRIO0202", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 12, "rawSisId": "AGRIO0202", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"446\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"264\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"214\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"446\"><p>Mathematics, Communication, or English Elective * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"214\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"446\"><p>AGRI 113<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>Principles of Soil Fertility<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"214\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"446\"><p>AGRI 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>Introductory Soil Science<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"214\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"446\"><p>AGRI 201 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>Crop Production<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"214\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"446\"><p>AGRI 203 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>Integrated Pest Management<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"214\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"446\"><p>Approved Electives **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"214\"><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptDescription": "Agricultural Production", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 39, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Agricultural Production", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "agricultural production" }
Agricultural Science and Technology – AGRIO0004 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "AGRIO0004-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Agricultural Science and Technology", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "01.0000", "code": "AGRIO0004", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1702052026384, "customFields": { "code": "AGRIO0004", "files": [ { "name": "230310_Gen Ed Recommendation AAS 15 hrs with chair signatures 3-10-23_signed(1).pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1695141355765\/lCsvSQmG53Gv.pdf", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Agricultural Science and Technology degree program is to prepare students for employment in the agricultural industry by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge, hands-on techniques, and skills of the agricultural industry.\u00a0", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "AGBUS 111; AGRI 200; ENGL 110; Mathematics", "2ILSA": "AGBUS 112; AGBUS 115; AGBUS 200; AGMEC 117; Specialization course(s)", "NhgHM": "AGRI 113; Communication; Social & Behavioral Sciences or Humanities\/Fine Arts; Specialization course(s)", "1BIqF": "AGBUS 211; AGBUS 212; AGBUS 214; AGRI 114 or AGRI 221 (as required)", "4MEvM": "AGRI 201; AGRI 203; AGRI 205 (if required)", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>This general agricultural science and technology degree enhances the student's ability to obtain a broad range of agricultural employment opportunities. Whether returning to a farm or working for an agricultural business, graduates of the program will have a good basic knowledge of modern agricultural production and business practices. The student will complete two internships on a farm and\/or in an agricultural business during their sophomore year to gain additional practical experience. <\/p>", "5U4b6": "Grant Grebner\nPete Fandel\nBlake Lehman\nDana King", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Agricultural Science and Technology", "igPds": "60 to 62", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Applied Science Degree.<br>** Students who wish to specialize in Agricultural Business Management should complete: AGRI 111, AGRI 118, AGRI 121, AGRI 114 OR AGRI 221; Students who wish to specialize in Agronomy should complete: AGRI 118, AGRI 121, AGRI 205, AGRI 221; Students who wish to specialize in Precision Agriculture should complete: AGRI 121, AGRI 205, AGRI 221, AGRI 244; Students who wish to specialize in Animal Sciences should complete: AGRI 111, AGRI 114, AGRI 235, Approved electives.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources", "RXLTy": "Agriculture & Natural Resources", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "AIT Dean", "vvKL0": "<p>Grant Grebner<\/p><p>Pete Fandel<\/p><p>Blake Lehman<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p>AGRIO0202 Agricultural Production Certificate<\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p>None<\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/AGRIO0265\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"AGRIO0265\">program<\/a> <\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/AGRIO0202\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"AGRIO0202\">program<\/a> <\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "AIT_Grebner_Fandel_Lehman_Ag Science and Technology AAS Mapping.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717777335599\/POuMfUIkN0af.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Agriculture", "KbMWy": "Grain Merchandiser, Grain Elevator Manager, Farmer, Livestock Buyer, Feed Mill Manager, Agricultural Financial Representative, Animal Nutritionist, Ranch Manager, Agronomist, Crop Systems Specialist", "BzOLC": "<p>19-1012.00 Food Scientists and Technologists *;<\/p><p>19-1013.00 Soils and Plant Scientists *;<\/p><p>19-4012.00 Agricultural Technicians *;<\/p><p>19-4012.01 Precision Agriculture Technicians *;<\/p><p>25.1041.00 Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary *<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>635<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>ENGL 110 - 553 (98 Pseudo)<\/p><p>COMM 124 (98 Pseudo)<\/p><p>SBS 125 (103 Pseudo)<\/p><p>H\/FA 732 (100 Pseudo)<\/p><p>AGRI 200 - 892 (101 Pseudo)<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>147<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Course Options", "9Zc6g": "<p>Specializations 636<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>578<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>none<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 378, "lWQwc": "1968-05-01", "5ATC7": "76", "sckmt": "1020", "nw8kM": "60", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "None", "5KtCS": "AGRIO0256 Precision Agriculture Certificate \nAGRIO0202 Agricultural Production Certificate", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Mostly 16 week with a few 8 week and shortened duration courses", "7BoTl": "Updating required program courses to from AGRI 112 to AGRI \u00a0200. AGRI \u00a0200 is an IAI recognized course, where AGRI 112 is not.", "vCGmZ": "Dropping AGRI 112 as a pre-req for AGRI 244 as course evolves and content changes. Changing sequencing of classes to fit instructors schedule\/student load.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "dlMz0": [ "Credit Hours", "Removing Courses", "Course Sequence" ], "Yfdez": "No", "WkzmX": "Reduce Gen Ed credits by 3 credit hours. This change is being made in conjunction with the General Education Committee approval to reduce hours of AAS degree from 18 to 15. Update Program Layout to combine Social & Behavioral Sciences or Humanities\/Fine Arts elective and move in course sequence from Fall 1 to Spring 1. Change credit hours for Agricultural Specialization to 9 to 11. Credit hours will be reduced to 60-62. Change Note to include Approved electives as an option for Specialization courses." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [ { "degreeMapName": "Program Layout", "semesters": [ { "requirements": [ { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "generic", "value": "ENGLISH", "code": "" }, { "type": "generic", "value": "Communication", "code": "" }, { "type": "generic", "value": "Social and Behavioral Sciences", "code": "" }, { "type": "generic", "value": "Mathematics", "code": "" }, { "type": "generic", "value": "Humanities\/Fine Arts", "code": "" } ], "area": "generalEducation", "criticality": true, "clinical": 0, "actualCredits": { "min": 15, "max": 15 }, "contactHours": { "min": 3 }, "progressCredits": { "min": 15, "max": 15 }, "id": "hNWt4DsEFo", "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" }, { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0001341", "code": "" } ], "area": "generalEducation", "actualCredits": { "min": 4, "max": 4 }, "progressCredits": { "min": 6, "max": 6 }, "id": "J0s0BrMGi4", "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" } ], "semester": "General Education Courses", "sequence": 1, "sisId": "" }, { "requirements": [ { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0001331", "code": "" } ], "area": "major", "id": "QDU5MHTqzH", "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" }, { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0001341", "code": "" } ], "area": "major", "id": "HcesmhotQ0", "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" }, { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0067361", "code": "" } ], "area": "major", "id": "cbK8BOLQHL", "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" } ], "semester": "Program Courses", "sequence": 1, "sisId": "" } ], "id": "MXS5nexFib", "isActive": false, "sisId": "", "termScheme": "", "degreeMapNarrative": "" } ], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of Agricultural Science and Technology", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "AGRIO0004-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729941124810, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the technical knowledge required of an entry-level employee in a wide variety of agricultural occupations.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate technical knowledge principles of genetics, nutrition, physiology, reproduction, growth, lactation and marketing of farm animals.\n2. Students will demonstrate technical knowledge of biological concepts of soil and plant growth.\n3. Students will demonstrate technical knowledge of global positioning systems and geographical informational systems.\n4. Students will demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in operation of related farm tools including maintenance, repair and safety.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will demonstrate proficiency in application of best management practices in production agriculture.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in preparing budgets, accounting records and financial records for an agricultural business.\n2. Students will demonstrate application of marketing and the role of agriculture in the United States economy.\n3. Students will demonstrate proficiency in planning a sustainable soil fertility program.\n4. Students will demonstrate an understanding of variable rate technology to insure profitable production of crops.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will demonstrate professional qualities and professional ethics.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate collegiality with customers, employers, and fellow employees.\n2. Students will demonstrate honesty, initiative and a positive attitude at work.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Agricultural Science and Tech", "name": "AgSciTech", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "AGRIO0004", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "AGRIO0004", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"285\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"499\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"161\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p><a href=\"\/courses\/0010421\" class=\"custom-link\" data-course-id=\"0010421\">course<\/a> <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>COMMUNICATION * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES or HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGRI 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Introductory Soil Science<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>MATHEMATICS * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"285\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"499\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"161\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGBUS 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Economics of Agriculture <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGBUS 112<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Agricultural Sales <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGBUS 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Computer Technology in Agriculture <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGBUS 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Occupational Internship and Seminar I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGBUS 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Agriculture Business and Financial Management<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGBUS 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Marketing Agricultural Products <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGBUS 214<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Occupational Internship and Seminar II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGMEC 117<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Principles of Agricultural Mechanics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGRI 113<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Principles of Soil Fertility <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGRI 201<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Crop Production <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p>AGRI 203<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Integrated Pest Management<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"285\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"499\"><p>Agricultural Specialization ** <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"161\"><p>9 to 11<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Agricultural Science and Technology", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 23, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "agricultural science and technology" }
Agriculture – ICC0254002 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254002-2022-08-15", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254002", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1662126275403, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254002", "zSPuQ": "This program of study is designed for students planning to transfer to a four-year institution pursuing a bachelor's degree in Agriculture. The student is encouraged to enroll in courses required at the transferring institution so it is important that each student determine as early as possible which institution he\/she is planning to attend after completion of courses at Illinois Central College.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "AGRI 110; ECON 110; ENGL 110; Life Science; Mathematics", "2ILSA": "AGRI 204; COMM 110 or COMM 212; Fine Arts; Humanities; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "NhgHM": "AGBUS 110; AGMEC 110; AGRI 123; ENGL 111; Physical Science", "1BIqF": "AGBUS 115; AGRI 200; Elective; Humanities\/Fine Arts; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p>The student enrolling in this curriculum should be in the upper half of his\/her high school class or have an ACT composite score of 20 or above. Job availability will be dependent upon the major at the four-year institution. Students are encouraged to complete the following courses in high school: (1) three or four years of mathematics; (2) two or three years of science; (3) four years of English; and (4) two to four years of agriculture (where offered).<\/p>", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Agriculture", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree and seek the assistance of an advisor to meet the requirements of the transfer institution. <br>** Electives should be chosen with the help of an advisor.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources", "RXLTy": "Agriculture & Natural Resources", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2022-01-26", "Hk6pU": "AIT Dean", "vvKL0": "<p>Grant Grebner<\/p><p>Pete Fandel<\/p><p>Blake Lehman<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Agriculture", "KbMWy": "Agriculture Science Teacher, Ag Broadcaster or Journalist, 4-H Extension Agent, Farmer, Rancher, Agronomist, Crop Systems Specialist, Agricultural Financial Representative", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "5ATC7": "NA", "sckmt": "NA", "nw8kM": "NA", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Mostly 16 week with a few 8 week and shortened duration courses", "7BoTl": "ICC currently offers all other IAI Ag courses as electives options for students. The addition of this course will help attract AG Ed majors to ICC and allow those students to complete more program classes prior to transferring.\n\nAdditional Program Elective - Agri 123 Introduction to Agricultural Education", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2022-08-15", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254002-2022-08-15", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729944468421, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Agriculture", "name": "Agricultur", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254002", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254002", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"259\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"464\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"184\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>COMM 110<br>or<br>COMM 212 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Public Speaking<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<br><br><\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>ECON 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Principles of Macroeconomics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>6<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>MATHEMATICS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3 to 4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"259\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"464\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"184\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>AGBUS 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Introductory Economics of Food, Fiber, and Natural Resources <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>AGBUS 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Computer Technology in Agriculture<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>AGMEC 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Introductory Agricultural Mechanization<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>AGRI 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Principles of Animal Science<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>AGRI 123<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Introduction to Agricultural Education<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>AGRI 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Introductory Soil Science<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>AGRI 204 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p>Introductory Crop Science<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"259\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"464\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"184\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"259\"><p>ELECTIVE **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"464\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"184\"><p>3 to 4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 16, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Agriculture", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Agriculture", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "agriculture" }
Architecture – ICC0254003 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254003-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254003", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641507702498, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254003", "zSPuQ": "This program of study is designed for students wishing to pursue a transfer degree in architecture. Students completing the program will receive an Associate in Arts degree, which prepares them for transfer to a four-year university.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "ARCH 110; ARCH 137; ARCH 138; ENGL 110; Fine Arts; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "2ILSA": "ARCH 132; ARCH 201; ARCH 203; HIST 111 or HIST 112; PHYS 120", "NhgHM": "ARCH 131; ARCH 139; COMM 110; ENGL 111; MATH 222", "1BIqF": "ARCH 202; HIST 117 or HIST 118; Humanities\/Fine Arts; Life Science; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p>Suggested high school courses should include four years of high school mathematics, two to three years of foreign language, one laboratory science, and one year of architectural drafting or art.<\/p>", "fAeYe": "<p>Arts and Behavioral Sciences<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 124A<br>(309) 694-5113<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Architecture", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree.<br>** Architecture requirements vary by receiving institution and it is strongly recommended that you meet with your advisor and select appropriate electives based off your receiving institution. Other electives include ARCTK 255; ARCH 204; ARCH 111; and ARCH 112.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Architecture & Construction", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "Hk6pU": "ABS Dean", "hRP0F": "Architecture\/Construction", "KbMWy": "Architect, Landscape Architect, Urban Planner, Architectural Manager", "UYmmB": "Fall 2026", "4NZ9D": "prog in adjustment\/approval stage", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "ART & COMM", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "ART & COMM" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254003-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729273750488, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Architecture", "name": "Architectu", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254003", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254003", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"255\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"529\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"131\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ENGL 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>6<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>HIST 117 <br>or<br>HIST 118 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Early Western Civilization <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Modern Western Civilization <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>MATH 222 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>PHYS 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>General Physics<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3 to 4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>HIST 111 <br>or<br>HIST 112 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Early World Civilizations <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Modern World Civilizations<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"255\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"529\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"131\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Architectural Orientation <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 131<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Architectural Construction I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 137<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p> Fundamentals of Architectural Drawing <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 201<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Basic Design Studio I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 202<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Basic Design Studio II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 203<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Introduction to the History of Architecture <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"255\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"529\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"131\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 139<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Architectural Freehand Drawing II **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 138<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Architectural Freehand Drawing I **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ARCH 132<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p>Architectural Construction II **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>APPROVED ELECTIVES **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"529\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 16, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Architecture", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Architecture", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "architecture" }
Art – ICC0254004 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254004-2023-08-21", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Art", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254004", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1671312638320, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254004", "zSPuQ": "The Art area of study provides the basic general education requirements and art courses for students planning to transfer to a four-year institution to earn a baccalaureate degree. Art students should keep in constant preparation a portfolio of their work. It is often from these works that class placement is determined when transferring to a four-year institution.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "ART 111; ART 120; ENGL 110; Life Science; Mathematics", "2ILSA": "ART 151; ART 200; ART 241; ART 250; COMM 110; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "NhgHM": "ART 112; ART 150; ART 211; ENGL 111; Physical Science", "1BIqF": "ART 222; Art Elective; Humanities; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Arts and Behavioral Sciences<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 124A<br>(309) 694-5113<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Art", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree.<br>** Art electives: ART 140, 141, 142, 152, 201, 204, 205, 206, 210, 221 and 255.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "Hk6pU": "Jennifer Costa", "vvKL0": "<p>Jennifer Costa<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Art", "KbMWy": "Independent Freelance Artist, Designer, Sculptor, Special Effects Creator, Muralist, Portrait Artist, Art Teacher, Art Therapist, Animator, Fashion Designer, Illustrator, Comic Book Artist, Industrial Designer", "4NZ9D": "Approx. ten in 8 weeks, more in discussion, others will need to remain", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "D0Czi": "1) Updating several course numbers to reflect new course numbers approved in April 2022 curriculum meeting. 2) Adding new course, Art 250 Portfolio and Professional Practices, to list of recommended program courses. 3) Adding Photo I, Art 241, to list of recommended program courses. 4) Updating elective course credit hours.", "8eiko": [ "Program layout" ], "7BoTl": "1) Updating several course numbers to reflect new course numbers approved in April 2022 curriculum meeting. 2) Adding new course, Art 250 Portfolio and Professional Practices, to list of recommended program courses. 3) Adding Photo I, Art 241, to list of recommended program courses. 4) Updating elective course credit hours." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "ART & COMM", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "ART & COMM" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2023-08-21", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254004-2023-08-21", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1738271190410, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Art", "name": "Art", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254004", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254004", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"260\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"505\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>MATHEMATICS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 150 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Art History I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 151 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Art History II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>HUMANITIES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"260\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"505\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>2D Design<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 112<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>3D Design<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Drawing I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Painting I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Figure Drawing I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 222<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Drawing II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 241<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Photography I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART 250<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Portfolio & Professional Practices<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"260\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"505\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"260\"><p>ART ELECTIVES **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Art", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 16, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "art" }
Artificial Intelligence – BUSOC 0216 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "ITxXAgzj7zcuYUvgFylp-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Artificial Intelligence", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0102", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1707140476065, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0216", "files": [ { "name": "AI labor market data.docx", "path": "files\/form\/1696856185131\/IOnfmmgtMFIs.docx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "AdvisoryCommitteeCurriculumCommentsOct2023.pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1696856231333\/rATr2uCT2kdp.pdf", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "AICertificateCurriculumMapComplete1023.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1696856238198\/rHNxjaMlGRIW.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Artificial Intelligence program is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills needed to get started in the fast growing field of Artificial Intelligence. ", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 140; CMPSC 145; MATH 111", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CMPSC 150; CMPSC 155; CMPSC 211", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Shari Tripp\nRafeeq Al-Hashemi\nYoungju Son\nMichelle Weghorst", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Artificial Intelligence", "igPds": "18", "59bEM": "30 (9 to 29 credits)", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "Online" ], "Hk6pU": "Shari Tripp", "vvKL0": "<p>Shari Tripp<\/p><p>Rafeeq Al-Hashemi<\/p><p>Youngju Son<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0218\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0218\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Artificial Intelligence", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester", "Spring Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Programmer, Coder, Software Developer, Developer, Software Engineer, DevOps Developer, Software Architect, System Engineer, Data Analyst, Database Administrator, Artificial Intelligence Developer, Machine Learning Engineer", "BzOLC": "<p>15-1221.00 Computer and Information Research Scientists *;<\/p><p>15-1252.00 Software Developers *;<\/p><p>15-2051.00 Data Scientists *;<\/p><p>15-2051.01 Business Intelligence Analysts *;<\/p><p>15-2051.02 Clinical Data Managers *<\/p>", "lWQwc": "2024-07-01", "5ATC7": "34", "sckmt": "540", "nw8kM": "18", "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "BUSOC0218 Computer Science - Secure Software and Database Systems AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "7BoTl": "There is a need for a certificate for Artificial Intelligence, one of the fastest growing technological advancements in recent years. Jobs in this area are expected to grow 23% over the next 10 years. \nSMG Summary: Artificial Intelligence certificate gives the student the skills and knowledge to perform as an entry level programmer in Python. The certificate has 3 new computer science courses featuring an introduction to artificial intelligence, machine learning using python and data mining. ", "YTdw7": "CMPSC150\nCMPSC155\nCMPSC211", "VuWOR": "No additional required resources" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "ITxXAgzj7zcuYUvgFylp-2024-07-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1732558716752, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will demonstrate the ability to perform as an entry level programmer in Python.", "justification": "1. The student will demonstrate a knowledge of designing, constructing, and assessing appropriate solutions using a variety of basic techniques.\n2. The student will utilize Python for a variety of data mining and advanced search techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will be able to properly construct and query databases and provide information from the stored data.", "justification": "1. The student will be able to create and manage databases.\n2. The student will demonstrate an understanding of SQL commands to create, maintain, and query a relational database.\n3. The student will manage and organize relational databases and user\/data privileges.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates of the program will be able to interpret and apply various statistical techniques to solve problems.", "justification": "1. The student will demonstrate a knowledge of statistical, sampling, correlation, regression, and probability theories.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 4 Graduates of the program will be able to describe the basics of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and the application to problem solving, , automated search, and planning techniques.", "justification": "1. The student will define artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, artificial neural networks, and machine learning.\n2. The student will explain artificial intelligence search techniques.\n3. The student will describe machine learning basics and machine learning algorithms.\n4. The student will demonstrate how to analyze real-world problems based on machine learning techniques.\n\n\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 5 The graduate will be able to describe the principles and techniques behind Data Mining.", "justification": "1. The student will be able to explain data mining, classification, and cluster analysis concepts and methods.\n2. The student will be able to explain data mining techniques such as preprocessing and mining frequent patterns and associations.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Artificial Intelligence", "name": "AI", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "programGroupId": "ITxXAgzj7zcuYUvgFylp", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "30GgK7xzpjFlY0GmBjBn", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"224\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"444\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"224\"><p>CMPSC 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"444\"><p>Introduction to Databases<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"224\"><p>CMPSC 145<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"444\"><p>Introduction to Python<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"224\"><p>CMPSC 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"444\"><p>Introduction to Artificial Intelligence<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"224\"><p>CMPSC 155 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"444\"><p>Machine Learning Using Python<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"224\"><p>CMPSC 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"444\"><p>Data Mining<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"224\"><p>MATH 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"444\"><p>General Education Statistics<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": [], "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Artificial Intelligence", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 11, "code": "BUSOC 0216", "parentName": "", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "sortTitle": "artificial intelligence" }
Associate in Arts (AA) – ICC0254 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254-2017-12-01", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1637131958148, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254", "zSPuQ": "In addition to the general requirements for a degree, candidates for the degree of Associate in Arts (AA) must complete at least 60 semester hours of Transfer Credit (TC) courses including the General Education requirements.\u00a0 Check current Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) transfer status by confirming at\u00a0 See the current ICC catalog for further descriptions.\u00a0 Courses labeled Occupational Credit (OC) in course descriptions may not be applied to degree requirements.\u00a0 \n\nAll students who earn the Associate in Arts (AA) degree must complete the specific degree requirements in effect for the Associate in Arts (AA) degree at the time they complete the \u201cApplication for Degree\/Certificate.\u201d \n\nAll students must complete the specific degree requirements in effect for the AA degree according to the Catalog of Record listed in their academic records. For further information regarding see Catalog of Record page.\n\nICC\u2019s courses approved by the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) are posted on the itransfer website: While a foreign language is not required for graduation at ICC, students are strongly advised to check the requirements of the program at the college or university to which they intend to transfer.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "ENGL 110; Communication; Humanities; Life Science; Electives", "2ILSA": "Mathematics; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Electives", "NhgHM": "ENGL 111; Fine Arts; Physical Science; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Electives", "1BIqF": "Humanities\/Fine Arts; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Electives", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Advisement and Counseling<br>East Peoria Campus, Career Center Room CC200<br>(309) 694-5281<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a> for specific courses that meet the general education requirements.<\/p><p>See <a href=\"\/pages\/LrbuYY4g07tp554kn08w\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"LrbuYY4g07tp554kn08w\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">IAI\/ICC General Education Course Alignment<\/a> for specific courses at Illinois Central College that meet IAI requirements.<\/p>", "NFUSx": true, "cnba8": "Associate in Arts (AA)", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements on the <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a> page.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "BzOLC": "<p>25-1199.00 Postsecondary Teachers, All Other<\/p>", "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>English 510; <\/p><p>Comm 511; <\/p><p>SS&BS 10;<\/p><p>Math 512;<\/p><p>Science 513;<\/p><p>Hum\/FA 18<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>English 801; 88 (Pseudo); <\/p><p>Comm 802; 88 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>SS&BS: ECON 3; GEOG 838; HIST\/INTST 5; POLSC 7; PSY 839; SOC 10; PSY\/SOC limit 41; 97 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>Math 805; 32 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>Science: Life 809; 93 (Pseudo); PhySci 14; 35 (Pseudo); <\/p><p>Hum\/FA: Humanities 807; Languages 699; Fine Arts 808; 124\/125 limit 840; 110\/111 limit 645; Humanities 92 (Pseudo); Fine Arts 91 (Pseudo)<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Electives", "9Zc6g": "<p>TC electives 514<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>ACCTG-CHILD 54;<\/p><p>CHN-ENGR 104;<\/p><p>FCS-MKTG 105; <\/p><p>MM-PHIL 106; <\/p><p>PHYED-PHYSC 107;<\/p><p>POLSC-THTRE 108;<\/p><p>PSUEDO transfer courses 79, 80<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>GPA\/RES 32<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>none<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 627, "lWQwc": "2012-02-28", "5ATC7": "60", "sckmt": "900", "nw8kM": "60", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "mQAf3": "2024-07-25", "7BoTl": "Changes made to align with General Education Committee approvals and to update language to align better with the online catalog.", "vCGmZ": "Course options and minor changes to language.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "ICCOL", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "ICCOL" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2017-12-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254-2017-12-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1732561612960, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593727, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Associate in Arts", "name": "AA", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254", "programLengthType": "Y", "programLengthValue": 2, "rawSisId": "ICC0254", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"320\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"447\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"144\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>COMMUNICATION<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>9 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>MATHEMATICS<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE \/ PHYSICAL SCIENCE*<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>HUMANITIES \/ FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"320\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"447\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"144\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"320\"><p>ELECTIVES <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"447\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>23 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [ { "id": "ICC0254001", "code": "ICC0254001", "name": "Accountanc", "longName": "Accountancy", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254001", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254002", "code": "ICC0254002", "name": "Agricultur", "longName": "Agriculture", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", 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"AA-Undecid", "longName": "AA-Undecided", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2017-05-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254066", "firstTermValid": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254067", "code": "ICC0254067", "name": "Int Design", "longName": "Interior Design", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254067", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254068", "code": "ICC0254068", "name": "Philosophy", "longName": "Philosophy", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254068", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254070", "code": "ICC0254070", "name": "Int Study", "longName": "International Studies", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254070", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254071", "code": "ICC0254071", "name": "Comm-PubRe", "longName": "Communication-Public Relations", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254071", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254072", "code": "ICC0254072", "name": "Graphic De", "longName": "Graphic Design", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254072", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254073", "code": "ICC0254073", "name": "Multimedia", "longName": "Multimedia", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254073", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254075", "code": "ICC0254075", "name": "Pre-Chiro", "longName": "Pre-Chiropractic", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254075", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254076", "code": "ICC0254076", "name": "Statistics", "longName": "Statistics", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254076", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254077", "code": "ICC0254077", "name": "Ed Early", "longName": "Education (Early Childhood)", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254077", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254078", "code": "ICC0254078", "name": "Music Bus", "longName": "Music Business", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2018-07-01", "cipCode": "50.1001", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2193", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254078", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0254079", "code": "ICC0254079", "name": "Music Indu", "longName": "Music Industry", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2018-07-01", "cipCode": "50.1001", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2193", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0254079", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" } ], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 24, "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Associate in Arts (AA)", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Associate in Arts (AA)", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "associate in arts (aa)" }
Associate in Engineering Science (AES) – ICC0173 | Assoc in Engineering Science | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0173-2022-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Associate in Engineering Science (AES) ", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "14.0101", "code": "ICC0173", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1675861512546, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0173", "zSPuQ": "In addition to the General Requirements for a Degree listed in the current College Catalog, candidates for the Associate in Engineering Science Degree must complete 60 to 64 credit hours of TRANSFER CREDIT (TC) courses with the following requirements maintaining an overall grade point average of 2.00 (C).<br><br>See <a href=\"\/pages\/Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Engineering Science Degree Requirements<\/a> for specific courses that meet the general education requirements.<br><br>Note: Students intending to transfer to Southern Illinois University or Northern Illinois University may benefit from obtaining the <a href=\"\/programs\/ICC0264\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"ICC0264\">program<\/a>. See an Engineering advisor for details. <br><br>While a foreign language is not required for graduation at ICC, students are strongly advised to check the requirements of the program at the college or university to which they intend to transfer.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CHEM 130; ENGL 110; ENGR 110; Elective; MATH 222", "2ILSA": "MATH 224; PHYS 212; Elective; Elective; Elective", "NhgHM": "ENGL 111 or COMM 110 or COMM 212; Elective; MATH 223; PHYS 211", "1BIqF": "MATH 250; Elective; Elective; Elective; Elective", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "Math, Science, and Engineering \nEast Peoria Campus \nAcademic Building, Room 320B \n(309) 694-5365", "78rZ3": "<p>Students enrolled in the Associate in Engineering Science degree program must meet with their assigned academic advisor to plan a specific course schedule meeting the requirements of both Illinois Central College and the institution to which transfer is intended. <\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>The Associate in Engineering Science program prepares students for entry into a baccalaureate level engineering program at the junior level. The suggested sequence of courses includes a minimum of 60 semester hours of mathematics, chemistry, physics, selected engineering sciences, and many general education requirements common to most engineering B.S. degree programs. (See specific graduation requirements for the Associate in Engineering Science Degree.) This sequence is articulated with Bradley University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana or Chicago, and fulfills the requirements of most other universities. Students planning to attend Northern Illinois University or Southern Illinois University should meet with an advisor as early as possible. Summer sessions are necessary for most engineering students.<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Associate in Engineering Science (AES) ", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements on the <a href=\"\/pages\/Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Engineering Science Degree Requirements<\/a> page.<\/p><p>** All electives in the engineering program should be chosen with the help of an advisor. They vary with both choice of transfer university and choice of engineering area of study. Total hours vary accordingly. For a list of acceptable courses, see specific requirements for Associate in Engineering Science Degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "RXLTy": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Steve Portscheller", "vvKL0": "<p>Steve Portscheller<\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "ICC Curriculum Map AES 2023_Electrical Engineer.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700171396931\/nte41JSSGAeO.xlsx", "public": true }, { "name": "ICC Curriculum Map AES 2023_Mechanical Engineer.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700171396931\/pzwblpdSgsBG.xlsx", "public": true } ], "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Business Development, Venture Capital, Project Management, Law, Medical Research; Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical, Civil, Computer, Materials, Aerospace Engineering", "BzOLC": "<p>17-2199.00 Engineers, All Other<\/p>", "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>ENGL\/COMM 292; <\/p><p>SS\/Human\/FA 295; <\/p><p>Math 296; <\/p><p>Science 297; <\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>ENGL\/COMM: ENGL 110 553; 111, COMM 36; 88 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>SS\/Human\/FA: ECON 554; GEOG 555; HIST 556; INTST 557; POLSC 558; SOC 561; PSY 559; PSY or SOC limit 41; HUM\/FA 800; HUM 124\/125 limit 840; INTST 132\/133 limit 46; THTRE 110\/111 limit 645; SSBS 97 (Pseudo); Humanities 92 (Pseudo); Fine Arts 91 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>Math 571; 32 (Pseudo)<\/p><p>Science 572; 93 (Pseudo)<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>ENGR 298<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>ENGR 577<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Electives", "9Zc6g": "<p>Electives 300<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>Electives 579<\/p><p>BIOL 160\/161 - 830<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>GPA\/RES 302<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>none<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 461, "lWQwc": "1994-08-18", "5ATC7": "60", "sckmt": "915", "nw8kM": "60", "OLVfM": "Only Program", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "mQAf3": "2024-07-25", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "PmWQy": "Administrative change to clean up the language necessitated from Student Services regarding Admission to the Program content area. ", "status": "Active" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AE - Associate in Engineering Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "MATH S&E", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "MATH S&E" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2022-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0173-2022-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1739482407414, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593727, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Assoc in Engineering Science", "longName": "Engineering Science (AES) Degree", "name": "Engr Sc Dg", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0173", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0173", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"236\" scope=\"row\"><p>GENERAL COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"527\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"138\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>ENGL 111<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>COMM 110<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>COMM 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Composition II <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Public Speaking<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>MATH 222<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>MATH 223<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>MATH 224<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry III<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>CHEM 130<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>General Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>HUMANITIES\/ FINE ARTS * <em> <\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>*See <a href=\"\/pages\/Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Engineering Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3 to 4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>*See <a href=\"\/pages\/Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Engineering Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES or HUMANITIES\/ FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>*See <a href=\"\/pages\/Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Engineering Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>6 to 7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"236\" scope=\"row\"><p>REQUIRED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"527\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"138\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>ENGR 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Introduction to Engineering <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>MATH 250<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Differential Equations<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>PHYS 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Engineering Physics: Mechanics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>PHYS 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>Engineering Physics: Electricity and Magnetism<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"236\" scope=\"row\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"527\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"138\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"236\"><p>MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, <\/p><p>and ENGINEERING ELECTIVES **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"527\"><p>**See <a href=\"\/pages\/Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Qn456Hk4B799HE3Tk0CF\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Engineering Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>13 to 17<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Associate in Engineering Science (AES)", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 28, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "associate in engineering science (aes) " }
Associate in Fine Arts – Art and Design – ICC0155 | Associate in Fine Arts | CM
{ "_id": "h6jElcQ1nlx6Xf9SfyDc-2024-05-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Associate in Fine Arts - Art and Design", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "50.0701", "code": "ICC0155", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1707140380964, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0155", "zSPuQ": "The Associate in Fine Arts degree in Arts and Design is designed for the art and design student planning to transfer to a baccalaureate program in the visual arts. To prepare for transfer at junior standing, students are encouraged to complete the following coursework in the Associate in Fine Arts degree in Art and Design (1) one semester of Drawing I; (2) two semesters of 2D Design and 3D Design; (3) two semesters of the survey of Western art history, ancient to modern; (4) recommended courses under their area of specialization in studio arts or graphic design.\n\nStudents completing the Associate in Fine Arts degree may need to take additional classes to complete the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) package. ", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "Art: ART 111; ART 120; ENGL 110; Mathematics; Life\/Physical Science\n\nGraphic Design: ART 111; GRDSN 140; MM 140; ENGL 110; Mathematics\n", "2ILSA": "Art: ART 151; ART 200; ART 241; ART 250; COMM 110; Social & Behavioral Sciences\n\nGraphic Design: ART 112; GRDSN 150; ART 150; Life\/Physical Science; Art Elective", "NhgHM": "Art: ART 112; ART 211; ART 150; ENGL 111; Life\/Physical Science\n\nGraphic Design: ART 120; GRDSN 142; ENGL 111; COMM 110; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "1BIqF": "Art: ART 206*; ART 222; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Art Elective; Humanities\n\nGraphic Design: GRDSN 240; ART 151; ART 222; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Life\/Physical Science", "4MEvM": "Graphic Design: Humanities", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Arts and Behavioral Sciences<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 124A<br>(309) 694-5113<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Julie Clemens, Steve Combs, David Smit, Jennifer Costa, Megan Foster-Campbell", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Associate in Fine Arts - Art and Design", "igPds": "62 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>*May substitute ART 204 for ART 206.<\/p><p>**Approved Electives for Art Studio Track: ART 142, ART 152, ART 201, ART 204, ART 205, ART 206, ART 221, ART 222, ART 241, ART 242.<\/p><p>**Approved Electives for Graphic Design Track: ART 211, ART 241, ART 200, ART 204, ART 206.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-08-30", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Jennifer Costa", "vvKL0": "<p>David Smit<\/p><p>Jennifer Costa<\/p><p>Megan Foster-Campbell<\/p><p>Anita Tuccillo<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Associate in Fine Arts - Art & Design", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester" ], "BzOLC": "<p>27-1012.00 Craft Artists;<\/p><p>27-1013.00 Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators *;<\/p><p>27-4021.00 Photographers<\/p>", "OLVfM": "Only Program", "UYmmB": "Fall 2026", "4NZ9D": "if changes will occur, many may need to remain 16", "7BoTl": "The Associate of Fine Arts degree is needed at ICC to aid in student completion, and help students in completing coursework within the financial aid allowed without going over the credit hour limit for courses that are not needed for transfer. This degree would include plans of study in Music, Graphic Design, and Art. ", "YTdw7": "No new courses at this time. ", "VuWOR": "No additional resources needed. This will simply include the formalization of plans of study using courses and resources already available. " }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "Associate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "ART & COMM" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-05-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2253", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "h6jElcQ1nlx6Xf9SfyDc-2024-05-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729273714641, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Fine Arts", "longName": "Assoc. in Fine Arts - Art and Design", "name": "AFA Art", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "programGroupId": "h6jElcQ1nlx6Xf9SfyDc", "programLengthType": "Y", "programLengthValue": 2, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "6P9D70LzTb9L0lzyXBwE", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"264\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"332\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ENGL 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>COMM 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>6<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>MATHEMATICS<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE \/ PHYSICAL SCIENCE*<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>Art History I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>HUMANITIES<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"264\" scope=\"row\"><p>REQUIRED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"332\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>2D Design<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART 112<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>3D Design<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>Drawing I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART 151<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>Art History II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART 222<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>Drawing II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART ELECTIVE**<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" data-colwidth=\"264,332\"><p><strong>SPECIALIZED COURSES (select 1 group of courses to complete)<\/strong><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><strong>CREDIT HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>ART STUDIO COURSES<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>ART 200 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>ART 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>ART 206 *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>ART 241<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>ART 250<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p>GRAPHIC DESIGN COURSES<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>GRDSN 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>GRDSN 142<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>GRDSN 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>GRDSN 240<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"264\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"332\"><p>MM 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": { "year": "2025", "id": "2251", "semester": 1 }, "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Associate in Fine Arts - Art and Design", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 12, "parentName": "", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "sortTitle": "associate in fine arts - art and design" }
Associate in Fine Arts – Music – ICC0154 | Associate in Fine Arts | CM
{ "_id": "oA8iv7N5JpcVlG6DmSdH-2024-05-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Associate in Fine Arts - Music", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "50.0901", "code": "ICC0154", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1707140481639, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0154", "zSPuQ": "The Associate in Fine Arts degree in Music study is designed for the music student planning to transfer to a baccalaureate program in music education, music performance, or other professional music degree. To prepare for transfer at junior standing, students are encouraged to complete the following coursework in the Associate in Fine Arts degree in music: (1) four semesters of music theory; (2) four semesters of applied music (private instruction); (3) four semesters of class piano, as needed; (4) four semesters of participation in one or more large ensembles. There are multiple large ensembles in which all ICC students are invited to participate: Concert Band, Hard Bop Jazz Band, Concert Choir, Guitar Ensemble, and ICC Vocal Jazz. Music students are required to participated in a large ensemble each semester they enroll in Applied lessons. Large ensembles present public concerts at ICC, high schools, and for special groups throughout the college district. \n\nStudents completing the Associate in Fine Arts degree may need to take additional classes to complete the IAI General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) package. ", "xxK0B": "<p>Illinois Central College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). <\/p>", "D3XAk": "MUS 136, if needed", "K5Vlu": "Applied Music; Large Ensemble; MUS 110; MUS 170; MUS 180; ENGL 110; Mathematics; MUS 148", "2ILSA": "Applied Music; Large Ensemble; MUS 210; MUS 270; MUS 280; COMM 110; Life Science", "NhgHM": "Applied Music; Large Ensemble; MUS 111; MUS 171; MUS 181; ENGL 111; PSY 110; Physical Science", "1BIqF": "Applied Music; Large Ensemble; MUS 211; MUS 271; MUS 281; Humanities; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p>A score of 70% or better on the music theory placement exam or successful completion of MUS 136, and diagnostic audition in primary performance area. <\/p>", "fAeYe": "<p>Arts and Behavioral Sciences<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 124A<br>(309) 694-5113<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Julie Clemens, Steve Combs, David Smit, Jennifer Costa", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Associate in Fine Arts - Music", "igPds": "63", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-02-22", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Julie Clemens", "vvKL0": "<p>Julie Clemens<\/p><p>Anthony Jones<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Associate in Fine Arts - Music", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester", "Spring Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Production Artist, Graphic Designer, Art Director, Curator, Illustrator, Professional Artist \u2013 Painter, Sculptor, Printmaker, Photographer, Ceramicist", "BzOLC": "<p>27-2042.00 Musicians and Singers<\/p>", "OLVfM": "Only Program", "UYmmB": "Fall 2026", "4NZ9D": "In discussion, many will need to stay 16 week", "7BoTl": "The Associate of Fine Arts degree is needed at ICC to aid in student completion, and help students in completing coursework within the financial aid allowed without going over the credit hour limit for courses that are not needed for transfer. This degree would include plans of study in Music, Graphic Design, and Art. ", "YTdw7": "No new courses at this time. ", "VuWOR": "No additional resources needed. This will simply include the formalization of plans of study using courses and resources already available. " }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "Associate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "ART & COMM" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-05-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2253", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "oA8iv7N5JpcVlG6DmSdH-2024-05-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729273676691, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "The Student will be able to", "justification": "\u2022\tdemonstrate ability to play scales and arpeggios on the piano\n\u2022\tplay an open score on the piano\n\u2022\tvisually and aurally identify, analyze and play on the piano chromatic harmonies \n\u2022\tdemonstrate an understanding of modulations through visual and aural identification, analysis, composition, and ability to play on the piano \n\u2022\tsight read vocally, at the piano, on primary instrument \n\u2022\timprovise at the piano, and on primary instrument\n\u2022\tplay standard piano repertoire \n\u2022\tperform as a member in an ensemble\n\u2022\ttranspose piano selections \n\u2022\ttranspose scores of transposing instruments\n\u2022\tdemonstrate knowledge of triads and seventh chords and their inversions through visual and aural identification, analysis, and composition \n\u2022\tcreate harmonic progressions using the circle of fifths pattern\n\u2022\tdemonstrate a knowledge of chord functions through visual and aural identification, analysis and composition\n\u2022\tanalyze larger structural forms \n\u2022\tdemonstrate an understanding of 4-pt voice leading through visual and aural identification, analysis, composition, and ability to play on the piano \n\u2022\tdemonstrate an understanding of enharmonic functions through identification, analysis and composition\n\u2022\texplore late-nineteenth century and 20th century compositional techniques and styles\n\u2022\tdemonstrate an understanding of 12-tone technique and analysis\n\u2022\tevaluate cultural activities in school, community and broadcast media\n\u2022\tidentify the fundamental precepts essential to intelligent listening of music\n\u2022\tcharacterize the African and European influences in the development of American Music\n\u2022\texplain the historical and cultural contexts in which music is written and performed\n\u2022\tcompare and contrast the historical styles of Western Music\n\u2022\tdevelop musical artistry in performance\n\u2022\tdiscover music literature appropriate to primary instrument\n\u2022\tacquire and develop competency in technique on primary instrument\n\u2022\tperform repertoire from a variety of historical periods and cultures", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Associate in Fine Arts", "longName": "Associate in Fine Arts - Music", "name": "AFA Music", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "programGroupId": "dJohJ3CNn7AfL6SW1thq", "programLengthType": "Y", "programLengthValue": 2, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "nwT98m7w9dtPj8RcSVaB", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"471\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th colspan=\"2\" data-colwidth=\"78,100\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>ENGL 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>COMM 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>PSY 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Introduction to Psychology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MATHEMATICS<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE \/ PHYSICAL SCIENCE*<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 148<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Introduction to American Music<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>HUMANITIES (INTST if possible)<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"gbqhiXhWF0995rjXQQ2i\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Fine Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\" scope=\"row\"><p>REQUIRED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"471\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th colspan=\"2\" data-colwidth=\"78,100\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>Applied Music Courses<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>Large Ensemble Courses<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Class Piano I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Class Piano II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 210<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Class Piano III<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Class Piano IV<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 170<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Theory I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 171<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Theory II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 180<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Musicianship I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 181<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Musicianship II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 270 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Theory III<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 271<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Theory IV<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 280<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Musicianship III<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MUS 281<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"471\"><p>Musicianship IV<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"78\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"100\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": { "year": "2025", "id": "2251", "semester": 1 }, "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Associate in Fine Arts - Music", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 11, "parentName": "", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "sortTitle": "associate in fine arts - music" }
Associate in General Studies (AGS) – ICC0003 | Assoc in General Studies | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0003-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Associate in General Studies (AGS)", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "24.0102", "code": "ICC0003", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1707499681466, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0003", "zSPuQ": "In addition to the General Requirements for a degree listed in the current College Catalog, candidates for the Associate in General Studies (AGS) degree must complete the degree with an overall grade point average of 2.00 for all courses counted towards graduation. Graduates must complete a minimum of 60 credit hours all labeled Transfer Course (TC) or Occupational Course (OC). ", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "English\/Communication; Electives", "2ILSA": "Laboratory Science; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Electives", "NhgHM": "Mathematics; Humanities\/Fine Arts; Electives", "1BIqF": "English\/Communication; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Electives", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Advisement and Counseling Services<br>East Peoria Campus; Room L220<br>(309) 694-5281<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>See <a href=\"\/pages\/cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in General Studies Degree Requirements<\/a> for specific courses that meet the general education requirements.<\/p>", "NFUSx": true, "cnba8": "Associate in General Studies (AGS)", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for <a href=\"\/pages\/cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in General Studies Degree Requirements<\/a> page.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Human & Public Service", "RXLTy": "Education & Training", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2024-01-31", "hRP0F": "General Studies", "KbMWy": "A general studies degree can lead to careers in various industries, or to further your education at a four-year institution", "BzOLC": "<p>25-1199.00 Postsecondary Teachers, All Others<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": true, "lWQwc": "1968-05-01", "5ATC7": "64", "sckmt": "1800", "nw8kM": "60", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "vCGmZ": "Course options and minor changes language that aligns better with the Online Catalog.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "D0Czi": "Advisor recommended change to sequencing", "8eiko": [ "Recommended sequence" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AGE - Associate in General Studies", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "COUNSELING", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "COUNSELING" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "10", "id": "ICC0003-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729775711705, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593727, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Assoc in General Studies", "longName": "General Studies Degree", "name": "GenStudsDg", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "parentName": "", "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0003", "programLengthType": "Y", "programLengthValue": 2, "rawSisId": "ICC0003", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"335\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"412\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"335\"><p>ENGLISH\/COMMUNICATION * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in General Studies Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>6<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"335\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in General Studies Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>6<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"335\"><p>MATHEMATICS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in General Studies Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"335\"><p>LABORATORY SCIENCE<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in General Studies Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"335\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cxXLkkOvBVn8u3YNDRb9\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in General Studies Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"335\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"412\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"335\"><p>ELECTIVES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>38 to 42<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [ { "id": "AGEDCFA", "code": "AGEDCFA", "name": "DualCrFA", "longName": "AGS Dual Credit Financial Aid", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2017-05-01", "cipCode": "24.0102", "hegisCode": "10", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "AGEDCFA", "firstTermValid": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "AGESSFA", "code": "AGESSFA", "name": "StrongStFA", "longName": "AGS Strong Start Financial Aid", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2017-05-01", "cipCode": "24.0102", "hegisCode": "10", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "AGESSFA", "firstTermValid": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "AGRIO0022S", "code": "AGRIO0022S", "name": "Pre-Diesel", "longName": "Pre-Diesel Powered Equipment T", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "01.0205", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "AGRIO0022S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "AGRIO0197S", "code": "AGRIO0197S", "name": "Pre-CATTK", "longName": "Pre-Caterpillar Dealer Service", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "47.0605", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "AGRIO0197S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ENIN0219S", "code": "ENIN0219S", "name": "Pre-GMAuto", "longName": "Pre-GM Auto Service Educ Prog", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "47.0604", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to General Motors Automotive Service Educational Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ENIN0219S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0019S", "code": "HCSV0019S", "name": "Pre-RN", "longName": "Pre-Registered Nurse APPSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.3801", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to the Registered Nurse Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0019S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0021S", "code": "HCSV0021S", "name": "Pre-PTA", "longName": "Pre-Physical TherapistAst APSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0806", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Physical Therapist Assistant Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0021S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0035P", "code": "HCSV0035P", "name": "Pre-LPN", "longName": "Pre-Licensed Pract Nurse CERT", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2020-04-01", "cipCode": "51.0000", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Licensed Practical Nurse", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0035P", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0037S", "code": "HCSV0037S", "name": "Pre-LabTec", "longName": "Pre-Medical Lab Tech APPSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.1004", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Medical Laboratory Technician Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0037S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0040P", "code": "HCSV0040P", "name": "Pre-MOAA", "longName": "Pre-Medical Office AdmAst CERT", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2020-04-01", "cipCode": "51.0000", "hegisCode": "12", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Medical Office Administrative Assistant", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0040P", "firstTermValid": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0048S", "code": "HCSV0048S", "name": "Pre-DenHyg", "longName": "Pre-Dental Hygienist APPSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0602", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Dental Hygienist Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0048S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0080S", "code": "HCSV0080S", "name": "Pre-OTA", "longName": "Pre-Occup Therapy Asst APPSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0803", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Occupational Therapy Assistant Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0080S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0084S", "code": "HCSV0084S", "name": "Pre-Radiog", "longName": "Pre-Radiographer APPSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0911", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Radiographer Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0084S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0126S", "code": "HCSV0126S", "name": "Pre-Respir", "longName": "Pre-Respiratory Therapist APSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0908", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to the Respiratory Therapist Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0126S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0217S", "code": "HCSV0217S", "name": "Pre-HIT", "longName": "Pre-Health Information Tech", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2020-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0707", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2213", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to the Health Information Technology Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0217S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0218P", "code": "HCSV0218P", "name": "Pre-MedCod", "longName": "Pre-Medical Coder CERT", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2020-04-01", "cipCode": "51.0000", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2143", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Medical Coder Certificate", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0218P", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0220P", "code": "HCSV0220P", "name": "Pre-Massag", "longName": "Pre-Massage Therapist CERT", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2020-04-01", "cipCode": "51.0000", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2143", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Massage Therapist", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0220P", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0229S", "code": "HCSV0229S", "name": "Pre-Parame", "longName": "Pre-Paramedic APPSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0904", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Paramedic Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0229S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0241S", "code": "HCSV0241S", "name": "Pre-SurgTc", "longName": "Pre-Surgical Technologist APSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2014-07-01", "cipCode": "51.0909", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2153", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to the Surgical Technologist Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0241S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0248P", "code": "HCSV0248P", "name": "Pre-MedAst", "longName": "Pre-Medical Assistant CERT", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2020-04-01", "cipCode": "51.0000", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2143", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Medical Assistant", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0248P", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "HCSV0252S", "code": "HCSV0252S", "name": "PreHlth-RN", "longName": "Pre-Healthcare Prof to RN APSC", "type": "TRK", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2020-05-01", "cipCode": "51.3801", "hegisCode": "12", "firstTermValid": "2211", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "transcriptDescription": "Pre-Admission to Healthcare Professional to RN Completion Program", "printOnTranscript": true, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "HCSV0252S", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "diplomaDescription": "" } ], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Associate in General Studies (AGS)", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 4, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "sortTitle": "associate in general studies (ags)" }
Associate in Science (AS) – ICC0264 | Associate in Science | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0264-2017-12-01", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0264", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1637131958148, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0264", "zSPuQ": "<p>In addition to the General Requirements for Degrees listed in the current College Catalog, candidates for the Associate in Science (AS) degree must complete at least 60 credit hours of Transfer Credit (TC) courses including the General Education requirements. Students must maintain an overall grade point average of 2.00. See related pages of the current College Catalog for further Illinois Articulation Agreement (IAI) description. Student completing the Associate in Science degree may need to take additional classes to complete the IAI General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) package. All students must complete the specific degree requirements in effect for the AS degree according to the Catalog of Record listed in their academic records, see Catalog of Record page for more information. <\/p><p>ICC\u2019s courses approved by the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) are posted on the itransfer website: While a foreign language is not required for graduation at ICC, students are strongly advised to check the requirements of the program at the college or university to which they intend to transfer. <\/p>", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "ENGL 110; Life Science; Mathematics; Electives", "2ILSA": "Social & Behavioral Sciences; Mathematics; Physical Science; Electives", "NhgHM": "ENGL 111; Communication; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Fine Arts; Electives", "1BIqF": "Humanities; Life Science\/Physical Science; Electives", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Advisement and Counseling<br>East Peoria Campus, Career Center Room CC200<br>(309) 694-5281<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>See <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a> for specific courses that meet the general education requirements.<\/p><p>See <a href=\"\/pages\/LrbuYY4g07tp554kn08w\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"LrbuYY4g07tp554kn08w\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">IAI\/ICC General Education Course Alignment<\/a> for specific courses at Illinois Central College that meet IAI requirements.<\/p>", "NFUSx": true, "cnba8": "Associate in Science (AS)", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements on the <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a> page<\/p>", "xeM27": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "RXLTy": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "BzOLC": "<p>25-1199.00 Postsecondary Teachers, All Other<\/p>", "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>English 508;<\/p><p>Comm 509;<\/p><p>SS&BS 570;<\/p><p>Math 506;<\/p><p>Science 12;<\/p><p>Hum\/FA 571<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>English 801; 88 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>Comm 802; 88 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>SS&BS: ECON 3; GEOG 838; HIST\/INTST 5; POLSC 7; PSY 8; SOC 10; PSY\/SOC limit 41; 97 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>Math: Group 1 805; 826; 32 (Pseudo); Group 2 806; 95 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>Science: Life 43; 830; 93 (Pseudo); PhySci 14; 35 (Pseudo); Group 2 825; Lab 34; <\/p><p>Hum\/FA: Humanities 807; Fine Arts 808; Humanities 92 (Pseudo); Fine Arts 91 (Pseudo)<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Electives", "9Zc6g": "<p>TC electives 514<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>ACCTG-CHILD 54;<\/p><p>CHN-ENGR 104;<\/p><p>FCS-MKTG 105;<\/p><p>MM-PHIL 106;<\/p><p>PHYED-PHYSC 107;<\/p><p>POLSC-THTRE 108;<\/p><p>PSUEDO transfer courses 80<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>GPA\/RES 32<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>none<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 628, "lWQwc": "2012-08-20", "5ATC7": "60", "sckmt": "900", "nw8kM": "60", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "mQAf3": "2024-07-25", "7BoTl": "Updating based on General Education changes approved and to update language to align better with the online catalog.", "vCGmZ": "Course options and minor changes to language.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AS - Associate in Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "ICCOL", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "ICCOL" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2017-12-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0264-2017-12-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1732561656977, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Science", "longName": "Associate in Science", "name": "AS", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0264", "programLengthType": "Y", "programLengthValue": 2, "rawSisId": "ICC0264", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"490\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"137\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMMUNICATION<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>6 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>MATHEMATICS<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>6 to 9 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/ PHYSICAL SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>10 to 11 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>FINE ARTS<em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>HUMANITIES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"490\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"137\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ELECTIVES <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"490\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>23 to 27<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [ { "id": "ICC0264001", "code": "ICC0264001", "name": "Accountanc", "longName": "Accountancy", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264001", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264002", "code": "ICC0264002", "name": "Agricultur", "longName": "Agriculture", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264002", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264003", "code": "ICC0264003", "name": "Architect", "longName": "Architecture", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264003", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264004", "code": "ICC0264004", "name": "Art", "longName": "Art", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264004", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264006", "code": "ICC0264006", "name": "Biology", "longName": "Biology", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264006", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264007", "code": "ICC0264007", "name": "Bus Admin", "longName": "Business Administration", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264007", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264008", "code": "ICC0264008", "name": "Chemistry", "longName": "Chemistry", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264008", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264009", "code": "ICC0264009", "name": "CIS - Busi", "longName": "CIS - Business", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264009", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264010", "code": "ICC0264010", "name": "CIS - Tech", "longName": "CIS - Technical", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264010", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264012", "code": "ICC0264012", "name": "Crim Just", "longName": "Criminal Justice", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264012", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264013", "code": "ICC0264013", "name": "Dance", "longName": "Dance", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264013", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264014", "code": "ICC0264014", "name": "Dietetics", "longName": "Dietetics", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264014", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264015", "code": "ICC0264015", "name": "Economics", "longName": "Economics", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264015", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264016", "code": "ICC0264016", "name": "Educ Elem", "longName": "Education (Elementary)", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264016", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264017", "code": "ICC0264017", "name": "Educ Secon", "longName": "Education (Secondary)", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264017", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264018", "code": "ICC0264018", "name": "Educ Spec", "longName": "Education (Special)", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264018", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264019", "code": "ICC0264019", "name": "Engineer", "longName": "Engineering", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264019", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264020", "code": "ICC0264020", "name": "English", "longName": "English", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264020", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264021", "code": "ICC0264021", "name": "Environ Sc", "longName": "Environmental Science", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264021", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264022", "code": "ICC0264022", "name": "Fam & Cons", "longName": "Family & Consumer Science", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264022", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264023", "code": "ICC0264023", "name": "Foreign La", "longName": "Foreign Language", "type": "AOS", "status": "Active", "effectiveStartDate": "2016-12-01", "cipCode": "24.0101", "hegisCode": "11", "firstTermValid": "2176", "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "L", "transcriptLevel": "20", "evaluateSubplan": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "printOnDiploma": false, "showInCatalog": false, "rawSisId": "ICC0264023", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "transcriptDescription": "", "diplomaDescription": "" }, { "id": "ICC0264024", "code": "ICC0264024", "name": "Geography", "longName": 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Automotive Technology – ENIN0024 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "ENIN0024-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Automotive Technology", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "47.0604", "code": "ENIN0024", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1701794675532, "customFields": { "code": "ENIN0024", "files": [ { "name": "AUTOMOTIVE_PROGRAM_ AAS_DEGREE DRAFT 2023.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1696859787679\/UddWwRUui4zR.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "AUTO_Advisory_Committee_Meeting_12-10-2021.docx", "path": "files\/form\/1696859798930\/kTKgzX0R0dgn.docx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "Automotive_Program_Advisory_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_11.16.22.docx", "path": "files\/form\/1696859806658\/nqt1uRyqiOk0.docx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "Automotive Program Advisory Committee Minutes 3.21.23.docx", "path": "files\/form\/1696859813207\/KuaemFGkQAWx.docx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Automotive Technology Associate in Applied Science degree program is to prepare students for employment as an entry-level technician to be employed by automobile dealers, independent repair shops, mass merchandisers, auto manufacturers, part and component distributors, and other service oriented businesses. \u00a0\u00a0", "xxK0B": "Automotive Service Excellence Educational Foundation (ASEEF) certified program.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "AUTO 110; AUTO 111; AUTO 114; AUTO 119; AUTO 150 (optional); English", "2ILSA": "AUTO 152 (optional); AUTO 201; AUTO 204; AUTO 234; Social & Behavioral Sciences or Humanities\/Fine Arts", "NhgHM": "AUTO 115; AUTO 116; AUTO 117; AUTO 151 (optional); Mathematics or AGBUS 118", "1BIqF": "AUTO 218; AUTO 243; AUTO 250 (if not taken AUTO 150, 151, 152); Communication", "4MEvM": "AUTO 129; AUTO 244", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "qznvI": "Students participate in an eight week internship during their sophomore year.\u00a0 Students are encouraged to take the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) exams, an evaluation program that qualifies the student as a technician in other states as well.\u00a0 See Program Chair for materials and resourse requirement for program classes.\u00a0\u00a0", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Automotive Technology", "igPds": "60", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Applied Science Degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Transportation Distribution & Logistics", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Todd Fortier", "vvKL0": "<p>Todd Fortier<\/p><p>Thomas Wester<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Automotive Technology", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Automotive Technician, Maintenance Light Repair Technician, Service Manager, Service Writer, Parts Counterperson, Fleet Technician", "yJWsK": [ "Apprenticeship Program", "No Cost\/Low Cost Program" ], "BzOLC": "<p>49-2093.00 Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment *;<\/p><p>49-3023.00 Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>86<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>ENGL 553; 98 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>COMM 124; 98 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>SSBS 125; 103 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>H\/FA 732; 100 (Pseudo); 143 (Pseudo);<\/p><p>Math 129; 102 (Pseudo); Subtract 827; AUTO 115 - 746<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>87<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>251<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Course Options", "9Zc6g": "<p>Internship Options 707<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>150s - 924<\/p><p>250 - 927<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>583<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>none<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 347, "lWQwc": "1990-06-01", "5ATC7": "76", "sckmt": "1207", "nw8kM": "60", "OLVfM": "Only Program", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Mostly 16 week with a few 8 week courses", "7BoTl": "The AUTO 213 course has lost its value to the industry we serve. \u00a0The course originally was designed for Automotive students to have a direct hire into Caterpillar. \u00a0Through the revisions of the accreditation standards the tasks previously performed in AUTO 213 are now covered in AUTO 218. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0This would lesson the number of Credit hours for the program and also decrease the contact hours for the students. \u00a0 The programs tool requirement was seen as a potential barrier to enrollment. \u00a0In modifying the admission requirements we can remove this tool requirement. \u00a0", "vCGmZ": "Remove AUTO 213. \u00a0Reflect the changes to Auto 250. \u00a0The change to AUTO 250 was to reduce the credit hours to 3 from the previous 4. \u00a0Modify the Admission into the program. \u00a0", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "YTdw7": "AUTO 150; 151, 152 (INTERNSHIPS)", "dlMz0": [ "Removing Courses", "Credit Hours", "Course Sequence", "Adding Courses" ], "5RurG": "Allowing Students the options to take AUTO 150, 151, and 152 in place of AUTO 250", "Yfdez": "No", "hWlc4": "No", "WkzmX": "Reducing the General Education Hours \nCurrently 63 Semester hours fall 2023.\nNew 60 Semester hours starting fall 2024\nAdding AUTO 150, AUTO 151, and AUTO 152 as options for AUTO 250 internships\n\n" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [ { "degreeMapName": "Untitled Degree Map", "semesters": [], "id": "BovjccWhuB", "isActive": false, "sisId": "", "termScheme": "", "degreeMapNarrative": "" } ], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of Automotive Technology", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "ENIN0024-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729942887942, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate the necessary skills of an entry-level automotive technician.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive electrical systems.\n2. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive transmissions and transaxles systems.\n3. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive manual drive train and axles systems.\n4. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive suspension and steering systems.\n5. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive brake systems.\n6. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive heating and air conditioning systems.\n7. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive engine repair.\n8. Students will demonstrate in the automotive lab the skills required to work within the automotive engine performance.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will demonstrate professional behaviors in the workplace.", "justification": "1. Students will attend regularly throughout internship.\n2. Students will follow ethical practices while doing repair orders.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the physics principles used in automotive technology.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Ohm\u2019s law.\n2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Pascal\u2019s law.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Automotive Technology", "name": "Auto Tech", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "ENIN0024", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "ENIN0024", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>GENERAL <\/strong>EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"478\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>ENGLISH<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>COMMUNICATION *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES <em> <\/em>or HUMANITIES \/ FINE ARTS*<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MATHEMATICS *<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>AGBUS 118<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Agricultural Computations<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 115 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Fuel and Ignitions Systems for Gasoline Engines <\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"478\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Internal Combustion Engines <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Introduction to Automotive Technology <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 114 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Motor Vehicle Electrical Systems <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 116 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Electrical Accessory Circuits <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p> AUTO 117 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Manual Transmission and Drive Axles<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 119 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Automotive Suspensions, Steering and Alignment<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 129 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Automotive Air Conditioning Systems <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 150<\/p><p>and <\/p><p>AUTO 151<\/p><p>and<\/p><p>AUTO 152<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>AUTO 250<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Automotive Maintenance Internship<\/p><p>and<\/p><p>Automotive Repair Internship<\/p><p>and<\/p><p>Automotive Technician Internship<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Automotive Internship<\/p><\/td><td><p>1<\/p><p>and<\/p><p>1<\/p><p>and<\/p><p>1 <\/p><p>or <\/p><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 201 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Engine Machining and Rebuilding <\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 204 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Automotive Brake Systems <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 218<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Motor Vehicle Electronics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 234 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Automotive Transmissions <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 243 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Shop Practices <\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>AUTO 244 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"478\"><p>Emissions and Driveability<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Automotive Technology", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 9, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "automotive technology" }
Basic Construction – ENIN 0272 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "G5a5AY5RB3Kwwj2TNj7i-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Basic Construction", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "46.0415", "code": "ENIN 0272", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1697635100729, "customFields": { "code": "ENIN0272", "zSPuQ": "This certificate gives the student entry-level skills and knowledge necessary for an entry-level position in the commercial construction industry and other industry-related organizations. The program focuses on industry-related terminology, careers in construction, construction safety, construction project plans, methods and materials, as well as construction documentation and graphics.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 120; CNST 110; CNST 115; CNST 120; CNST 125; CNST 130", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "N\/A", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>At least thirty percent (30%) of the total program of study required for the certificate must be completed in residence at Illinois Central College.<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Dana King\nMargaret Swanson", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Basic Construction", "igPds": "16", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Architecture & Construction", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-09-27", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Jim Eller", "vvKL0": "<p>Jim Eller<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/rGCLxih40SHpNFlYYXq3\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"rGCLxih40SHpNFlYYXq3\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "AIT_King_Dana_Basic Consruction Certificate.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717777458726\/SOZmAnmcd7a6.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Construction\/Basic", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester", "Spring Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Construction Worker", "BzOLC": "<p>47-1011.00 First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>676<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>CNST 890<\/p><p>CMPSC 187<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 1234, "lWQwc": "2023-07-01", "5ATC7": "16", "sckmt": "480", "nw8kM": "16", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "ENIN0270 Construction Management Technology AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Fully offered in 8 week format currently", "7BoTl": "Local construction employers have recently come to Dr. Quirk-Bailey requesting the college help them with building the workforce in the construction sector, specifically construction managers. An AAS degree in Construction Management Technology is being proposed, which includes two stackable certificates. This Basic Construction Certificate is the first proposed certificate. Labor market data and employer letters of support show a need for additional construction workers in our district.", "YTdw7": "CNST 110 Construction Safety - OSHA 30\nCNST 115 Introduction to Construction\nCNST 120 Construction Plans & Specifications\nCNST 125 Construction Methods & Materials I\nCNST 130 CAD\/BIM", "VuWOR": "Faculty\nComputer Lab\nCad\/BIM Software\nConstruction Lab Space (with overhead clearance & large doors)\nVarious equipment for teaching wood, steel, concrete, roofing - wall, etc.\nConsumables", "8eiko": [ "Program layout", "Recommended sequence" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "Certificate - Undergraduate 1-2 Years", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "G5a5AY5RB3Kwwj2TNj7i-2024-07-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729942777172, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate knowledge of the creation and use of construction documents, materials, and information needed as a basic construction worker. ", "justification": "1. Students will identify career path options in the construction skilled trades.\n2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of materials and methods as required to carry out work on a construction project.\n3. Students will use 2-D drawings and 3-D modeling to produce industry-based documentation.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate the appropriate skills for a basic construction worker.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate skills in communication, decision-making, and team work enabling them to work as a productive member of a construction team.\n2. Students will read and interpret information from blueprints and specifications.\n3. Students will demonstrate the safe use of materials and methods needed to work on a construction project.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate ethical behaviors as a basic construction worker.", "justification": "1. Students will recognize basic safety hazards on a construction site and standard prevention measures.\n2. Students will demonstrate ethical behaviors when interacting with fellow students.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Basic Construction", "name": "BASIC CNST", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "G5a5AY5RB3Kwwj2TNj7i", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 5, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "tmp2n1qJiLekQ3Gp1bbt", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\"><p><strong>PROGRAM COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"520\"><p><strong>TITLES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"135\"><p><strong>CREDIT HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CMPSC 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Business Computer Systems<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Introduction to Construction<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Safety - OSHA 30<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Plans & Specifications<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 125 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Methods & Materials I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 130<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>CAD\/BIM<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": [], "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Basic Construction", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "Certificate", "version": 12, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "basic construction", "stacksTo": "ENIN0270" }
Biology – ICC0264006 | Associate in Science | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0264006-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0264006", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641507452009, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "ICC0264006", "zSPuQ": "Students identified as biological science majors take two years of basic work, followed by a major in a specific area of interest. Many occupations depend on an interest in and an aptitude for life science, including fish and wildlife service, forester, biochemist, biologist, zoologist, botanist, ecologist, oceanographer, teacher, pharmacologist, etc. Biology majors are usually interested in the study of organisms and life functions, and have a great interest in the natural world. Topics pursued range from subcellular particles to vast populations. Since each living organism is part of a larger interacting system, biology is intertwined with other important fields of study. Knowledge of biology is centered on understanding much of the world and life around us.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "BIOL 160; CHEM 130; MATH 222; ENGL 110", "2ILSA": "CHEM 220; PHYS 120; COMM 110 or COMM 212; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "NhgHM": "BIOL 161; CHEM 132; MATH 223 or MATH 211; ENGL 111", "1BIqF": "CHEM 230; PHYS 121; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Fine Arts; Humanities", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Math, Science, and Engineering<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 320B<br>(309) 694-5365<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Biology", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Science degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "RXLTy": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "Hk6pU": "Amy Goode; Kristin Jacobson Flex", "vvKL0": "<p>Amy Goode<\/p><p>Kristin Jacobson Flex<\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "ICC CurriculumMap AS 2023_Biology.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700171549856\/ekeUrdcgNL7K.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Biology", "KbMWy": "Forester, Conservation Biologist, Biological Technician or Researcher, Biochemist, Zoologist, Botanist, Ecologist, Oceanographer, Teacher, Fisheries or Wildlife Manager, Park Ranger, Pharmacologist, Genetic Counselor, Dentist, Physician, and many more", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AS - Associate in Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "MATH S&E", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "MATH S&E" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0264006-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1713900161788, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Science", "longName": "Biology", "name": "Biology", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0264006", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0264006", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"252\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"505\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>COMM 212 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Public Speaking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>6 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>MATH 222 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry I<\/p><\/td><td><p>5 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>MATH 223 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>MATH 211 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry II<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Statistical Analysis<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>BIOL 160 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Bioprinciples I<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>BIOL 161 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Bioprinciples II<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>CHEM 130 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>General Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>HUMANITIES * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>FINE ARTS * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"252\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"505\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>CHEM 132 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>General Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>CHEM 220 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Organic Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td><p>5 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>PHYS 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>General Physics<\/p><\/td><td><p>5 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>PHYS 121 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>General Physics<\/p><\/td><td><p>5 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"252\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"505\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"252\"><p>CHEM 230 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"505\"><p>Organic Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 14, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Biology", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Biology", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "biology" }
Business – BUSOC0061 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0061-2023-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Business", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "52.0201", "code": "BUSOC0061", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1677222837172, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0061", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Associate in Applied Science Business degree is to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge in fundamental business concepts including accounting, business math, management,\u00a0customer service, finance, and marketing to gain entry-level employment in a variety of business enterprises.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "BUS 100; CMPSC 120; ENGL 110; MGMT 113; MKTG 112", "2ILSA": "ACCTG 101; BUS 215; MGMT 214; MKTG 201; Science\/Mathematics", "NhgHM": "BUS 120; BUS 121; COMM 110 or COMM 212; ECON 110; MGMT 205", "1BIqF": "BUS 240; BUS 260; Humanities\/Fine Arts; MGMT 213; MGMT 216", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>The Associate in Applied Science Business program of study is designed for students preparing for professional positions of responsibility at a variety of business enterprises. The program offers courses in accounting, business math, management, customer service, finance, sales, marketing, human resource management, and professional development. Students complete an internship in an approved business where they gain practical experience. Program requirements can be completed in four semesters of full-time study or on a part-time basis. The program is not designed for college transfer, although some courses may transfer with approval from four-year institutions.<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Business", "igPds": "60 to 61", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Business Management & Administration", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-02-22", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Dan Kelly", "vvKL0": "<p>Dan Kelly<\/p><p>Adam Saatkamp<\/p><p>Jennifer Spengler<\/p><p>Scott Paulson<\/p><p>Dorothy Dean<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p>BUSCO0105 Business Specialist Certificate<\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p>None<\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0105\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0105\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0226\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0226\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0106\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0106\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0007\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0007\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Business: Office \/ Management ", "KbMWy": "Human Resources Assistant, Inside Sales Representative, Sales Support Specialist, Retail Management, Customer Service Representative", "BzOLC": "<p>13.1071.00 Human Resources Specialists *;<\/p><p>11-2022.00 Sales Managers<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>479<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>ENGL 110 553 (98)<\/p><p>COMM 802 (98)<\/p><p>ECON 110 496<\/p><p>BUS 120 338 (102)<\/p><p>SCI\/MATH 137 (102), 129, minus 827<\/p><p>H\/FA 732 (100), 143<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>480<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>777<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>607<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 838, "lWQwc": "2014-10-24", "5ATC7": "68", "sckmt": "1037", "nw8kM": "60", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "None", "5KtCS": "BUSOC0105 Business Specialist Certificate\nBUSOC0226 Entrepreneurship Certificate\nBUSOC0106 Accounting Bookkeeper Certificate\nBUSOC0007 Office Assistant Certificate", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "47mSM": "<p>BUSOC0106 Accounting Bookkeeper Certificate<\/p>", "7jc45": "<p>BUSOC0007 Office Assistant Certificate <\/p>", "VuWOR": "Classroom space some equipped with computers and smart room technology.", "vCGmZ": "We are adding some flexibility to the students general education requirements, altering the course requirements for finance, and modifying the recommended sequence.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "D0Czi": "There are too many \"spring only\" courses in the program which leaves students little room for error when it comes to spring courses. We are changing the sequence so we can make MGMT 214 a fall course and balance the offerings. The change moves MGMT 214 to the fall (3rd semester) and COMM 110 to the spring (2nd semester).\n\nAlso removing ECON 105 from the layout as it is going to be withdrawn.", "8eiko": [ "Recommended sequence" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "A", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of Business", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2023-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0061-2023-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729813989114, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will be able to demonstrate excellent customer service and professionalism with stakeholders.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to employ strategies to enhance business relationships.\n\n2. Students will be able to relate customer service principles to work scenarios.\n\n3. Students will develop an understanding of customer behavior.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will be able to demonstrate effective communication skills.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to obtain information that impacts business decisions.\n\n2. Students will be able to convey ideas and information that impact business decisions and report on organizational activities.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will be able to demonstrate best business practices in management.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the functions of management that achieve organizational goals.\n\n2. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of leadership in contributing to successful business operations.\n\n3. Students will be able to analyze workplace problems and formulate ethical solutions.\n\n4. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of technology in business.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 4 Graduates will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of law and ethics in business.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to identify personal and workplace consequences of unethical or illegal behaviors.\n\n2. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of organizational policies and procedures.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 5 Graduates will be able to manage the use of financial resources to protect a business's fiscal well-being.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to construct or interpret financial statements.\n\n2. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of financial resources to maintain business solvency.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 6 Graduates will be able to demonstrate best business practices in marketing. ", "justification": "1. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the marketing mix.\n\n2. Students will be able to use modern professional sales techniques to build relationships with customers.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Business", "name": "Business", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0061", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0061", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"262\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"512\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit Hours<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p> Composition I<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>COMM 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Public Speaking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ECON 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Principles of Macroeconomics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>BUS 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Business Mathematics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MATHEMATICS\/SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 to 4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"262\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"512\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ACCTG 101<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Survey of Accounting<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>BUS 100<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Professional Development for Employees<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>BUS 121<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Principles of Customer Services<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>BUS 215<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Legal Environment of Business<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>BUS 240<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Personal Finance<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>BUS 260<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Business Internship<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>CMPSC 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Business Computer Systems<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MGMT 113<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Principles of Management<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MGMT 205<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Human Resource Management<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MGMT 213<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Management Cases and Problems<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MGMT 214<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Managing Technology<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MGMT 216<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Entrepreneurship<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MKTG 112<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Principles of Marketing<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MKTG 201<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"512\"><p>Sales<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Business", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 15, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "business" }
Business Administration – ICC0254007 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254007-2022-08-15", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254007", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1661865284172, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254007", "zSPuQ": "The Business Administration area of study is for students intending to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelor\u00b4s degree in business-oriented fields such as general management, marketing, advertising, finance, and production management. Specialty courses in the student\u00b4s major are usually taken at the transfer institution during the junior and senior years.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 120 or MATH 115; COMM 110; ENGL 110; Humanities; Life Science", "2ILSA": "ACCTG 120; BUS 215; ECON 110; Physical Science", "NhgHM": "BUS 110; ENGL 111; Fine Arts; MATH 135; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "1BIqF": "ACCTG 121; BUS 203; ECON 111; Humanities\/Fine Arts", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": true, "cnba8": "Business Administration", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Business Management & Administration", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2021-11-17", "Hk6pU": "Dan Kelly", "vvKL0": "<p>Dan Kelly<\/p><p> Adam Saatkamp<\/p><p>Jennifer Spengler<\/p><p>Scott Paulson<\/p><p>Dorothy Dean<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Business Administration", "KbMWy": "Chief Executive, General Manager, Sales Manager, Account Executive, Budget Analyst, Business Owner", "UYmmB": "Fall 2026", "7BoTl": "Changes being made are to better distinguish the International Business and Business Administration Associate in Arts degrees.\n\nRequiring BUS 110 and adding MATH 115 as an elective.", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2022-08-15", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254007-2022-08-15", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729272216816, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Business Administration", "name": "Bus Admin", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254007", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254007", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"269\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"489\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>ECON 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Principles of Macroeconomics <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>ECON 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Principles of Microeconomics <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES* <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>MATH 135 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Calculus for Business and Social Sciences <\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>7 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"269\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"489\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>ACCTG 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p> Financial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>ACCTG 121 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Managerial Accounting<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>BUS 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Introduction to Business<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>BUS 203 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Business Statistics<\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>BUS 215 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Legal Environment of Business<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"269\"><p>CMPSC 120 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>MATH 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Business Computer Systems <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>College Algebra<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 18, "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Business Administration", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Business Administration", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "business administration" }
Business Specialist – BUSOC0105 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0105-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "52.0204", "code": "BUSOC0105", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641507702498, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0105", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Business\u00a0Specialist certificate is to provide a broad-based set of skills and general business knowledge necessary for entry-level employment that may be completed in two semesters.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "BUS 100; BUS 120; ENGL 110 or ENGL 125; MGMT 113; OFACS 132", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "ACCTG 101; BUS 215; MGMT 205 OR MKTG 112; MGMT 214; OFACS 232", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Business Specialist", "igPds": "30", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Business Management & Administration", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Dan Kelly", "vvKL0": "<p>Dan Kelly<\/p><p>Adam Saatkamp<\/p><p>Jennifer Spengler<\/p><p>Scott Paulson<\/p><p>Dorothy Dean<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0061\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0061\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Business: Office \/ Management", "KbMWy": "Data Management Assistant, Reporting Assistant, Claims Adjustor, Data Operations Coordinator", "BzOLC": "<p>43-1011.00 First-line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers *<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "1978-11-16", "5ATC7": "51", "sckmt": "714", "nw8kM": "30", "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "BUSOC0061 Business AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "7BoTl": "This new certificate provides a two-semester option for students seeking a general background in business organization and operations in preparation for advancement and\/or additional education.", "YTdw7": "ACCTG 100 (This will replace ACCTG 105 which is being used as a placeholder until ACCTG 100 is approved.)", "VuWOR": "Classroom space some equipped with computers and smart room technology.", "vCGmZ": "2\/20\/18 Updated contact info with new department names. RP Will replace Office and information processing management certificate 4\/2018 Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "D0Czi": "Offering program at a new location. Progam will be offered at Federal Correction Institution - Pekin as part of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.", "8eiko": [ "Other" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0105-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1732051904579, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of best business practices in management and marketing.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the functions of management that achieve organizational goals.\n\n2. Students will be able to identify personal and workplace consequences of unethical or illegal behaviors.\n\n3. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of organizational policies and procedures.\n\n4. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of managing resources.\n\n5. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the marketing mix.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will be able to demonstrate effective communication skills.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to obtain information that impacts business decisions.\n\n2.Students will be able to employ strategies to enhance business relationships.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will be able to demonstrate technological skills needed in business.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to construct and interpret accurate workbooks using current spreadsheet software.\n\n2. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of technology in business.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 4 Graduates will be able to manage the use of financial resources to protect a business\u2019s fiscal well-being.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to construct or interpret financial statements.\n\n2. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of financial resources to maintain business solvency.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Business Specialist", "name": "Bus Spec", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0105", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 13, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0105", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"190\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"485\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>ACCTG 101 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Survey of Accounting<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>BUS 100 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Professional Development for Employees<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>BUS 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Business Mathematics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>BUS 215 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Legal Environment of Business<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>ENGL 125 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Business Communications<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>MKTG 112 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>MGMT 205<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Principles of Marketing <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Human Resource Management<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>MGMT 113 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Principles of Management<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>MGMT 214 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Managing Technology<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>OFACS 132<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Electronic Spreadsheets<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>OFACS 232 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"485\"><p>Advanced Spreadsheets<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptDescription": "Business Specialist", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 27, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Business Specialist", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "business specialist" }
C++/C# Programming – BUSOC0220 | Certificate NFA | CM
{ "_id": "BcefkE95q9bTdrRIPwzK-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "C++\/C# Programming", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0205", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1715792953800, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0220", "files": [ { "name": "Labor Market CIP 11.0205.docx", "path": "files\/form\/1699544346470\/gU6bbpYwDJSe.docx" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the C++\/C# Programming Certificate is to prepare students for employment or update skills for those currently employed by educating them in the fundamental concepts of the C++ and C# programming languages.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 125", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CMPSC 200, CMPSC 212", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information System<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558 <\/p>", "5U4b6": "Shari Tripp\nMichelle Weghorst\nRafeeq Al-Hashemi\nYoungju Son", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "C++\/C# Programming Certificate", "igPds": "9", "59bEM": "30 (9 to 29 credits)", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0218\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0218\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "Curriculum-Map-C-CertNov2023.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1701702811420\/3iehfmJYxcPC.xlsx" } ], "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>711<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>934<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 1269, "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "BUSOC0218 Computer Science - Secure Software and Database Systems AAS", "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "7BoTl": "Many employers standardize on a particular programming language platform. By creating stackable, targeted certificates, it allows both existing employees to gain a credential that shows their skillset in a particular language or area, and allows new employees or potential employees to gain the skills needed for that particular programming area. It also makes it easy for employers to identify people with the desired skills. Due to the sequential nature of the course prerequisites, this degree can currently be completed in two semesters. As a department, we are investigating which classes can be eventually moved to 8 week courses; if it is determined that can be done, then this certificate could be completed in one semester. For now, however, it will still be especially useful to part-time students who are already employed who can only take one or two classes a semester who are interested in expanding their skillset.", "YTdw7": "None", "VuWOR": "None" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "CTNFA - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BcefkE95q9bTdrRIPwzK-2024-07-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729522783236, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate specific skills and proficiency in the technical knowledge of computer programming principles, methods, and measurements.", "justification": "1. The student will design, implement, and formally test a medium sized software application, utilizing super-classes, subclasses, abstract classes, and interfaces. \n\n2. The student will design and implement data structures including arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, sets, hashing, maps, and graphs. \n\n3. The student will demonstrate an understanding of time and space efficiency analysis of searching and sorting algorithms. \n\n4. The student will demonstrate a knowledge of designing, constructing and assessing appropriate solutions using a variety of techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate NFA", "longName": "C++\/C# Programming", "name": "C++\/C#Prog", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "programGroupId": "F8wJcXIQRtNwZCEZqef2", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 10, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "Qme3D3DHEmJbpgYC7vH3", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"201\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>PROGRAM COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"538\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>TITLES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p><strong>CREDIT HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"201\"><p>CMPSC 125<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"538\"><p>CSI: PROGRAMMING IN C++<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"201\"><p>CMPSC 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"538\"><p>CSII: ADVANCED PROG IN C++ <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"201\"><p>CMPSC 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"538\"><p>C# PROGRAMMING<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": [], "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "C++\/C# Programming", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 7, "code": "BUSOC0220", "parentName": "", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "sortTitle": "c++\/c# programming" }
Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology – AGRIO0197 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "AGRIO0197-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "47.0605", "code": "AGRIO0197", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1697722210558, "customFields": { "code": "AGRIO0197", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology Associate in Applied Science degree program is to prepare students for employment as a Service Technician in a sponsoring partner Caterpillar dealership. During this full time two year program the student will develop the necessary skills to be a productive member of the dealership's service team.", "xxK0B": "AED accredited", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CATTK 110; CATTK 111; CATTK 150; ENGL 110; WELD 120", "2ILSA": "CATTK 200; CATTK 201; CATTK 250; COMM 110", "NhgHM": "CATTK 112; CATTK 113; CATTK 114; CATTK 151; Approved Mathematics", "1BIqF": "CATTK 202; CATTK 203; CATTK 204; CATTK 251; Social & Behavioral Sciences\/Humanities\/Fine Arts", "4MEvM": "CATTK 115; CATTK 116; CATTK 117", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p>To be considered for the program, each candidate must meet the Illinois Central College academic placement measures and partnering dealership mechanical reasoning test to determine appropriate class placement. Students must provide their own tools for use throughout the course of study.<\/p>", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "78rZ3": "<p>To remain in and graduate from the program, student must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average each semester. <\/p>", "qznvI": "Each semester consists of eight weeks of technical classroom study and a required eight week dealer sponsored internship work experience. Upon graduation the student will have earned an Associate in Applied Science degree.", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology", "igPds": "62", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Applied Science Degree.<br>** Approved mathematics: AGBUS 118, BUS 120, MATH 110 or higher.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Transportation Distribution & Logistics", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-09-27", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Mark Mathews", "vvKL0": "<p>Mark Mathews<\/p><p>Xavier Gingerevans<\/p><p><\/p>", "z87Ia": "<p>David Cook<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology (CATTK)", "l4iwc": [ "Fall 1st 8 Weeks" ], "KbMWy": "Caterpillar Dealer, Shop Technician, Field Technician", "BzOLC": "<p>49-3031.00 Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists<\/p>", "4PSDr": true, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>90<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>91<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>256<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>491<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>none<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 349, "lWQwc": "1999-06-25", "5ATC7": "72", "sckmt": "1173", "nw8kM": "62", "OLVfM": "Only Program", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Fully offered in 8 week format currently", "7BoTl": "Program mission statement added per directive from VPAA office.", "vCGmZ": "program description replaced with mission statement Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG Administratively updated course from WLDTR 120 to WELD 120 to align with actual course prefix. RP 2\/20\/2021", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "VuWOR": "None", "dlMz0": [ "Credit Hours", "Removing Courses" ], "Yfdez": "No", "WkzmX": "Changing internship CATTK 150, 151, 250, 251 from 4 credit hours to 3 in order to better align with actual clock hours. \nRemove Humanities elective requirement (3 credit hours to 0)\nCurrently 69 Semester hours fall 2023. \nNew 62 Semester hours starting fall 2024" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of Caterpillar Dealer Service Technician", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "AGRIO0197-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729941759346, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Students in the Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology program will demonstrate knowledge of Caterpillar Inc. and the operation of a Caterpillar dealership.", "justification": "1. Students will develop an understanding and appreciation for Caterpillar Inc. from a historical perspective.\n\n2. Students will be introduced to various business procedures found in a typical Caterpillar dealership.\n\n3. Students will become proficient in the use of the electronic media used in Caterpillar dealers.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the construction, operation, and repair of the systems utilized in the Caterpillar earthmoving equipment product line. This knowledge to include, but not limited to engines, power trains, and hydraulics.", "justification": "1. Students will develop an understanding of the basic construction of engines, power trains, and hydraulic system.\n\n2. Students will develop an understanding and knowledge of the correct system operation of the engines, power trains, and hydraulic systems.\n\n3. Students will develop an understanding and knowledge of the diagnostic processes required to successfully repair engine, power train, and hydraulic systems.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Students will demonstrate the ability to successfully assimilate into the Caterpillar dealer network exhibiting skills of cooperation and teamwork.", "justification": "1. Students will successfully complete the required internships at the sponsoring dealer.\n\n2. Students will follow all applicable dealer standards as they relate to the completion of the internship.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Caterpillar Dealer Service Tec", "name": "Cat Dlr S", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "AGRIO0197", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "AGRIO0197", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"268\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"476\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"138\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES or HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>APPROVED MATHEMATICS ** <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>**see options below<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p> Caterpillar Engine Fundamentals <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"268\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"476\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"138\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p> CATTK 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Introduction to Caterpillar Service Industry <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p> CATTK 112 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Fundamentals of Hydraulics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p> CATTK 113 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Caterpillar Engine Fuel Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 114 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Fundamentals of Electrical Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 115 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Air Conditioning <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p> CATTK 116 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Fundamentals of Transmissions & Torque Converters <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 117 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Machine Hydraulics Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 150 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Internship I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 151 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Internship II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 200 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Undercarriage\/Final Drives <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 201 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Machine Electronic Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 202 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Caterpillar Engine Performance <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 203 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Diagnostic Testing <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 204 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Machine Specific Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 250 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Internship III <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>CATTK 251 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Internship IV <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"268\"><p>WELD 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Welding<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"138\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 10, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "caterpillar dealer service technology" }
Central Sterile Service Technician – HCSV0240 | Certificate NFA | CM
{ "_id": "HCSV0240-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Central Sterile Service Technician", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "51.1012", "code": "HCSV0240", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1702651890925, "customFields": { "code": "HCSV0240", "zSPuQ": "The purpose of the Central Sterile Service Technician program is to prepare competent entry-level Central Service Technicians with in the necessary cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. The program will provide students with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to gain employment as Central Sterile Service Technicians and become contributing members of the health care team.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "HLTH 110; SURTK 105", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CSST 140", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p><strong>Program admission requirement: <\/strong> Current high school student OR high school graduate<\/p><p><strong>Additional requirements after program acceptance:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Complete drug screen, criminal background check, physical exam, and immunizations <\/p><\/li><li><p>Participate in scheduled program registration and orientation sessions<\/p><\/li><li><p>Maintain minimum GPA 2.0 and earn GPA 2.0 or higher in all courses required within program<\/p><\/li><\/ul><p><strong>Recommendations:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Before application, schedule an appointment with college health careers student success advisor for help enrolling in required courses <\/p><\/li><li><p>Required general education courses from program sequence may be completed with grade C or higher, prior to acceptance\/admission into program<\/p><\/li><\/ul>", "fAeYe": "Health Careers \nPeoria Campus, Cedar, Room 105 \n(309) 690-7530", "78rZ3": "<p>To remain in program, student must complete required courses with grade C or better. <\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Central Sterile Service Technician", "igPds": "10", "xeM27": "Health Science", "RXLTy": "Health Science", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Sonya Conton", "vvKL0": "<p>Sonya Conton<\/p><p>Bill Hammer<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/HCSV0241\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"HCSV0241\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Central Sterile Technician", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester", "Spring Full Semester", "Summer" ], "KbMWy": "Central Sterile Service Technician, Sterile Processing Technician, Central Service Technician, Medical Equipment Preparer", "4PSDr": false, "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "HCSV0241 Surgical Technologist AAS", "MUqtm": "District", "ZfBNA": "NA", "MGvmz": "Form 21 (Reasonable and Moderate Extension", "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "4NZ9D": "plan to offer 8 week", "7BoTl": "Several hospitals have approached us to start this program. There is a need for this position in the community. Employment for central sterile service technicians is expected to grow 14 percent by 2024, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The annual median wage in 2015 was $33,330.", "YTdw7": "CSST 140", "VuWOR": "Text: \n - Ninemeir, J. (2016).\u00a0\u00a0Central Service Technical Manual. (8th ed) Chicago:\u00a0 International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management (IAHCSMM). \n - IAHCSMM Central Services Technical Manual Workbook. (8th ed) ", "vCGmZ": "A new sterile processing course Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2020", "id": "2206", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "D0Czi": "remove placement into ENGL 095 as prereq. \nedited statement to remain in program , student must earn a C or better in program courses. ", "8eiko": [ "Program requirements" ], "PmWQy": "Administratively updating admission language per approval in a Curriculum Document proposal. November 2023 Curriculum meeting." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "HLTHCAREER", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "HLTHCAREER" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "Certificate as Central Sterile Service Technician", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2211", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "HCSV0240-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729613302506, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593727, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Students\/graduates will be clinically competent.", "justification": "1. Students will apply the principles of aseptic technique.\n2. Students will learn and apply workplace safety skills.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Students\/graduates will demonstrate communication skills.", "justification": "1. Students will use effective oral communication skills.\n2. Students will practice written communication skills.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Students\/graduates will develop critical thinking skills.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate sound decision making.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 4 Students\/graduates will model professionalism.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate professional qualities.\n2. Students will understand and demonstrate professional ethics.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate NFA", "longName": "Central Sterile Service Tech", "name": "CSST", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "HCSV0240", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 5, "rawSisId": "HCSV0240", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"194\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"387\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"93\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>CSST 140 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"387\"><p>Central Sterile Service Technician Practicum<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"93\"><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>HLTH 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"387\"><p>Fundamentals of Sterile Processing <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"93\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>SURTK 105<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"387\"><p>Principles and Practices of Surgical Services <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"93\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2020", "id": "2206", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Central Sterile Service Technician", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 9, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "central sterile service technician" }
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program – HCSV0155 | Certificate NFA | CM
{ "_id": "HCSV0155-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "51.3902", "code": "HCSV0155", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1702652056972, "customFields": { "code": "HCSV0155", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program\u00a0is to provide the resources, curriculum, and clinical experiences to enable program completers to attain entry-level employment as nursing assistants in long-term care facilities,\u00a0hospitals, and other health care settings. In addition to obtaining employment, earning certification earns stackable credential toward application for the Licensed Practical or Registered Nurse Programs at the college.", "xxK0B": "<p>This Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program is approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). The state-approved nursing assistant training program, contains competency testing of IDPH 21 mandated manual skills, as well as written competency. Successful completers are eligible to apply for the Illinois Nurse Assistant\/Aide Competency Exam, to become certified. In Illinois, nursing assistants\/aides working in licensed and or certified skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities and home health agencies must be certified.<\/p>", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CNA 112", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "N\/A", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p><strong>Program admission requirement: <\/strong> Current high school student OR high school graduate<\/p><p><strong>Additional requirements after program acceptance:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Provide a valid Social Security number, complete drug screen, criminal background check, physical exam, and meet immunization requirements<\/p><\/li><li><p>Participate in scheduled program registration and orientation sessions<\/p><\/li><\/ul>", "fAeYe": "<p>Health Careers<br>Peoria Campus, Cedar, Room 105<br>(309) 690-7530<\/p>", "78rZ3": "<ul><li><p>Every student is required to provide a valid Social Security number, complete drug screen, fingerprint criminal background check, physical exam, and meet immunization requirements. <\/p><\/li><li><p>Every student is required to successfully complete American Heart Association (AHA) Healthcare Provider or American Red Cross (ARC) Professional Rescurer and Health Care Provider CPR certification. Certification must remain current throughout enrollment within health career program.<\/p><\/li><\/ul>", "qznvI": "<p>Incorporating classroom, laboratory, and clinical instruction, this program is designed to prepare students to demonstrate the technical skill competency of the nursing assistant, from criteria dictated by Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC). Upon successful completion, students will be eligible for the Illinois Nurse Assistant Competency Evaluation to become certified as a nursing assistant in the State of Illinois and obtain employment in nursing homes, long-term care facilities, hospitals, clinics, home, or community health agencies. Course content emphasizes resident\/patient rights, safety, and infection control, and includes, but is not limited to, Alzheimer's\/dementia, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Jessica Blackmore, CNA Program Coordinator; Lari LaBello, CNA Admissions Coordinator", "NFUSx": false, "I2NDa": "Nursing Assistant Program", "cnba8": "Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program", "igPds": "7", "xeM27": "Health Science", "RXLTy": "Health Science", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria", "Pekin" ], "Hk6pU": "Theresa Dibouno", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/HCSV0019\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"HCSV0019\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "2023_CurriculumMap _CNA.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717776726785\/hUqlM6mUl6dy.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Nursing: CNA \/ LPN \/ RN", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester", "Spring Full Semester", "Summer" ], "KbMWy": "Certified Nursing Assistant, Patient Care Technician (PCT), Activity Assistant, Caregiver, Home Health Aide", "yJWsK": [ "Workforce Equity Initiative (WEI) ", "No Cost\/Low Cost Program" ], "87OvQ": "<p>American Heart Association Basic Life Support CPR<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "5ATC7": "NA", "sckmt": "NA", "nw8kM": "NA", "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "HCSV0019 Registered Nurse AAS", "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Fall 2026", "4NZ9D": "plan to offer 8 week", "vCGmZ": "We are removing the reading placement exam requirement for entrance into the Nursing Assistant Program.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "dlMz0": [ "Credits", "Removing Courses", "Other (comment below)", "Title" ], "hBlip": "In Spring 2022, we proposed combining HLTH 112 & HLTH 116. The new name for the course will be CNA 112. The credit hours will be 7. Title of Program will change to: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program to align with course name change and so it is more easily identifiable for prospective students.", "PmWQy": "Administratively updating admission language per approval in a Curriculum Document proposal. November 2023 Curriculum meeting." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "HLTHCAREER", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "HLTHCAREER" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "HCSV0155-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729948002851, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593727, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Students will demonstrate competency with basic nursing skills.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the 21 basic skills required per IDPH. (safety & infection control)\n2. Students will interpret vital signs (v\/s). (safety)", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Students will demonstrate professional behaviors.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate properly reporting their completed basic nursing skills to instructor and or staff. (resident rights)\n2. Students will be on time for clinical. (safety)", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will demonstrate critical thinking skills.", "justification": "1. Students will test for understanding of the \u201cBig Three\u201d on final exam.\n2. Students will determine when it is necessary to use universal precautions during clinical. (infection control)", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate NFA", "longName": "Cert Nursing Assistant", "name": "CNA", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "HCSV0155", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 5, "rawSisId": "HCSV0155", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"178\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"564\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"colgroup\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"178\"><p>CNA 112 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"564\"><p>Certified Nursing Assistant Training<\/p><\/td><td><p> 7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 11, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "certified nursing assistant (cna) program" }
Chemistry – ICC0264008 | Associate in Science | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0264008-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0264008", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641507451214, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "ICC0264008", "zSPuQ": "The Chemistry area of study is designed for students planning to transfer to a senior college or university for completion of a baccalaureate degree. During the first two years, students concentrate on building a strong foundation in the sciences and mathematics. The chemistry curriculum is sufficiently flexible to meet the needs of students with the following goals: (1) industrial research and development, (2) environmental research, (3) liberal arts background for medical and allied health professions, (4), secondary teaching of chemistry, or (5) chemical engineering.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CHEM 130; MATH 222; ENGL 110; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "2ILSA": "CHEM 220; PHYS 212; MATH 224; Life Science", "NhgHM": "CHEM 132; MATH 223; ENGL 111; PHYS 211", "1BIqF": "CHEM 210; CHEM 230; COMM 110 or 212; PHYS 213; Humanities", "4MEvM": "Social & Behavioral Sciences; Fine Arts", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Math, Science, and Engineering<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 320B<br>(309) 694-5365<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Chemistry", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Science degree. <\/p>", "xeM27": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "RXLTy": "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "Hk6pU": "Ganesh Lakshminarayan", "vvKL0": "<p>Ganesh Lakshminarayan<\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "ICC Curriculum Map_AA_2023_Chemistry.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700171456546\/0qlM8XYS3UB9.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Chemistry", "KbMWy": "Chemist, Chemical Engineer, Materials Scientist, Pharmacologist, Doctor, Forensic Scientist, Toxicologist, Brewmaster, Perfumer, Food Scientist, Medical Researcher, Teacher. Local alumni work at Caterpillar, OSF, Unity Point, ICC, and USDA Peoria", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AS - Associate in Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "MATH S&E", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "MATH S&E" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0264008-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1713900096131, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Science", "longName": "Chemistry", "name": "Chemistry", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0264008", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "ICC0264008", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"255\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"528\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"131\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>COMM 212 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Public Speaking<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>6 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>MATH 222 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>5 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>MATH 223<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>CHEM 130 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>General Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>CHEM 132 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>General Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE <em>*<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>HUMANITIES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"cQmGYc0ZT3zePCi29m59\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"255\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"528\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"131\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>CHEM 210 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Fundamentals of Analytic Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>CHEM 220 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Organic Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>5 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>CHEM 230 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Organic Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>PHYS 211 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Engineering Physics: Mechanics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>PHYS 212 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Engineering Physics: Electricity and Magnetism <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>PHYS 213 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Engineering Physics: Thermodynamics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>2 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"255\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"528\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"131\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"255\"><p>MATH 224 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"528\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry III <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"131\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 15, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Chemistry", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Chemistry", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "chemistry" }
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) – BUSOC0200 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0200-2022-08-15", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "11.0901", "code": "BUSOC0200", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1660913632160, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0200", "files": [], "zSPuQ": "The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certificate is designed to provide students with hands-on networking experience in associate-level technologies that focuses on core routing and switching. Instruction includes, but is not limited to networking standards, LAN protocols, WAN protocols, cabling standards, IP addressing, and various routing protocols. The certificate is career-focused and certification aligned aimed at helping students prepare for entry-level networking opportunities.", "xxK0B": "Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certificate", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMCIS 151; CMCIS 152", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CMCIS 153; CMCIS 158", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)", "igPds": "16", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Kevin Wells", "vvKL0": "<p>Kevin Wells<\/p><p>Kimberly Hawthorne<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0230\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0230\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "2024_ICC Curriculum Map_CCNA Cert.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700245451938\/ol7C9ojhOVO4.xlsx" } ], "hRP0F": "Cisco Certified Networking", "l4iwc": [ "Fall 1st 8 Weeks", "Spring 1st 8 Weeks" ], "KbMWy": "Network Administrator, LAN Technician, Network Technician, Help Desk Technician, Bench Technician, and Technical Support Engineer", "yJWsK": [ "Information Technology Accelerator (IT)" ], "BzOLC": "<p>15-1231.00 Computer Network Support Specialists *<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>187<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>371<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 397, "lWQwc": "2004-09-30", "5ATC7": "34", "sckmt": "272", "nw8kM": "16", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "BUSOC0230 Cisco Networking Specialist AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "7BoTl": "Updating for current courses\n\nAdding a course and removing a course that is no longer offered. Removed CMCIS 154 which we can no longer offer and added CMCIS 158.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "diplomaDescription": "Certificate as CISCO Certified Network Associate", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2022-08-15", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0200-2022-08-15", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1732559282211, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Demonstrate the ability to design and install networks.", "justification": "1. Design and install basic networks.\n2. Design and install advanced networks.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Configure associate-level settings and features on Cisco routers and switches.", "justification": "1. Configure associate-level settings routed and switched networks.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Demonstrate the ability to secure and troubleshoot networks using appropriate methodologies.", "justification": "1. Demonstrate mitigation techniques to secure and maintain networks.\n2. Troubleshoot the network using proper methodologies and techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "CISCO Cert Network Associate", "name": "CISCO Cert", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0200", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 9, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0200", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"212\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"422\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"179\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"212\"><p>CMCIS 151<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"422\"><p>Introduction to Networks<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"179\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"212\"><p>CMCIS 152 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"422\"><p>Routing and Switching Essentials<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"179\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"212\"><p>CMCIS 153 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"422\"><p>Enterprise Networking<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"179\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"212\"><p>CMCIS 158<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"422\"><p>Network Security<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"179\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptDescription": "Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 24, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "cisco certified network associate (ccna)", "stacksTo": "BUSOC0230" }
Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) – BUSOC0225 | Certificate NFA | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0225-2022-08-15", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "11.0901", "code": "BUSOC0225", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1660913518185, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0225", "files": [ { "name": "ICC-Assessment-CERT-Curriculum-Map-CCNP-2021.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1660943856107\/earRgw7CD8aY.xlsx" } ], "zSPuQ": "The Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Certificate is designed to provide students with hands-on networking experience in enterprise-level networking that develops an advanced understanding of routing and switching technologies. Instruction includes, but is not limited to advanced knowledge of routing protocols, LAN protocols, WAN protocols, and further hands-on experience with enterprise-level network devices and their configurations. The certificate is career-focused and certification aligned aimed at helping students prepare for professional-level networking opportunities.", "xxK0B": "<p>Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Certificate<\/p>", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMCIS 270", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CMCIS 170 (only if CMCIS 156 or CMCIS 157 not completed); CMCIS 271; CMCIS 274", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "CMCIS 156 or CMCIS 157 (only if CMCIS 170 was not previously completed)", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "qznvI": "CCNP certificate program requires completion of the CCNA Certificate or proof of a current CCNA professional certification and departmental approval.", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)", "igPds": "15", "c6uW8": "<p>* See advisor for recommendations.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Kevin Wells", "vvKL0": "<p>Kevin Wells<\/p><p>Kimberly Hawthorne<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0230\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0230\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "2024_ICC Curriculum Map_Cisco Networking Professional Cert.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700245511737\/krIu12YmWuBl.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Cisco Certified Networking", "l4iwc": [ "Fall 1st 8 Weeks", "Spring 1st 8 Weeks" ], "KbMWy": "Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Network Architect, Network Technician, Security Analyst, and Network Analyst", "yJWsK": [ "Information Technology Accelerator (IT)" ], "4PSDr": false, "lWQwc": "2024-07-01", "5ATC7": "51", "sckmt": "930", "nw8kM": "31", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "BUSOC0230 Cisco Networking Specialist AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "4NZ9D": "Being discontinued", "7BoTl": "Removing a course option\nRemoved CMCIS 158 as a course option since we were requiring it in the lower level CCNA certificate.", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "diplomaDescription": "Certificate as CISCO Certified Network Professional", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2022-08-15", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0225-2022-08-15", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1732559153036, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate the ability to design and install networks.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to design and install basic networks.\n\n2. Students will be able to design and install advanced networks.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will configure associate to enterprise-level settings and features on Cisco routers and switches.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to configure associate-level routed and switched networks.\n\n2. Students will be able to configure enterprise-level routed and switched networks.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates of the program will demonstrate the ability to maintain and troubleshoot router and switch configurations using associate to enterprise-level methodologies.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to monitor and maintain networks.\n\n2. Students will be able to troubleshoot the network using proper methodologies and techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 4 Graduates of the program will demonstrate ethical behaviors in self-management, teamwork, and building relationships on entry into the workforce.", "justification": "1. Students will work in teams to complete labs and practical simulations.\n\n2. Students will work as individuals on self-paced simulations.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate NFA", "longName": "Cisco Certified Network Prof (CCNP)", "name": "CCNP", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0225", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 12, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0225", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"202\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"566\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"137\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CMCIS 156 *<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CMCIS 157 *<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CMCIS 170 *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"566\"><p>CCNA Voice <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CCNA Wireless<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Cyberops<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p><\/p><p><\/p><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CMCIS 270<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"566\"><p>CCNP Enterprise: Core<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CMCIS 271 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"566\"><p>CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"202\"><p>CMCIS 274 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"566\"><p>CCNP Troubleshooting<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"137\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptDescription": "Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 30, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "cisco certified network professional (ccnp)", "stacksTo": "BUSOC0230" }
Cisco Networking Professional – BUSOC0232 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "KT0VDP2kxxVefPDAcpvq-2024-05-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Cisco Networking Professional", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0901", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1704683786329, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0232", "files": [ { "name": "2024_ICC Curriculum Map_Cisco Networking Professional Cert.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1696272813257\/mD3dGBYV87rk.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "Networking Advisory Committee Minutes-Sept2023.pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1696272939860\/EhwIHp3nJLhr.pdf", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "Occup Outlook_CyberSec Analyst - CISCO Networking_10132023.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1697231494274\/8WDzVLlLLN8x.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The Cisco Networking Professional certificate provides students with hands-on experience using Cisco technologies with an emphasis on core routing and switching. Instruction includes, but is not limited to networking standards, LAN protocols, cabling standards, IP addressing, network security, firewall technologies, and cybersecurity issues facing organizations. The certificate is aligned to the CCNA, CyberOps Associate, and CCNP certifications.", "K5Vlu": "CMCIS 147; CMCIS 151; CMCIS 152", "2ILSA": "CMCIS 270; CMCIS 271", "NhgHM": "CMCIS 153; CMCIS 158; CMCIS 170", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Kevin Wells; Kim Hawthorne", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Cisco Networking Professional", "igPds": "31", "59bEM": "20 (30 to 50 credits) ", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Kevin Wells", "vvKL0": "<p>Kevin Wells<\/p><p>Kimberly Hawthorne<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0230\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0230\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Cisco Certified Networking", "KbMWy": "Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Network Architect, LAN Technician, Network Technician, Help Desk Technician, Bench Technician, Security Analyst, Technical Support Engineer", "BzOLC": "<p>11-3021.00 Computer and Information Systems Managers *;<\/p><p>15-1211.00 Computer Systems Analysts *;<\/p><p>15-1231.00 Computer Network Support Specialists*;<\/p><p>15-1241.00 Telecommunications Engineering Specialists<\/p>", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "BUSOC0230 Cisco Networking Specialist AAS", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "7BoTl": "Instead of editing the existing CCNP certificate to expand its offerings, it was decided to create a new certificate to replace it. This certificate focuses on all Cisco technologies. \nSMG Summary: Cisco Networking Professional certificate provides students with hands-on experience using Cisco technologies with an emphasis on core routing and switching. This certificate is aligned to the CCNA, Cyber Ops Associate and CCNP certifications. Stackable to the Cisco Networking Specialist AAS degree. \n" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-05-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "KT0VDP2kxxVefPDAcpvq-2024-05-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729272450031, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Demonstrate the ability to design and install networks.", "justification": "1. Design and install basic networks. \n2. Design and install advanced networks.\n3. Employ basic cabling and network design to connect network devices.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Configure associate to enterprise-level settings and features on Cisco routers and switches.", "justification": "1. Configure associate-level routed and switched networks.\n2. Configure enterprise-level routed and switched networks. ", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Demonstrate the ability to secure and troubleshoot networks using associate to enterprise-level methodologies.", "justification": "1. Demonstrate mitigation techniques to secure and maintain networks.\n2. Troubleshoot the network using proper methodologies and techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Cisco Networking Professional", "name": "Cisco Pro", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "programGroupId": "KT0VDP2kxxVefPDAcpvq", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "9iXcFhp3P5vm8II9SYwq", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"177\" scope=\"row\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"511\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"140\" scope=\"row\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 147<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Telecommunications Cabling<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 151 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Introduction to Networks<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 152<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Routing and Switching Essentials<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 153<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Enterprise Networking<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 158<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Network Security<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 170<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Cyberops<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 270<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>CCNP Enterprise: Core<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 271<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"140\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": [], "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Cisco Networking Professional", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 8, "code": "BUSOC0232", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "status": "Active", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "cisco networking professional", "stacksTo": "BUSOC0230" }
Cisco Networking Specialist – BUSOC0230 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0230-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Cisco Networking Specialist", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0901", "code": "BUSOC0230", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1702054984002, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0230", "files": [ { "name": "ICC-Assessment-AAS-Curriculum-Map-CISCO Networking Specialist-2021.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1662052811840\/cAhCtMuKOD02.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Cisco Networking Specialist degree is to prepare students for employment in the networking field through education and training on real-world networking equipment by specializing in areas of cabling, network design, core routing and switching technologies, and security concepts, as well as telephony and wireless technologies. The program is aligned to several highly-sought after Cisco certifications including the CCNA and CCNP.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMCIS 151; CMCIS 152; CMNET 150; CMNET 151; Communication", "2ILSA": "CMCIS 147; CMCIS 270; CMCIS 271; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "NhgHM": "CMCIS 153; CMCIS 158; CMNET 175; English", "1BIqF": "CMCIS 170; Approved Elective; CMNET 160 or CMNET 176 or CMNET 191; Humanities\/Fine Arts", "4MEvM": "Mathematics\/Science", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information System<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Cisco Networking Specialist", "igPds": "61", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Applied Science Degree.<br>** Approved Electives: Any CMNET, CMCIS, CMWEB, or CMPSC 115 or higher; or others with department approval.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Kevin Wells", "vvKL0": "<p>Kevin Wells<\/p><p>Kimberly Hawthorne<\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0225\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0225\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0200\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0200\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0231\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0231\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/KT0VDP2kxxVefPDAcpvq\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"KT0VDP2kxxVefPDAcpvq\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BB92oDn4i9CkrRsDwjdV\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BB92oDn4i9CkrRsDwjdV\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0201\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0201\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Cisco Certified Networking", "KbMWy": "Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Network Architect, LAN Technician, Network Technician, Help Desk Technician, Bench Technician, Security Analyst, Network Analyst, Technical Support Engineer", "BzOLC": "<p>15-1231.00 Computer Network Support Specialist *<\/p>", "lWQwc": "2004-12-07", "5ATC7": "76", "sckmt": "1071", "nw8kM": "61", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "BUSOC0225 Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Certificate \nBUSOC0200 Cisco Certified Network Associate Certificate \nBUSOC0231 LAN Technician Certificate\nBUSOC0232 Cisco Networking Professional Certificate", "5KtCS": "BUSOC0233 Cybersecurity Analyst Certificate\nBUSOC0201 Network Administrator AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "6tu9K": "<p>BUSOC0231 LAN Technician Certificate (21 hrs)<\/p>", "7BoTl": "Updating course offerings\n\nRemoved CMCIS 154 which we can no longer offer. Made CMCIS 170 a required course (previously it was only an option).", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "dlMz0": [ "Credit Hours", "Course Sequence", "Removing Courses", "Adding Courses", "Other" ], "5RurG": "Learning Outcomes", "Yfdez": "No", "hWlc4": "No", "WkzmX": "Decreasing by 1.\nWe had a number of courses that needed to be replaced because of age in the Cisco Networking Specialist degree. One part of the CCNP certification used to be an exam on troubleshooting which is what CMCIS 274 (4) was aligned to. Cisco got rid of that requirement so we\u2019re finally phasing out that requirement in our degree. Similarly, we had an option to take either CMCIS 156 or CMCIS 157 (3). These used to be associated with two older Cisco certifications that Cisco got rid of relating to telephony and wireless technologies. Much of the wireless course (157) was merged into CMCIS 152. Ultimately we decided to completely replace them with new options: CMNET 160, 176, and 191 as well as an approved elective. We also reduced the general education requirements by 3 (from Math\/Science, formerly 6 hours) to match what we were doing with the Network Administrator degree and then decided to require CMNET 175 (3 \u2013 AWS Cloud Foundations).\nSMG Summary: (General education- Math\/Science decreasing from 6 to 3 credit hours); CMCIS 156 or CMCIS 157 no longer required {3 hrs} ; CMCIS 170 Title change; CMCIS 274 no longer required {4 hrs}. Added CMNET 160 or 176 or 190 {3 hrs} and added approved electives {3 hrs}; CMNET 175 now required {3 hrs}. " }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of CISCO Networking Specialist", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0230-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1734536842586, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Demonstrate the ability to design and install networks.", "justification": "1. Design and install basic networks.\n2. Design and install advanced networks.\n3. Employ basic cabling and network design to connect devices.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Configure associate to enterprise-level settings and features on Cisco routers and switches.", "justification": "1. Configure associate-level routed and switched networks.\n2. Configure enterprise-level routed and switched networks.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Demonstrate the ability to secure and troubleshoot networks using associate to enterprise-level methodologies.", "justification": "1. Demonstrate mitigation techniques to secure and maintain networks.\n2. Troubleshoot the network using proper methodologies and techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 4 Demonstrate ethical behaviors in self management, teamwork, and building relationships on entry into the workforce.", "justification": "1. Work in teams to complete labs and practical simulations.\n2. Work as individuals on self-paced simulations.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Cisco Networking Specialist", "name": "CISCO SPEC", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0230", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0230", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"265\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"475\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>ENGLISH *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>COMMUNICATION *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>MATHEMATICS AND\/OR SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"265\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"475\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 147 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Telecommunications Cabling<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 151 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Introduction to Networks<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 152 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Routing and Switching Essentials<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 153 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Enterprise Networking<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 158 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Network Security<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 170<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Cyberops<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 270<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>CCNP Enterprise: Core<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMCIS 271<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMNET 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Computer Hardware - A+<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMNET 151<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Operating Systems - A+<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMNET 175<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>AWS Cloud Foundations<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>CMNET 160<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CMNET 176 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CMNET 191<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p>Security Essentials - Security+<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>AWS Cloud Architecting<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Ethical Hacker<\/p><\/td><td><p><\/p><p><\/p><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"265\" scope=\"row\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"475\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"row\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"265\"><p>APPROVED ELECTIVE **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"475\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Cisco Networking Specialist", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 13, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "cisco networking specialist" }
CNC Machine Operator – ENIN0249 | Certificate NFA | CM
{ "_id": "ENIN0249-2022-08-15", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [ { "name": "", "description": "", "employers": "" } ], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "CNC Machine Operator", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "48.0503", "code": "ENIN0249", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1675344429669, "customFields": { "code": "ENIN0249", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the CNC Machine Operator Certificate program is to prepare students with the skills and knowledge required for entry-level employment as a CNC machine operator in a manufacturing facility. Individuals will learn machine setup and operation as it relates to production.\u00a0", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "MACTR 110; MACTR 121; MACTR 122; NCTK 110", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "N\/A", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "CNC Machine Operator", "igPds": "12", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Manufacturing", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Tim Poelker", "vvKL0": "<p>Tim Poelker<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/ENIN0190\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"ENIN0190\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "CNC Machining", "KbMWy": "CNC Tool Operator, CNC Tool Programmer, Machinist, Rolling Machine Operator, Lathe and Turning Machine Setter, Millwright", "yJWsK": [ "Workforce Equity Initiative (WEI) ", "No Cost\/Low Cost Program" ], "87OvQ": "<p>Advanced Manufacturing Readiness <\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>376<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>660<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 551, "5ATC7": "NA", "sckmt": "NA", "nw8kM": "NA", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "ENIN0190 Machine Tool Technology AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Fully offered in 8 week format currently", "7BoTl": "Adding MACTR 122 and dropping MECTK 115 to certificate. MACTR 121 & MACTR 122 modified to include NIMS alignments (see course changes for Fall 2022).\n", "vCGmZ": "Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "XlllO": [], "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [ { "degreeMapName": "Fall Start Degree Map", "semesters": [ { "requirements": [ { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": [ "0016811", "0016831", "0016841", "0019721" ], "code": "" } ], "id": "hZxTw2e2Je", "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "area": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" } ], "year": "Year 1", "semester": "Fall", "sequence": 1, "sisId": "" } ], "id": "Nl7wIuLVPo", "isActive": false, "sisId": "", "termScheme": "", "degreeMapNarrative": "" }, { "degreeMapName": "Second Degree Map", "semesters": [ { "requirements": [ { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0016811", "code": "" } ], "minimumGrade": "1.0", "area": "major", "id": "CVKxTqnOo9", "sisId": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" }, { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0016831", "code": "" } ], "area": "major", "contactHours": { "min": 5, "max": 5 }, "id": "ADThRMjq0G", "progressCredits": { "min": 5, "max": 5 }, "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" }, { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0016841", "code": "" } ], "contactHours": { "min": 5, "max": 5 }, "area": "major", "id": "SJvwkG1CDQ", "progressCredits": { "min": 5 }, "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" }, { "requirementSelect": [ { "type": "courses", "value": "0019721", "code": "" } ], "contactHours": { "min": 5, "max": 5 }, "area": "major", "id": "8lAO8R6O7e", "progressCredits": { "min": 5 }, "sisId": "", "minimumGrade": "", "minimumGpa": "", "courseRequirementGroupFreeText": "" } ], "year": "Year 1", "semester": "Fall", "sequence": 1, "sisId": "" } ], "id": "t1faNDdzir", "isActive": false, "sisId": "", "termScheme": "", "degreeMapNarrative": "" } ], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "Certificate as CNC Machine Operator", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2022-08-15", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "ENIN0249-2022-08-15", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729944257151, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate the skills to properly access the correct program, identify and troubleshoot work holding devices, tooling, and piece parts, load piece parts and run the automated cycle, and inspect finished parts for accuracy at a level consistent with local employer expectations.", "justification": "1. Use rulers, gauges, and precision measuring tools to properly identify sizes and locations of part features and sizes of welds.\n\n2. Analyze industrial prints including dimensions, tolerances, allowances, geometric tolerances, and notes.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will have a general understanding and appreciation for the procedures within manufacturing for safety, quality, logistics, and other things and be prepared to positively contribute to the production team.", "justification": "1. Follow all prescribed safety rules including the wearing of personal protection devices, properly using lifting tools to move equipment & supplies, following lockout\/tagout procedures, and site specific requirements.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduate will be able to interpret mechanical blueprints, use precision measuring tools, communicate how the CNC processes produces the required features within specified tolerances, and verify that features are indeed within tolerance.", "justification": "1. Program, set up and machine components within tolerance using common machine tool systems.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate NFA", "longName": "CNC Machine Operator", "name": "CNC Machin", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "ENIN0249", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 4, "rawSisId": "ENIN0249", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"246\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"476\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"158\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"246\"><p>MACTR 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Print Reading - Mechanical<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"158\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"246\"><p>MACTR 121 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Machine Tool Operation I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"158\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"246\"><p>MACTR 122<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Machine Tool Operation II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"158\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"246\"><p>NCTK 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"476\"><p>Introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Systems<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"158\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "CNC Machine Operator", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 17, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "cnc machine operator", "stacksTo": "ENIN0190" }
Commercial Refrigeration Technician – ENIN0246 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "ENIN0246-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Commercial Refrigeration Technician", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "47.0201", "code": "ENIN0246", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1701787671675, "customFields": { "code": "ENIN0246", "files": [ { "name": "Commercial_Refrigeration_Technician_CurriculumMap _Template(1).xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1696375762022\/RQhhQdNZ4Hyu.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Commercial Refrigeration Technician Certificate program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills pertaining to the maintenance and repairing of ice machines as well as both medium and low temperature walk-ins, reach-ins, and supermarket refrigeration. After completing the program coursework consisting of both lecture and lab experiences, the graduates will be prepared to seek employment as entry-level technicians as refrigeration mechanics or general facilities repair persons.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "REACT 110; REACT 112; REACT 118; REACT 119; REACT 120", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "REACT 130; REACT 131; REACT 139", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "There are no additional admission requirements beyond the general college requirements. \u00a0However, students are encouraged to contact the HVAC\/R Technology Program Director at (309) 694-8566 or (309) 694-5734, for a program orientation. \u00a0", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "78rZ3": "<p>Students must attain a grade of C or better in each course to remain in and graduate from the program. Students must take all required HVAC Excellence testing in order to graduate. <\/p>", "qznvI": "Students must provide the following items: safety glasses with side shields, work gloves, basic scientific calculator, and thumb drive. After completion students can pursue the HVAC Technician Certificate or HVAC\/R Technology Associate in Applied Science Degree.", "5U4b6": "Brian Weaver\nDana King", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Commercial Refrigeration Technician", "igPds": "27", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Architecture & Construction", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Brian Weaver", "vvKL0": "<p>Brian Weaver<\/p><p>Lowell Edwards<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/ENIN0187\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"ENIN0187\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Commercial Refrigeration", "KbMWy": "Commercial Refrigeration Technician, Refrigeration Mechanic, Refrigeration Installer", "87OvQ": "<p>Advanced Manufacturing Readiness<\/p>", "BzOLC": "<p>49-9021.00 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers *<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>264<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 445, "lWQwc": "1982-08-11", "5ATC7": "34", "sckmt": "810", "nw8kM": "27", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "ENIN0187 HVAC\/R Technology AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Full offered in 8 week format currently (evening classes are in 16 week format)", "7BoTl": "Update Admission and graduation requirements", "vCGmZ": "Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "dlMz0": [ "Credit Hours", "Removing Courses" ], "Yfdez": "No", "WkzmX": "Remove ARCTK 119 (1 credit hr), this will make the certificate 27 credit hrs. Update learning outcomes and curriculum map." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "Certificate as Commercial Refrigeration Technician", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "ENIN0246-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729944202150, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the technical knowledge to perform as an entry-level light commercial refrigeration technician.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate technical knowledge of light commercial refrigeration theory.\n2. Students will identify and describe the function of system components used in low-temperature and medium temperature refrigeration systems.\n3. Students will identify and describe the function of system components used in ice machines, walk-in, reach-in, and market refrigeration systems.\n4. Students will identify and describe the function of test instruments and tools required to diagnose ice machines and light commercial refrigeration systems.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will demonstrate the skills appropriate for an entry-level light commercial refrigeration technician.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate and describe troubleshooting techniques of ice machines and light commercial refrigeration equipment according to manufacturer\u2019s instructions.\n2. Students will demonstrate and describe the procedures in replacing faulty components in ice machines and light commercial refrigeration systems.\n3. Students will demonstrate and describe the skills to trouble shoot ice machine and light commercial refrigeration components by using the appropriate test instruments.\n4. Students will demonstrate and describe installation techniques of ice machines and light commercial refrigeration equipment according to manufacturer\u2019s instructions.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will demonstrate ethical\/legal work practices and work safety standards appropriate for an entry-level light commercial refrigeration technician.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate and describe proper refrigerant handling techniques in accordance to Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act.\n2. Students will demonstrate and describe ladder and fall prevention safety procedures in accordance to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.\n3. Students will demonstrate and describe lockout\/tagout safety procedures for control of hazardous energy sources in accordance to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.\n4. Students will demonstrate and describe how to maintain strict compliance with all federal, state, county, and municipal government laws, regulations, and ordinances pertaining to the HVAC\/R industry and business operation.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Commercial Refrigeration Tech", "name": "Com Ref Te", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "ENIN0246", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "ENIN0246", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"177\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"416\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"144\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Introduction to Refrigeration<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 112 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Residential Air Conditioning <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 118 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Electricity as it Applies to HVAC\/R <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 119 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Sheet Metal for HVAC\/R <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Residential Furnaces<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 130<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Light Commercial Refrigeration <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 131 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Commercial Refrigeration and Ice Machines <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>REACT 139 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"416\"><p>Residential Systems Installation<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Commercial Refrigeration Technician", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 10, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "commercial refrigeration technician", "stacksTo": "ENIN0187" }
Communication – General Communication – ICC0254061 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254061-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254061", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641510466493, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254061", "zSPuQ": "Communication is the most significant tool of humankind. In various forms, communication is all around us and constitutes the basis for all human interaction. Courses at Illinois Central College are designed to allow the student to explore both the practical and creative natures of communication as it relates to the world in which we live. Illinois Central College provides two approaches to the study of communication - the General Communication Studies option and the Public Relations option.\n\nAs a natural outgrowth and extension of communication classes, Illinois Central College's Forensic Union\/Speech Team offers interested students the opportunity to participate in an intercollegiate forensic program, which has achieved several national championships. Students completing the Public Relations option should consider elective courses in business, marketing, or political science.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "COMM 110; COMM 120; ENGL 110; Fine Arts; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "2ILSA": "COMM 113; COMM 115; COMM 212; COMM 245; Physical Science; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "NhgHM": "COMM 203; ENGL 111; MCOMM 113; Life Science", "1BIqF": "COMM 204; MATH 111; Humanities; Humanities\/Fine Arts; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Arts and Behavioral Sciences<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 124<br>(309) 694-5113<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Communication - General Communication", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "Hk6pU": "Debbie Hedemann", "vvKL0": "<p>Debbie Hedemann<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Communication \/ Public Relations", "KbMWy": "Advertising Specialist, Organizational Communications Professional, Media Planner, Human Resources Manager, Consultant, and Public Information Officer", "UYmmB": "Fall 2026", "4NZ9D": "Cur 11 according to Fall sched", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "ART & COMM", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "ART & COMM" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254061-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729275125433, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Communications - General", "name": "Comm-Gen", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254061", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254061", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"262\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"491\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MATH 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>General Education Statistics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>HUMANITIES * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"262\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES <\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"491\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 113 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Business and Professional Speaking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 115 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Public Relations<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 120 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Interpersonal Communications<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 203 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Small Group Communications<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 204 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Intercultural Communications<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 212 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Public Speaking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 245 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Communication Theory<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MCOMM 113 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Radio, TV, and Emerging Media<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 14, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Communication - General Communication", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Communication - General Communication", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "communication - general communication" }
Communication – Public Relations – ICC0254071 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254071-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254071", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641510663596, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254071", "zSPuQ": "Communication is the most significant tool of humankind. In various forms, communication is all around us and constitutes the basis for all human interaction. Courses at Illinois Central College are designed to allow the student to explore both the practical and creative natures of communication as it relates to the world in which we live. Illinois Central College provides two approaches to the study of communication - the General Communication Studies option and the Public Relations option.\n\nAs a natural outgrowth and extension of communication classes, Illinois Central College's Forensic Union\/Speech Team offers interested students the opportunity to participate in an intercollegiate forensic program, which has achieved several national championships. Students completing the Public Relations option should consider elective courses in business, marketing, or political science.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "COMM 110; COMM 120 or COMM 113; ENGL 110; PSY 110; Fine Arts", "2ILSA": "MCOMM 113; BUS 110 or MKTG 112; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Life Science; Fine Arts", "NhgHM": "COMM 115; COMM 204 or COMM 203; ENGL 111; MATH 111; Physical Science", "1BIqF": "COMM 248; HUMAN 125; SSC 111 or POLSC 115; COMM 155; Elective", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Arts and Behavioral Sciences<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 124A<br>(309) 694-5113<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Communication - Public Relations", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "Hk6pU": "Debbie Hedemann", "vvKL0": "<p>Debbie Hedemann<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Communication \/ Public Relations", "KbMWy": "Brand Ambassador, PR Practitioner, Image Consultant, Director of Public Affairs, Publicist, Copywriter, Event Planner", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "ART & COMM", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "ART & COMM" ], "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254071-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1738271297717, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Communication-Public Relations", "name": "Comm-PubRe", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254071", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254071", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"491\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ENGL 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMM 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>PSY 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Psychology<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>POLSC 115 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>SSC 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>American National Government<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Americans and Their Culture<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES * <em> <\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p><a href=\"\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">*see Associate in Arts Degree Options<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>MATH 111 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>General Education Statistics<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p><a href=\"\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">*see Associate in Arts Degree Options<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>7 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>HUMAN 125 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Contemporary Humanities<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>FINE ARTS <em> *<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p><a href=\"\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">*see Associate in Arts Degree Options<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p><a href=\"\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">*see Associate in Arts Degree Options<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"491\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>BUS 110 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>MKTG 112 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Business<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Principles of Marketing<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMM 115 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Public Relations<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMM 120 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>COMM 113 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Interpersonal Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Business and Professional Speaking <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMM 155 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Communication Internship I <\/p><\/td><td><p>1 to 3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMM 204 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>COMM 203 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Intercultural Communication<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Small Group Communication<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMM 248 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Special Topics in Public Relations<\/p><\/td><td><p>1 to 3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>MCOMM 113 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p>Introduction to Radio, TV, and Emerging Media<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"491\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ELECTIVE <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"491\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>1 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 15, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Communication - Public Relations", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Communication - Public Relations", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "communication - public relations" }
Computer Information Systems – ICC0254010 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254010-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Computer Information Systems", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254010", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1685448120654, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254010", "files": [ { "name": "ComputerWebCurriculumChangesAdvisoryCommitteeSpring2023.pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1682532529658\/tl9VbjnaoVGk.pdf" } ], "zSPuQ": "This area of study is designed for people planning to transfer to a four-year college or university for completion of a baccalaureate degree in Computer Science. The baccalaureate degree prepares the student for careers in computer programming, software design, and (with experience) management positions in software development.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 115 or CMPSC 125; ENGL 110; ECON 110; Communication; Life Science", "2ILSA": "MATH 223; Humanities; Approved Elective; Physical Science; ECON 111", "NhgHM": "CMPSC 225 or CMPSC 212; ENGL 111; Approved Elective; MATH 222", "1BIqF": "Fine Arts; Humanities\/Fine Arts; Approved Elective; MATH 122", "4MEvM": "Social & Behavioral Sciences", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Shari Tripp\nRafeeq Al-Hashemi\nYoungju Son\nMichelle Weghorst", "NFUSx": false, "I2NDa": "Computer Information Systems-Technical Emphasis", "cnba8": "Computer Information Systems", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><br><em> <\/em>**Check with your program advisor and with your transfer institution for preferred Physical Science course option. Note that Physical Science plus Life Science must equal at least 7 credit hours.<br>*** Check with your program advisor and with your transfer institution for preferred approved elective course options; courses must be transfer courses with CMPSC, MATH, or PHYS prefix.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-04-26", "Hk6pU": "Shari Tripp", "vvKL0": "<p>Shari Tripp<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Computer Information Systems", "KbMWy": "Programmer, Coder, Software Developer, Software Engineer, DevOps Developer, Software Architect, System Engineer, IT Manager, IT Director, Technical Operations Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer", "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "7BoTl": "Update program to increase compatibility with transfer to our receiving institutions.\n\nAdd CHEM 120 as chemistry option; allow approved electives for PHYS 211 and MATH 224 as not all transfer institutions want those classes and have others they prefer. Add notes for CHEM, PHYS 211, and MATH 224 changes to indicate that student should check with program advisor\/transfer institution for preferred options.", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "dlMz0": [ "Title", "Course Sequence", "Removing Courses", "Adding Courses" ], "hBlip": "We are modifying the degree to make it a better fit for our transfer institutions, as well as streamline the degree for the students. We are also modifying the title to simply \"Computer Information Systems\" as we will be submitting a separate proposal to inactivate the Computer Information Systems-Business Emphasis degree. This will simplify our offerings and make it easier for both students and transfer institutions to understand." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254010-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729272087442, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Computer Information Systems", "name": "CIS", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254010", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254010", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"288\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"412\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT <\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>ENGL 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>COMMUNICATIONS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>ECON 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>Principles of Macroeconomics<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>ECON 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>Principles of Microeconomics<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>MATH 122<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>Discrete Mathematics I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p><em> <\/em>**See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a> and note below<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>7 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>* See <a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"288\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"412\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"141\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT <\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>CMPSC 115<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CMPSC 125<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>CS I: Essentials of Programing <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CS I: Programming in C++ <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>CMPSC 225<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CMPSC 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>CS II: Programming in Java<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>CS II: Advanced Programming in C++ <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>MATH 222 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p><em>5 <\/em><\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>MATH 223 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p>Calculus and Analytic Geometry II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"288\"><p>APPROVED ELECTIVES***<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"412\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"141\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>9<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Computer Information Systems", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 6, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "computer information systems" }
Computer Science – Secure Software and Database Systems – BUSOC0218 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0218-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Computer Science - Secure Software and Database Systems", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0201", "code": "BUSOC0218", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1694572252919, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0218", "files": [ { "name": "Curriculum-Map-AASComputerSecureProgrammingApril2023.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1682532624419\/JxWTWUh1QHn6.xlsx" }, { "name": "ComputerWebCurriculumChangesAdvisoryCommitteeSpring2023.pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1682532624419\/XQG56gZJQbzQ.pdf" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Secure Programming and Database Development Associate in Applied Science program is to prepare students for employment in secure software development by educating them in the fundamental concepts of computer programming, software assurance and database development.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 115; CMPSC 122; CMPSC 140; CMPSC 249; Approved Elective", "2ILSA": "CMPSC 222; CMPSC 235; CMPSC 245; CMPSC 270; ECON 110 or 111", "NhgHM": "CMPSC 225; CMPSC 145 or CMPSC 200; Communication; BUS 120 or Mathematics; English", "1BIqF": "CMPSC 262; CMWEB 200; CMWEB 241; Approved Elective; Science", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information System<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558\n <\/p>", "78rZ3": "\u00a0 \n\u00a0", "qznvI": "<p>Students in this program may be eligible for apprenticeships with our partner employers. If the student is accepted into an apprenticeship, the student will be required to spend specific blocks of time working successfully at the sponsoring employers place of business.<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Shari Tripp\nRafeeq Al-Hashemi\nYoungju Son\nMichelle Weghorst", "NFUSx": false, "I2NDa": "Secure Software", "cnba8": "Computer Science - Secure Software and Database Systems", "igPds": "60", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate of Applied Science Degree.<br>** Approved Electives are CMWEB 110, CMPSC 125, CMPSC 150, CMPSC 155, CMPSC 211, CMPSC 212, CMPSC 124, CMPSC 224.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "<hr><p><strong>Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.<\/strong><\/p>", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Shari Tripp", "vvKL0": "<p>Shari Tripp<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p>BUSOC0194 Computer Programming and Database Development Certificate<\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0194\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0194\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/ext1y2dn50XPqZb0VgkE\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"ext1y2dn50XPqZb0VgkE\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/Phb1NYMRkqsypIXQyu1J\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"Phb1NYMRkqsypIXQyu1J\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/ITxXAgzj7zcuYUvgFylp\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"ITxXAgzj7zcuYUvgFylp\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/F8wJcXIQRtNwZCEZqef2\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"F8wJcXIQRtNwZCEZqef2\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Secure Software Development", "KbMWy": "Programmer, Coder, Software Developer, Developer, Software Engineer, DevOps Developer, Software Architect, System Engineer", "yJWsK": [ "Apprenticeship Program", "Information Technology Accelerator (IT)", "No Cost\/Low Cost Program" ], "BzOLC": "<p>15-1252.00 Software Developers *; 15-1251.00 Computer Programmers<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "General Education", "9Zc6g": "<p>517<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>518<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>Required 818<\/p><p>145 or 200 931<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "Electives", "9Zc6g": "<p>519<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>930<\/p>" }, { "qS5ZH": "GPA and Residence", "9Zc6g": "<p>626<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 1057, "lWQwc": "2015-07-01", "5ATC7": "68", "sckmt": "1037", "nw8kM": "60", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "BUSOC0194 Computer Science Secure Software and Database Certificate\nBUSOC0219 Database Certificate\nBUSOC0221 Java Programming Certificate", "5KtCS": "BUSOC0216 Artificial Intelligence Certificate\nBUSOC0220 C++\/C# Programming Certificate", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "VuWOR": "None", "vCGmZ": "1. Propose a numbering change of CMPSC135 to CMPSC225 to prevent confusion at upper level institutions. 2. Remove CMPSC237 form the curriculum and replace it with CMWEB 200", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "YTdw7": "None", "dlMz0": [ "Title", "Credits", "Removing Courses", "Adding Courses", "Course Sequence" ], "Yfdez": "No", "WkzmX": "No longer a range. Now 60 credits, Was 60 to 62. ", "D0Czi": "Add new AI courses as approved electives under \"Notes\"", "8eiko": [ "Other" ], "status": "Active", "PmWQy": "Catalog formatting 24 to 25 Catalog- Upper and Lower Case Letters on Courses. " }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "A", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of Secure Software Development", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2163", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0218-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1734098824941, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate specific skills and proficiency in the technical knowledge of secure computer programming principles, methods, and measurements.", "justification": "1. The student will design, implement, and formally test a medium sized software application, utilizing super-classes, subclasses, abstract classes, and interfaces.\n2. The student will design and implement data structures including arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, sets, hashing, maps, and graphs.\n3. The student will demonstrate an understanding of time and space efficiency analysis of searching and sorting algorithms.\n4. The student will demonstrate a knowledge of designing, constructing and assessing appropriate solutions using a variety of basic recursive techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will comprehend the security risks and threats to software.", "justification": "1. The student will understand the tenets of ethical and professional behavior promoted by professional societies and accept the professional responsibilities and liabilities associated with security.\n2. The student will demonstrate an understanding of testing and static analysis of software to provide security assurance accept the professional responsibilities and liabilities associated with security.\n3. The student will understand software architecture, architectural patterns, and client-server computing.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates of the program will have an application of knowledge in the proper construction and querying of databases and providing information from the stored data.", "justification": "1. The student will be able to design, create, and manage database.\n2. The student will demonstrate an understanding of SQL commands to create, maintain, and query a relational database.\n3. The students will manage and organize the relational database and user\/data privileges.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Comp Sci-Secure Sftwr\/Database Syst", "name": "Comp Sci AAS", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0218", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0218", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"190\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"368\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"126\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>ENGLISH *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>COMMUNICATION *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>ECON 110 <\/p><p>or<br>ECON 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Principles of Macroeconomics<\/p><p>or<br>Principles of Microeconomics<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>BUS 120 <\/p><p>or<\/p><p>MATHEMATICS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Business Mathematics<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><p><\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"190\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"368\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"126\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 115 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>CS I: Essentials of Programming<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 122 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Introduction to Computer Security<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 140 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Introduction to Relational Databases<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 145<\/p><p>or<br>CMPSC 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Introduction to Python<\/p><p>or<br>C# Programming<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 222 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Secure Coding<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 225<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>CS II: Programming in Java<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 235<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>CS III: Advanced Programming in Java<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 245 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Structured Query Language<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 249<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>UNIX<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 262 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Introduction to Assured Software Engineerig<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMPSC 270 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Structured System Analysis<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMWEB 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>Javascript and Mobile App Developement for Web Developers<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>CMWEB 241<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p>PHP And Database Administration<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"190\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"368\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"126\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"190\"><p>APPROVED ELECTIVES **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"368\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"126\"><p> 4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Computer Science - Secure Software and Database Systems", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 20, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "computer science - secure software and database systems" }
Computer Science Secure Software and Database – BUSOC0194 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "BUSOC0194-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Computer Science Secure Software and Database", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0201", "code": "BUSOC0194", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1694463903279, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0194", "files": [ { "name": "ComputerWebCurriculumChangesAdvisoryCommitteeSpring2023.pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1682532432091\/ktgjRC6Q60eh.pdf", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "Curriculum-Map-ComputerSecureSoftwareDatabaseCertificateApril2023.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1682532440373\/Ip3YKCSsbAm4.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Computer Science Secure Programming and Database Certificate is to provide students with a working knowledge of the principles, techniques, and skills to program in a computer environment, so that individuals following this sequence of courses are prepared for entry-level employment or enhancement of their skills as a computer programmer.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 115; CMPSC 122; CMPSC 249; Approved Elective ", "2ILSA": "CMPSC 222; CMPSC 235; CMPSC 245; CMPSC 270", "NhgHM": "CMPSC 140; CMPSC 145 or CMPSC 200; CMPSC 225", "1BIqF": "CMPSC 262; CMWEB 200; CMWEB 241; Approved Elective", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Shari Tripp\nRafeeq Al-Hashemi\nYoungju Son\nMichelle Weghorst", "NFUSx": false, "I2NDa": "Computer Programming and Database Development Certificate", "cnba8": "Computer Science Secure Software and Database", "igPds": "47", "c6uW8": "<p>* Approved Electives are CMWEB 110, CMPSC 125, CMPSC 150, CMPSC 155, CMPSC 211, CMPSC 212, CMPSC 124, CMPSC 224. <\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Shari Tripp", "vvKL0": "<p>Shari Tripp<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0218\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0218\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Secure Software Development", "KbMWy": "Programmer, Coder, Software Developer, Developer, Software Engineer, DevOps Developer, Software Architect, System Engineer", "BzOLC": "<p>15.1251.00 Computer Programmers; <\/p><p>15.1252.00 Software Developers *;<\/p><p>15-1253.00 Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers *<\/p>", "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>202<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>Required 818<\/p><p>145 or 200 931<\/p><p>Electives 930<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 410, "lWQwc": "2010-08-23", "5ATC7": "68", "sckmt": "1410", "nw8kM": "47", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "BUSOC0218 Computer Science - Secure Software and Database Systems AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "YTdw7": "None", "VuWOR": "None", "vCGmZ": "1. Changing the number of CMPSC135 to CMPSC225 to reflect that it is an upper level class 2. Exchanging CMPSC237 for CMWEB200 Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "dlMz0": [ "Title", "Course Sequence", "Removing Courses", "Adding Courses" ], "hWlc4": "Unsure", "WkzmX": "Increase in credit hours from 38-39 to 47. Changes due to combining the Secure Software and Computer Programming and Database programs into one AAS. This is a first step as there are plans to add additional smaller certificates. ", "D0Czi": "Add the new AI courses as approved electives for the Certificate under \"Notes\" ", "8eiko": [ "Other" ], "status": "Active", "PmWQy": "Catalog formatting- courses revised to upper and lower case. " }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "Certificate in Computer Programming and Database Development", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "BUSOC0194-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1734098324624, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will demonstrate an understanding and technical knowledge to perform as an entry level programmer.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate the ability to choose different programming languages based on type of solution required.\n2. Students will be capable of verbal communication with peers using technical terms found in the computer software industry.\n3. Students will be able to utilize Integrated Development Environments to construct project solutions.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will demonstrate the skills necessary to develop business applications.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze business problems.\n2. Students will demonstrate the ability to conceptually model solutions to business problems.\n3. Students will demonstrate implementation of their solutions.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will demonstrate the skills to develop and manage relational database systems because RDBMSs are the dominant persistent storage technology.", "justification": "1. Students will learn how to design through understanding relational database structure.\n2. Students will learn how to manipulate database using SQL statements, stored-procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions.\n3. Students will learn how to maintain databases.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "CompSci Secure Software & Data", "name": "CompSciCert", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "BUSOC0194", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "BUSOC0194", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"182\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"310\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"128\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>CS I: Essentials of Programming<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 122<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Introduction to Computer Security<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Introduction to Relational Databases <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 145<\/p><p>or<br>CMPSC 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Introduction to Python<\/p><p>or<br>C# Programming<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 222<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Secure Coding<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 225<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>CS II: Programming in Java<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 235<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>CS III: Advanced Programing in Java<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 245<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Structured Query Language <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 249<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>UNIX <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 262<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Introduction to Assured Software Engineering<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMPSC 270<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Structured System Analysis<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMWEB 200 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>Javascript and Mombile App Development for Web Developers<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>CMWEB 241<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p>PHP And Dababase Administation<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"182\"><p>APPROVED ELECTIVES*<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"310\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"128\"><p>6<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Computer Science Secure Software and Database", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 12, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "computer science secure software and database", "stacksTo": "BUSOC0218" }
Computer-Aided Mechanical Drafting – ENIN0088 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "ENIN0088-2022-08-15", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "15.1302", "code": "ENIN0088", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1660676971310, "customFields": { "code": "ENIN0088", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Computer-Aided Mechanical Drafting certificate program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills required for entry-level employment in computer-aided design and drafting systems. Individuals will learn manufacturing processes, welding processes, and dimensional metrology.\u00a0", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "MECTK 110; MECTK 115; MECTK 121; MECTK 138", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "MECTK 123; MECTK 125; MECTK 231; WELD 119", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "Math skills equivalent to two years of high school algebra and one year of high school geometry are required for admission to the program. These courses are available at the College for applicants who need to upgrade their math skills.", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "qznvI": "The student can earn the certificate as they work towards a Mechanical Engineering Technology Associate in Applied Science degree and\/or a baccalaureate in Manufacturing Engineering Technology or an Industrial Technology Associate in Applied Science degree.\u00a0\u00a0", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Computer-Aided Mechanical Drafting", "igPds": "25", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Manufacturing", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Bob Branan", "vvKL0": "<p>Bob Branan<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/ENIN0017\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"ENIN0017\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Mechanical Engineering Technology", "KbMWy": "Drafter, Mechanical Drafter, CAD Designer", "BzOLC": "<p>17-3013.00 Mechanical Drafters;<\/p><p>17-3019.00 Drafters, All Other<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>197<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>380<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 403, "lWQwc": "1985-05-14", "5ATC7": "34", "sckmt": "442", "nw8kM": "25", "OLVfM": "Cert - Related", "MGuXv": "ENIN0017 Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Mostly 16 week with a few 8 week courses", "7BoTl": "Advisory committee requested additional GD&T training be added to MECTK 115. Adding 1 hour to total certificate hours. One of the classes is no longer available so it will be removed.\n\nOverall credit hours changed to 24 to include the increase by 1 for the MECTK 115 change and the reduction of 2 for removing MECTK 106. MECTK 106 removed (2 credit hrs) MECTK 115 increased to 3 credit hrs *Corrected to 25 overall credit hours. RP 11\/2\/2021", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "XlllO": [], "I5n3q": [], "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "diplomaDescription": "Certificate in Computer-Aided Mechanical Drafting", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2022-08-15", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "ENIN0088-2022-08-15", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729943567897, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate the understanding of engineering drawings in order to pursue employment as a computer-aided mechanical design professional.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to create 3D solid models using extrude, revolve, sweep, and blend commands.\n\n2. Students will be able to edit existing models and change size and location of features.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will demonstrate specific procedures within the area of mechanical design such as detailing, illustrating that they are well prepared to positively contribute to the design team.", "justification": "1. Students will assign dimensions to drawings according to ANSI standards.\n\n2. Students will assign welding symbols to drawings.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Students will demonstrate professional behavior.", "justification": "1. Students will use formal professional language during presentations displaying their work.\n\n2. Students will be able to work independently.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Computer-Aided Mech Draft", "name": "CAid Mech", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "ENIN0088", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 9, "rawSisId": "ENIN0088", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"204\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"482\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>MECTK 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Introduction to the Tools of Technology<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>MECTK 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Principles of Dimensional Metrology <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>MECTK 121<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Introduction to Mechanical Computer-Aided Drafting Using AutoCAD<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>MECTK 123<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Mechanical Detailing with CAD<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>MECTK 125<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Introduction to 3-D Modeling <\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>MECTK 138<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Manufacturing Processes I <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>MECTK 231<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Industrial Fluid Power <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"204\"><p>WELD 119<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"482\"><p>Welding Processes <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptDescription": "Computer-Aided Mechanical Drafting", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 21, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Computer-Aided Mechanical Drafting", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "computer-aided mechanical drafting" }
Construction Management – ENIN 0271 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "Sg8T4yzUJLrdT80tHDGp-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Construction Management", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "46.0412", "code": "ENIN 0271", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1697650085422, "customFields": { "code": "ENIN0271", "zSPuQ": "The Construction Management certificate gives the student the skills and knowledge necessary for beginning a career in the commercial construction management field. The program prepares students for entry-level positions with construction firms and other industry-related organizations, and can serve as the first step to completing the AAS degree in Construction Management Technology. The program focus is on construction project management, construction estimating, materials and methods of construction, and construction documentation. An internship provides students the opportunity to use skills required for becoming a successful construction professional.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMPSC 120; CNST 110; CNST 115; CNST 120; CNST 125; CNST 130", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CNST 135; CNST 140; CNST 145; CNST 150; CNST 225", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "CNST 230", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>At least thirty percent (30%) of the total program of study required for the certificate must be completed in residence at Illinois Central College.<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Dana King\nMargaret Swanson", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Construction Management", "igPds": "33", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Architecture & Construction", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-09-27", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Jim Eller", "vvKL0": "<p>Jim Eller<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/rGCLxih40SHpNFlYYXq3\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"rGCLxih40SHpNFlYYXq3\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "AIT_King _Dana_Construction Mgmt Certificate.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717777428152\/slfo1rvBm7jW.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Construction\/Management", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester", "Spring Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Project Manager, Construction Manager, Construction Estimator", "BzOLC": "<p>47-1011.00 First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lDsqu": [ { "qS5ZH": "Program Courses", "9Zc6g": "<p>679<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>905<\/p>" } ], "WJ6tj": 1251, "lWQwc": "2023-07-01", "5ATC7": "44", "sckmt": "990", "nw8kM": "33", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "ENIN0270 Construction Management Technology AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Fully offered in 8 week format currently\n", "7BoTl": "Local construction employers have recently come to Dr. Quirk-Bailey requesting the college help them with building the workforce in the construction sector, specifically construction managers. An AAS degree in Construction Management Technology is being proposed, which includes two stackable certificates. This Construction Management Certificate is the second of two proposed. Labor market data and employer letters of support show a need for additional construction workers in our district.", "YTdw7": "Basic Construction Program courses plus:\nCNST 135 Construction Risk Management\nCNST 140 Surveying\nCNST 145 Construction Planning & Scheduling\nCNST 150 Construction Estimating\nCNST 225 Methods & Materials II\nCNST 230 Construction Management Internship", "VuWOR": "Faculty\nComputer Lab\nCad\/BIM Software\/other construction-related software\nConstruction Lab Space (with overhead clearance & large doors)\nVarious equipment for teaching wood, steel, concrete, roofing - wall, etc.\nConsumables", "D0Czi": "Removing CMGEN 120 from the layout and sequence as an option since the course is being withdrawn. Administratively making the change since the program was updated in the last 2 years. ", "8eiko": [ "Program layout", "Recommended sequence" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "Sg8T4yzUJLrdT80tHDGp-2024-07-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729947187252, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate knowledge of the creation and use of construction project management documents, materials, and information as well as basic principles of being a construction project manager.", "justification": "1. Students will identify career path options in the construction skilled trades.\n2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of and the safe use of materials and methods as required to carry out work on a construction project.\n3. Students will use 2-D drawings and 3-D modeling to produce industry-based documentation.\n4. Students will utilize techniques in scheduling actual build projects using industry current software.\n5. Students will identify appropriate techniques and technology to use in the solution of construction management problems within the scope of an internship experience.\n6. Students will recognize the basic principles of mechanical, electrical, and piping systems.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate the appropriate skills for a construction project manager.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate skills in communication, decision-making, and team work enabling them to work as a productive member of a construction team.\n2. Students will read and interpret information from blueprints and specifications.\n3. Student will estimate quantities and costs for the bidding process in a construction project.\n4. Students will identify the fundamentals of contracts, codes, and regulations that govern a construction project.\n5. Students will interpret construction documents (contract, specifications, and drawing) used in managing a construction project.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate ethical behaviors and decision-making as a construction project manager.", "justification": "1. Students will recognize basic safety hazards on a construction site and implement standard prevention measures.\n2. Students will demonstrate an awareness of the need for ethical behavior in developing estimates, contracts, and bids.\n3. Students will demonstrate ethical behaviors when interacting with fellow students and members of the construction team.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Construction Management", "name": "CNSTMGMT C", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "programGroupId": "Sg8T4yzUJLrdT80tHDGp", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 12, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "xevzuMKbVpuUAU5p5oNE", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\"><p><strong>PROGRAM COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"520\"><p><strong>TITLE<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"135\"><p><strong>CREDIT HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CMPSC 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Business Computer Systems<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Introduction to Construction<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Safety - OSHA 30<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Plans & Specifications<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 125 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Methods & Materials I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 130<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>CAD\/BIM<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 135<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Risk Management<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Surveying<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 145<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Planning & Scheduling<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Estimating<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 225<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Methods & Materials II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 230<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Management Internship<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": [], "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Construction Management", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 14, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "construction management", "stacksTo": "ENIN0270" }
Construction Management Technology – ENIN 0270 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "rGCLxih40SHpNFlYYXq3-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Construction Management Technology", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "46.0412", "code": "ENIN 0270", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1690200151348, "customFields": { "code": "ENIN0270", "files": [], "zSPuQ": "The Construction Management Technology degree gives the student the skills and knowledge in the organization and management of both large and small commercial construction projects and prepares them for positions in construction management and related jobs with construction firms and other industry-related organizations. Program focus is on project management, construction estimating, materials and methods of construction, construction documentation, including construction graphics, and surveying. A capstone course and internship provide students the opportunity to use skills required for becoming a successful construction professional. Although designed for immediate employment, this degree can also serve students interested in pursuing a bachelor's degree in construction or upward mobility within the construction industry.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CNST 110; CNST 115; CNST 120; CNST 125; CNST 130; English", "2ILSA": "CMPSC 120; MGMT 113; Communication; Humanities\/Fine Arts; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "NhgHM": "CNST 135; CNST 145; CNST 150; CNST 225; Mathematics and\/or Science", "1BIqF": "CNST 140; CNST 230; CNST 250; Mathematics and\/or Science; Approved Elective", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Dana King\nMargaret Swanson", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Construction Management Technology", "igPds": "60", "xeM27": "Manufacturing, Engineering & Trades", "RXLTy": "Architecture & Construction", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2024-02-28", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Jim Eller", "vvKL0": "<p>Jim Eller<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p>ENIN0272 Basic Construction Certificate<\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/Sg8T4yzUJLrdT80tHDGp\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"Sg8T4yzUJLrdT80tHDGp\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/G5a5AY5RB3Kwwj2TNj7i\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"G5a5AY5RB3Kwwj2TNj7i\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p>None<\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "AIT_King_Dana_Const Mang Tech AAS.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717777497788\/XeppgH7RFAQL.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Construction\/Management", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester", "Spring Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Project Manager, Construction Manager, Construction Estimator", "BzOLC": "<p>11-3013.00 Facilities Managers *<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "2023-07-01", "5ATC7": "72", "sckmt": "1800", "nw8kM": "60", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "ENIN0272 Basic Construction Certificate\nENIN0271 Construction Management Certificate", "5KtCS": "None", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Will be offered in 8 week format, with a few courses to remain 16 week", "YTdw7": "All Construction Management Certificate Program courses plus:\nCNST 250 Construction Management Capstone", "VuWOR": "Faculty\nComputer Lab\nCad\/BIM Software\/other construction-related software\nConstruction Lab Space (with overhead clearance & large doors)\nVarious equipment for teaching wood, steel, concrete, roofing - wall, etc.\nConsumables", "D0Czi": "Only Correcting course sequencing to include the SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES * requirements in the course sequencing layout. ", "8eiko": [ "Recommended sequence" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2243", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "rGCLxih40SHpNFlYYXq3-2024-07-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729947267352, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate knowledge of the creation and use of construction project management documents, materials, and information as well as the principles of being a construction project manager.", "justification": "1. Identify career path options in the construction skilled trades.\n2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of and the safe use of materials and methods as required to carry out work on a construction project.\n3. Students will use 2-D drawings and 3-D modeling to produce industry-based documentation.\n4. Students will utilize techniques in scheduling actual build projects using industry current software.\n5. Students will recognize the basic principles of mechanical, electrical, and piping systems.\n6. Students will identify appropriate techniques and technology to use in the solution of construction management problems within the scope of a capstone course and internship experience.\n7. Students will use technology as a tool in a wide range of documentation, presentation and analysis applications, using estimating, scheduling and management software and other appropriate technology.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate the appropriate skills for a construction project manager.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate skills in communication, decision-making, and team work enabling them to work as a productive member of a construction team.\n2. Students will read and interpret information from blueprints and specifications.\n3. Student will estimate quantities and costs for the bidding process in a construction project.\n4. Students will identify the fundamentals of contracts, codes, and regulations that govern a construction project.\n5. Students will interpret construction documents (contract, specifications, and drawing) used in managing a construction project.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Graduates of the program will demonstrate ethical behaviors and decision-making as a construction project manager.", "justification": "1. Students will recognize basic safety hazards on a construction site and implement standard prevention measures.\n2. Students will demonstrate an awareness of the need for ethical behavior in developing estimates, contracts, and bids.\n3. Students will demonstrate ethical behaviors when interacting with fellow students and members of the construction team.\n", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "CNST Management Technology", "name": "CnstMgtAAS", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "rGCLxih40SHpNFlYYXq3", "programLengthType": "Y", "programLengthValue": 2, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "Eq39YjUxnBCVwrYxeZR4", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\"><p><strong>GENERAL COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"520\"><p><strong>TITLES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"135\"><p><strong>CREDIT HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>ENGLISH<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>COMMUNICATION * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MATHEMATICS\/SCIENCE * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>6<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"f8ih0heXCRmpDHzUhM12\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"270\"><p><strong>PROGRAM COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"520\"><p><strong>TITLE<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"135\"><p><strong>CREDIT HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CMPSC 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Business Computer Systems<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Introduction to Construction<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Safety - OSHA 30<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Plans & Specifications<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 125 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Methods & Materials I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 130<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>CAD\/BIM<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 135<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Risk Management<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Surveying<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 145<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Planning & Scheduling<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Estimating<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 225<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Methods & Materials II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 230<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Management Internship<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>CNST 250<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Construction Management Capstone<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>MGMT 113<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p>Principles of Management<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"270\"><p>APPROVED ELECTIVE**<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"520\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"135\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><p>**Approved elective SCM 233, PHIL 114, BUS 120, MGMT 205, MGMT 213, ACCTG 101, OFACS 132, or other elective approved by the department.<\/p>" } }, "startTerm": [], "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Construction Management Technology", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 16, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "construction management technology" }
Criminal Justice – ICC0254012 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254012-2023-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Criminal Justice", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254012", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1671312640548, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254012", "zSPuQ": "This area of study is designed for students intending to prepare for a career in the criminal justice field. The area of study may prepare the student for employment in some areas of the field; however, many of the employment opportunities in the criminal justice field require a four-year degree. Students desiring to transfer should work very closely with their advisors.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CRJ 110; CRJ 118; ENGL 110; POLSC 119; SOC 110", "2ILSA": "Elective; Humanities; Life Science; POLSC 115; SOC 210", "NhgHM": "CRJ 114; ENGL 111; Fine Arts; Mathematics; PSY 110", "1BIqF": "CRJ 225; CRJ130; Humanities\/Fine Arts; Physical Science", "4MEvM": "COMM 110", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": true, "cnba8": "Criminal Justice", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree.<br>** Suggested electives: CRJ 111, 112, 121, 227, 230, 250.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Human & Public Service", "RXLTy": "Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "Hk6pU": "Douglas Heuermann", "hRP0F": "Criminal Justice", "KbMWy": "Police Officer, Correctional Officer, Youth Counselor, Security Officer, Probation Officer", "UYmmB": "Spring 2025", "7BoTl": "Change Sequencing to move Mathematics to 1st year (Spring 1) and move CRJ 130 to 2nd year (Spring 2)", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "D0Czi": "Change Sequencing to move Mathematics to 1st year (Spring 1) and move CRJ 130 to 2nd year (Spring 2)", "8eiko": [ "Recommended sequence" ] }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2023-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254012-2023-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1738270092517, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Criminal Justice", "name": "Crim Just", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254012", "programLengthType": "", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254012", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"262\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"487\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT Hours<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ENGL 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Composition II <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>COMM 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>POLSC 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>American National Government <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>PSY 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Introduction to Psychology<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>SOC 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Introduction to Sociology <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>MATHEMATICS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>7<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>HUMANITIES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS * <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"262\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"487\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>CRJ 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Introduction to Criminal Justice System <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>CRJ 114<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Introduction to Corrections <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>CRJ 118<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Juvenile Delinquency<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>CRJ 130 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Introduction to Investigation <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>CRJ 225 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Criminal Law<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>POLSC 119 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>State and Local Government<\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>SOC 210 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p>Introduction to Criminology <\/p><\/td><td><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"262\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"487\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"262\"><p>ELECTIVE **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"487\"><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Criminal Justice", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 16, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "criminal justice" }
Culinary Arts Management – FCS0180 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "FCS0180-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "12.0503", "code": "FCS0180", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641507777731, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "FCS0180", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Culinary Arts Certificate program is to prepare students for entry level employment in the restaurant industry by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge, and hands-on techniques and skills of the restaurant industry.\u00a0", "D3XAk": "CA 151", "K5Vlu": "BUS 120 or Mathematics; CA 150; CA 155; COMM 110", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "CA 153; CA 213; CA 214; CA 215; CA 253", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Culinary Arts Management-Certificate", "igPds": "28", "c6uW8": "<p>* Math 110 or higher.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Hospitality & Tourism", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Charles Robertson", "vvKL0": "<p>Charles Robertson<\/p><p>Keith Shank<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/FCS0202\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"FCS0202\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Culinary Arts", "l4iwc": [ "Fall 1st 8 Weeks", "Spring 1st 8 Weeks" ], "KbMWy": "Station Chef, Line Cook, Prep Cook", "BzOLC": "<p>35-1011.00 Chefs and Head Cooks *<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "1997-05-02", "5ATC7": "42", "sckmt": "476", "nw8kM": "28", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "FCS0202 Culinary Arts Management AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "vCGmZ": "Modification of course requirements for certificate. Update program sequence.", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "diplomaDescription": "Certificate in Culinary Arts Management", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "FCS0180-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1732559345465, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates will have basic culinary math knowledge in order to perform calculations necessary in the industry.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in recipe adjustment.\n\n2. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in recipe costing.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will demonstrate application of skills of basic culinary and bakeshop principles.", "justification": "1. Students will apply basic culinary skills and techniques.\n\n2. Students will apply basic baking skills and techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates will model professional behaviors appropriate for an entry level culinarian.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate cooperative learning and engagement when working with their peers on group projects.\n\n2. Students will demonstrate professional demeanor by following the Culinary Arts Policies and Procedures in regards to uniforms and grooming guidelines.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Culinary Arts Management", "name": "Culinary A", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "FCS0180", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 13, "rawSisId": "FCS0180", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"227\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSE<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"350\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>BUS 120<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Approved Mathematics *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Business Mathematics<\/p><p><\/p><p><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Professional Cooking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 151<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Advanced Sanitation and Safety<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 153<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Baking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 155<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Meat, Poultry and Fish<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 213<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Beverage Management<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 214<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Front of the House<\/p><\/td><td><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 215<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Culinary Nutrition<\/p><\/td><td><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>CA 253<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Advanced Baking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"227\"><p>COMM 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"350\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptDescription": "Culinary Arts Management", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 22, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Culinary Arts Management", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "culinary arts management", "stacksTo": "FCS0202" }
Culinary Arts Management – FCS0202 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "FCS0202-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "12.0503", "code": "FCS0202", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641510662540, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "FCS0202", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Culinary Arts Management Associate in Applied Science Degree program is to prepare students for employment in the restaurant industry by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge, and hands-on techniques and skills of the restaurant industry.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0", "xxK0B": "This program is accredited by the American Culinary Federation Educational Foundation (ACFEF).", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "BUS 120 or MATH 110; CA 151; CA 215; ENGL 110; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "2ILSA": "CA 153; CA 156; CA 175; CA 217; CA 253; COMM 110", "NhgHM": "CA 150; CA 155; CA 214; Laboratory Science", "1BIqF": "CA 157; CA 212; CA 213; CA 220; CA 225", "4MEvM": "CA 211; Humanities", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Culinary Arts Management", "igPds": "64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Applied Science Degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Hospitality & Tourism", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Charles Robertson", "vvKL0": "<p>Charles Robertson<\/p><p>Keith Shank<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p>FCS0180 Culinary Arts Management-Certificate<\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/FCS0180\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"FCS0180\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/FCS0245\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"FCS0245\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Culinary Arts", "l4iwc": [ "Fall 1st 8 Weeks", "Spring 1st 8 Weeks" ], "KbMWy": "Chef, Executive Chef, Chef de Cuisine, Pastry Chef, Sous Chef, Kitchen Manager, Station Chefs, Caterer, Banquet Chef", "BzOLC": "<p>35-1011.00 Chefs and Head Cooks *; <\/p><p>35-2013.00 Cooks, Private Household;<\/p><p>35.2014.00 Cooks, Restaurant *;<\/p><p>35-2019.00 Cooks, All Other<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "2002-12-10", "5ATC7": "76", "sckmt": "1139", "nw8kM": "64", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "FCS0180 Culinary Arts Management Certificate", "5KtCS": "FCS0245 Restaurant Managment AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "audSv": "American Culinary Federation Educational Foundation (ACFEF) \nAmerican Culinary Federation\n6816 Southpoint Pkwy Suite 400\nJacksonville, FL 32216\nPhone: (904) 824-4468\nFax: (904) 940-0741\nhttps:\/\/\/ACF\/Education\/Accreditation\/ACF\/Education\/Accreditation\/", "K3YRr": "12\/3\/2026", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "7BoTl": "The program is being changed to align our program with requirements for external accreditation from the American Culinary Federation (ACF)", "vCGmZ": "Update courses for program (reduction of credits from 67 to 64) Update suggested course sequence Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "BUS & INFO", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of Culinary Arts Management", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "FCS0202-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729811124587, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate appropriate culinary math knowledge in order to perform calculations necessary in the industry.", "justification": "1. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in recipe adjustment.\n\n2. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in recipe costing.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will demonstrate application of knowledge of culinary arts, baking and pastry, nutrition, and management principles.", "justification": "1. Students will execute appetizers and entrees using culinary arts principles.\n\n2. Students will produce desserts and pastries using baking and pastry principles.\n\n3. Students will apply nutrition and management principles.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates of the program will model professional behaviors appropriate for an entry-level culinarian.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate cooperative learning and engagement when working with their peers on group projects.\n\n2. Students will demonstrate professional demeanor by following the Culinary Arts Policies and Procedures in regards to uniforms and grooming guidelines.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Culinary Arts Management", "name": "Cul Arts M", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "FCS0202", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "FCS0202", "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"253\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"504\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ENGL 110 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>COMM 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>HUMANITIES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>LABORATORY SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>BUS 120<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>MATH 110 <\/p><p>or HIGHER<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Business Mathematics<\/p><p>or<\/p><p>Concepts of Mathematics<\/p><p>or **see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"253\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"504\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Professional Cooking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 151<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Sanitation and Product Identification<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 153<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Baking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 155<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Meat, Poultry and Fish<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 156 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Sauces<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 157<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Garde Manger<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 175<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Topics in Culinary Arts<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Hospitality Management and Marketing<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Foodservice Cost Control<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 213 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Beverage Management<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 214 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Front of the House<\/p><\/td><td><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 215<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Culinary Nutrition<\/p><\/td><td><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 217<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Intro to Catering<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 220<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Advanced Professional Cooking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 225<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Internship in Culinary Arts<\/p><\/td><td><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>CA 253<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"504\"><p>Advanced Baking<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "transcriptDescription": "Culinary Arts Management", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 25, "requirementLevels": [], "assessments": "", "campus": "", "career": "", "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Culinary Arts Management", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "delivery": "", "description": "", "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "institutionId": "", "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastProspectDate": "", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "registrationMode": "", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "culinary arts management" }
Cybersecurity Analyst – BUSOC0233 | Certificate | CM
{ "_id": "uL5otGtpH8zSCldXMXEh", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Cybersecurity Analyst", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0901", "code": "BUSOC0233", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1715780602605, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0233", "files": [ { "name": "Networking Advisory Committee Minutes-Sept2023.pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1696262644663\/7bXZjxldbvOd.pdf", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "2024_ICC Curriculum Map_Cybersecurity Analyst Cert.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1696262914803\/pKFdcf6dODR5.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" }, { "name": "Occup Outlook_CyberSec Analyst - CISCO Networking_10132023.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1697231443457\/OWjgoE2VvOfO.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The Cybersecurity Analyst certificate provides students with fundamental cybersecurity, IT, and networking knowledge. It prepares students for industry certifications such as CompTIA\u2019s A+, Security+, Cisco\u2019s CCNA, CyberOps Associate, and the EC-Council\u2019s Certified Ethical Hacker.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "CMCIS 151; CMCIS 152; CMNET 150; CMNET 151", "2ILSA": "CMNET 160; CMNET 191", "NhgHM": "CMCIS 153; CMCIS 158; CMCIS 170", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information Systems<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Kevin Wells; Kim Hawthorne", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Cybersecurity Analyst", "igPds": "31", "59bEM": "20 (30 to 50 credits) ", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0201\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0201\">program<\/a><\/p><p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0230\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0230\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "2024_ICC Curriculum Map_Cybersecurity Analyst Cert.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1700245580935\/HgnbI8ttoBKl.xlsx" } ], "hRP0F": "Cybersecurity", "KbMWy": "Cybersecurity Analyst, Information Security Analyst, Network Security Engineer, Cybersecurity Consultant, Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst, Penetration Tester, Incident Responder, Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst, Security Architect", "BzOLC": "<p>11-3021.00 Computer and Information Systems Managers *;<\/p><p>15-1211.00 Computer Systems Analysts *;<\/p><p>15-1212.00 Information Security Analysts *<\/p>", "4PSDr": false, "lWQwc": "2024-07-01", "5ATC7": "51", "sckmt": "930", "nw8kM": "31", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "BUSOC0230 Cisco Networking Specialist AAS\nBUSOC0201 Network Administrator AAS", "i7D4g": false, "zkrNj": false, "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "7BoTl": "Tasked to create a new certificate in networking for cybersecurity. \nSMG Summary: It prepares students for industry certifications such as CompTIA\u2019s A+, Security+, Cisco\u2019s CCNA, CyberOps Associate, and the EC-Council\u2019s Certified Ethical Hacker. Stackable to the Cisco Networking Specialist AAS degree. \n\nError on the original proposal for the Plan Code submitted by Kevin Wells, so submitting new proposal to fix the issue. Original proposal still available for viewing and to see timeline for approval. ", "YTdw7": "CMNET 191 - Ethical Hacker; submitted to Curriculum Committee." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2253", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "uL5otGtpH8zSCldXMXEh", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1732559209535, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Demonstrate an understanding of computer networks and how to troubleshoot issues.", "justification": "1. Troubleshoot common problems related to hardware components.\n2. Troubleshoot common operating system problems with appropriate tools.\n3. Students will be able to design and install basic networks.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Demonstrate an understanding of security technologies and how to secure networks.", "justification": "1. Demonstrate mitigation techniques to secure and maintain networks.\n2. Demonstrate an understanding of cyber threats, security technologies, and techniques for securing computer systems.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate", "longName": "Cybersecurity Analyst", "name": "Cyber", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "parentName": "", "programGroupId": "BB92oDn4i9CkrRsDwjdV", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "uL5otGtpH8zSCldXMXEh", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"177\" scope=\"row\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"511\" scope=\"row\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"193\" scope=\"row\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 151 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Introduction to Networks<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 152<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Routing and Switching Essentials<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 153<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Enterprise Networking<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 158<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Network Security<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMCIS 170<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Cyberops<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMNET 150<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Computer Hardware - A+<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMNET 151 <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Operating Systems - A+<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMNET 160<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Security Essentials - Security+<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"177\"><p>CMNET 191<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"511\"><p>Ethical Hacker<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"193\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": [], "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Cybersecurity Analyst", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 10, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "sortTitle": "cybersecurity analyst", "stacksTo": "BUSOC0230" }
Dance – ICC0254013 | Associate in Arts | CM
{ "_id": "ICC0254013-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Dance", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "24.0101", "code": "ICC0254013", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1709150943551, "customFields": { "code": "ICC0254013", "zSPuQ": "The Dance area of study, leading to an Associate in Arts degree, is designed for students planning to transfer to a four-year university to major in Dance after four semesters at Illinois Central College.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "DANCE 110; DANCE 130; DANCE 115; ENGL 110; Communication; Mathematics", "2ILSA": "DANCE 210; Humanities\/Fine Arts; THTRE 113; Social & Behavioral Sciences MUS 136; THTRE 122", "NhgHM": "DANCE 120; DANCE 160 or Elective; DANCE 140; ENGL 111; Physical Science; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Social & Behavioral Sciences", "1BIqF": "DANCE 211; DANCE 160 or Elective; THTRE 115; Humanities; Life Science", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Arts and Behavioral Sciences<br>East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Room 124A<br>(309) 694-5113<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Dance", "igPds": "60 to 64", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Arts Degree.<br>** Student may enroll in MUS 170\/180 in lieu of MUS 136 depending upon musical skill.<br>*** As needed to meet the 60 credit hour requirement.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2024-02-28", "Hk6pU": "Katherine Eickhoff", "vvKL0": "<p>Katherine Eickhoff<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Dance", "KbMWy": "Dance Teacher, Dance Therapist, Choreographer, Dance Historian", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "FpcS3": "Course name was changed for DANCE 140. It is now being changed in the layout. ", "qvxgM": "Modification to Layout" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "AA - Associate in Arts", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "ART & COMM", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "ART & COMM" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "11", "id": "ICC0254013-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1738273132498, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593728, "learningOutcomes": [], "level": "Associate in Arts", "longName": "Dance", "name": "Dance", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "parentName": "", "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": false, "programGroupId": "ICC0254013", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 18, "rawSisId": "ICC0254013", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"375\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"153\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Composition I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ENGL 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Composition II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>COMMUNICATION *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>9 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>MATHEMATICS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>LIFE SCIENCE\/PHYSICAL SCIENCE *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>7 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Appreciation of Dance <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>HUMANITIES <em>*<\/em><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>*see<a href=\"https:\/\/\/learning\/degrees\/aa\" class=\"open_in_new_tab\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><strong> <\/strong><\/a><a href=\"\/pages\/Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Fmbt198aWURfIx0HK4sK\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Arts Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>RECOMMENDED COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"375\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"153\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Beginning Techniques of Classical Ballet <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>2 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Intermediate Techniques of Classical Ballet <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>2 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 130<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Jazz Dance I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>1 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Modern Contemporary Dance I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>1 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 160<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Musical Theatre Dance <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>1 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 210<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Advanced Techniques of Classical Ballet <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>2 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>DANCE 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Advanced Techniques of Classical Ballet II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>2 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>MUS 136 **<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Music Fundamentals<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>THTRE 113<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Introduction to Technical Theatre <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>THTRE 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Stage Make-up <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>2 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>THTRE 122<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p>Acting I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"263\" scope=\"col\"><p>ELECTIVE COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"375\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"153\" scope=\"col\"><p>CREDIT HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"263\"><p>ELECTIVE ***<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"375\"><p><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"153\"><p> 1 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Dance", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 3, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "sortTitle": "dance" }
Database – BUSOC0219 | Certificate NFA | CM
{ "_id": "ext1y2dn50XPqZb0VgkE-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Database", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "11.0205", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1715763595121, "customFields": { "code": "BUSOC0219", "files": [ { "name": "Labor Market CIP 11.0205.docx", "path": "files\/form\/1699544323515\/2IeLgCD4LrVd.docx" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Database Certificate is to prepare students for employment or update skills for those currently employed by educating them in the fundamental concepts of creating, utilizing, and maintaining databases. ", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "N\/A", "2ILSA": "CMPSC 245, CMWEB 241", "NhgHM": "CMPSC 140, CMPSC 145", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Business, Legal, and Information System<br>East Peoria Campus, Technology Center Room 205<br>(309) 694-5558 <\/p>", "5U4b6": "Shari Tripp\nMichelle Weghorst\nRafeeq Al-Hashemi\nYoungju Son", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Database", "igPds": "13", "59bEM": "30 (9 to 29 credits)", "xeM27": "Business, Finance & IT", "RXLTy": "Information Technology", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-11-29", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/BUSOC0218\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"BUSOC0218\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "Curriculum-Map-DatabaseCertNov2023 (1).xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1701702675461\/6TXfxJmSKQMQ.xlsx" } ], "lDsqu": [ { "0": { "wLT5C": 1268 }, "wLT5C": 1268, "9Zc6g": "<p>710<\/p>", "3E7dC": "<p>933<\/p>", "qS5ZH": "Program Courses" } ], "WJ6tj": 1268, "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "BUSOC0218 Computer Science - Secure Software and Database Systems AAS", "UYmmB": "Fall 2025", "7BoTl": "Many employers standardize on a particular programming language platform. By creating stackable, targeted certificates, it allows both existing employees to gain a credential that shows their skillset in a particular language or area, and allows new employees or potential employees to gain the skills needed for that particular programming area. It also makes it easy for employers to identify people with the desired skills. Due to the sequential nature of the course prerequisites, this degree can currently be completed in two semesters. As a department, we are investigating which classes can be eventually moved to 8 week courses; if it is determined that can be done, then this certificate could be completed in one semester. For now, however, it will still be especially useful to part-time students who are already employed who can only take one or two classes a semester who are interested in expanding their skillset.", "YTdw7": "None", "VuWOR": "None" }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "BUS & INFO" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2253", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "ext1y2dn50XPqZb0VgkE-2024-07-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729522768644, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the program will demonstrate specific skills and proficiency in the technical knowledge of computer programming principles, methods, and measurements.", "justification": "1. The student will demonstrate a knowledge of designing, constructing and assessing appropriate solutions using a variety of techniques.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates will demonstrate the skills to develop and manage relational database systems because RDBMSs are the dominant persistent storage technology.", "justification": "1. Students will design databases through understanding relational database structure. \n2. Students will manipulate database using SQL statements, stored-procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions. \n3. Students will maintain databases.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Certificate NFA", "longName": "Database", "name": "DataBase", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "programGroupId": "ext1y2dn50XPqZb0VgkE", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 12, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "Otz7PZPeKdYUAi1zxBVB", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "showInCatalog": true, "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"201\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>PROGRAM COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"538\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>TITLES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th scope=\"col\"><p><strong>CREDIT HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"201\"><p>CMPSC 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"538\"><p>INTRO TO RELATIONAL DATABASES<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"201\"><p>CMPSC 145<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"538\"><p>INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON<\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"201\"><p>CMPSC 245<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"538\"><p>STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE <\/p><\/td><td><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"201\"><p>CMWEB 241<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"538\"><p>PHP<\/p><\/td><td><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>" } }, "startTerm": [], "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Database", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "DGR", "version": 10, "code": "BUSOC0219", "parentName": "", "createdBy": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "sortTitle": "database", "stacksTo": "BUSOC0218" }
Dental Hygienist – HCSV0048 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "HCSV0048-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Dental Hygienist\t", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "51.0602", "code": "HCSV0048", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1675344388464, "customFields": { "code": "HCSV0048", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Dental Hygienist program is to prepare professional, ethical and competent entry level dental hygienists, by facilitating development of knowledge, attainment of skills, enhancement of professional behaviors, and increasing awareness of roles and responsibilities to serve diverse needs of patients within the community.", "xxK0B": "<p>The Dental Hygiene program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, a specialized accrediting body of the American Dental Association. Contact information for ADA\/CODA, 211 East Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL, 60611-2678. Phone: 312-440-2500<\/p><p>Accreditation Review: October, 2028<\/p>", "D3XAk": "BIOL 140; CHEM 115", "K5Vlu": "BIOL 210; DHYGN 110; DHYGN 113; DHYGN 117; DHYGN 132, DHYGN 137, DHYGN 139; ENGL 110", "2ILSA": "DHYGN 210; DHYGN 226; DHYGN 228; DHYGN 231; DHYGN 244; DHYGN 248; PSY 110", "NhgHM": "COMM 110; DHYGN 111; DHYGN 131; DHYGN 133; DHYGN 135; DHYGN 243; NUTR 110", "1BIqF": "DHYGN 232; DHYGN 246; Humanities\/Fine Arts; SOC 110", "4MEvM": "DHYGN 212; DHYGN 222; DHYGN 230", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p><strong>Program admission requirements:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Current high school senior or high school graduate with minimum high school GPA 2.7, or 9 credit hours of college-level courses with minimum GPA 2.0 or higher<\/p><p> OR<\/p><\/li><li><p>College\/ICC student with minimum overall college GPA 2.0 or higher<\/p><p>AND<\/p><\/li><li><p>Complete BIOL 140 and CHEM 115 with minimum GPA 2.0 or higher <\/p><\/li><\/ul><p><strong>Additional requirements after program acceptance:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Complete drug screen, criminal background check, physical exam, and immunizations<\/p><\/li><li><p>Complete Healthcare Provider CPR certification from the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) or American Red Cross (ARC) BLS and keep it current throughout program<\/p><\/li><li><p>Participate in scheduled program registration and orientation sessions<\/p><\/li><li><p>Maintain minimum GPA 2.0 and earn GPA 2.0 or higher in all courses required within program<\/p><\/li><\/ul><p><strong>Recommendations:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Before application, schedule an appointment with college health careers student success advisor for help enrolling in required courses<\/p><\/li><li><p>Required general education courses from program sequence may be completed with grade C or higher, prior to acceptance\/admission into program<\/p><\/li><\/ul>", "fAeYe": "<p>Health Careers<br>Peoria Campus, Cedar, Room 105<br>(309) 690-7530<\/p>", "78rZ3": "<p>A grade of C or better in all DHYGN courses, BIOL 140, BIOL 210, CHEM 115, and NUTR 110. Students enrolled in the Associate in Applied Science degree program must meet with their assigned academic advisor to plan a specific course schedule meeting Illinois Central College and personal requirements.<\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>Graduates are eligible to take the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination and a regional\/state examination for registration as a Dental Hygienist in Illinois, and other states. The dental hygienist works under the supervision of the dentist in dental offices and other health agencies by performing duties delegated by the dentist in accordance with the Illinois Dental Practice Act or other applicable state practice acts. Duties include cleaning teeth, exposing xrays, providing oral healthcare instructions to patients, maintaining patient records, etc. Students receive extensive clinical experiences in the Illinois Central College Dental Hygiene Clinic and selected agencies.<\/p><p>All required general education courses may be taken prior to admission into the program.<\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Dental Hygienist\t", "igPds": "76.5", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Applied Science Degree.<\/p><p>All required general education courses may be taken prior to admission into the program.<\/p><p>NOTE: BIOL 140 and CHEM 115, must be completed prior to the start of the program.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Health Science", "RXLTy": "Health Science", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Nicole Breidel", "vvKL0": "<p>Nicole Breidel <\/p><p>Reva Oliverius<\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "DH Program Mapping 2022 ILO-SLO-06-2022 CK.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717777880818\/XpWmhjSMVUDn.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Dental Hygienist", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Dental Hygienist", "BzOLC": "<p>29-1292.00 Dental Hygienists *<\/p>", "4PSDr": true, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "1988-06-30", "5ATC7": "76", "sckmt": "1377", "nw8kM": "76", "OLVfM": "Only Program", "i7D4g": true, "zkrNj": true, "audSv": "Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA)\n211 E. Chicago Ave. Suite 1900\nChicago, IL 60611\nPhone: (312) 440-4653\nhttps:\/\/\/en", "K3YRr": "October 2028", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "some 8wk courses", "7BoTl": "Updating course prefix from FCS to NUTR. Administrative change once course changes were approved. RP\n", "startTerm": { "termCode": "2233", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "year": "2023", "id": "2233", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "displayName": "Fall 2022", "defaultPartOfTerm": "1", "historical": false, "semester": 3, "partsOfTerm": { "1": { "id": "1", "displayName": "Regular Academic Session", "startDate": "2022-08-15", "endDate": "2022-12-12", "partOfTermWeeks": "17", "career": "UGRD", "customFields": [] } }, "public": false, "defaultsByCareer": [], "dateExceptions": { "1": { "displayName": "Labor Day Holiday - September 5th", "startDate": "2022-09-05", "endDate": "2022-09-05", "id": "1" }, "2": { "displayName": "Thanksgiving Break - November 21-27 (no classes)", "startDate": "2022-11-21", "endDate": "2022-11-27", "id": "2" }, "3": { "displayName": "Election Day - November 8th", "startDate": "2022-11-08", "endDate": "2022-11-08", "id": "3" } }, "phaseId": "9JfNMzSI91Sm2AIY3tQ4sQpfC", "overlappingTerms": [], "customFields": [] }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "D0Czi": "Editing admission requirements", "8eiko": [ "Other" ], "PmWQy": "Administratively updating admission language per approval in a Curriculum Document proposal. November 2023 Curriculum meeting." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "HLTHCAREER", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "HLTHCAREER" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "HCSV0048-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729812990939, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593727, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Students will be clinically competent.", "justification": "1. Students will apply a professional code of ethics in all endeavors. \n2. Students will adhere to state and federal laws, recommendations, and regulations in the provisions of oral health care. \n3. Students will record accurate, consistent, and complete documentation of oral health services provided. \n4. Students will utilize methods that ensure the health and safety of the patient and the oral health professional in the delivery of care. \n5. Students will provide community oral health services in more than one setting.\n 6. Students will systematically collect, analyze, and record diagnostic data on the general, oral, and psychosocial health status of a variety of patients using methods consistent with medico-legal principles. \n7. Students will use patient assessment data, diagnostic technologies, and critical decision-making skills to determine a dental hygiene diagnosis, a component of the dental diagnosis, to reach conclusions about the patient\u2019s dental hygiene care needs. \n8. Students will provide individualized treatment that includes educational, preventive, and therapeutic services designed to achieve and maintain oral health. \n9. Students will determine the outcomes of dental hygiene interventions using indices, instruments, examination techniques, and patient self-reports as specified in patient goals.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Students will demonstrate communication skills.", "justification": "1. Students will communicate effectively with diverse individuals and groups, serving all persons without discrimination by acknowledging and appreciating diversity. \n2. Students will collaborate with the patient and other health professionals as indicated to formulate a comprehensive dental hygiene care plan that is patient-centered and based on the best scientific evidence and professional judgment.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Students will develop critical thinking skills.", "justification": "1. Students will use critical-thinking skills and comprehensive problem solving to identity oral health care needs. \n2. Students will continuously perform self-assessment for lifelong learning and professional growth. \n3. Students will evaluate factors that can be used to promote patient adherence to disease prevention treatments.\n 4. Students will facilitate consultations and referrals with all relevant health care providers for optimal patient care.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 4 Students will model professional behaviors.", "justification": "1. Students will integrate scientific theories and evidence-based research into educational theory, preventive, and oral therapeutic oral services. \n2. Students will apply quality assurance mechanisms to ensure continuous commitment to accepted standards of care.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 5 The program will graduate entry-level dental hygienists.", "justification": "1. Graduates will successfully complete the National Dental Hygiene Board Examination (NBDHE). \n2. Graduates will successfully complete the ADEX dental hygiene Examination CDCA\/WREB\/CITA) part one of the examination is the simulated patient treatment examination (SPTCE) or Patient Treatment Clinical Examination (PTCE)\n3. Graduates will successfully complete the dental hygiene examination. Part 2 of the examination is the computer simulated clinical exam CSCE OSCE. \n4. Students will complete program within 24 months. \n5. Students will be satisfied with their education. \n6. Graduates will be satisfied with their education. \n7. Graduates who choose to pursue employment, will be employed within 12 months of program completion. 8. Employer will be satisfied with graduate\u2019s performance.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Dental Hygienist", "name": "Dent Hygie", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": false, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "HCSV0048", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "HCSV0048", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"248\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"453\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"162\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>COMM 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Introduction to Communication<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>PSY 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Introduction to Psychology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>BIOL 140<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Human Anatomy and Physiology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>CHEM 115<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Foundations of Chemistry<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>HUMANITIES\/FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"248\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"453\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"162\" scope=\"col\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>BIOL 210<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Microbiology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Head, Neck, and Oral Anatomy<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 111<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Embryology and Histology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 113<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Infection Control for the Dental Hygienist<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>0.5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 117<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Specialties<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 131<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Introduction to Dental Hygiene Clinical Applications<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 132<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Fundamentals of Dental Hygiene<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 133<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Preclinical Dental Hygiene<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 135<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Radiology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 137<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Medical Emergencies<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 139<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Special Populations<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 210<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Community Dental Health<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Materials<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 222<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Preventive Modalities<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 226<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Local Anesthetics for the Dental Hygienist<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>1<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 228<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>New Dimensions in Dental Hygiene<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 230<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Hygiene Clinic I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 231<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Hygiene Clinic II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 232<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Dental Hygiene Clinic III<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 243<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>General and Oral Pathology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 244<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Periodontology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 246<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Transitions for the Dental Hygienist<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>DHYGN 248<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Pharmacology for Dental Hygienists<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>NUTR 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Basic Nutrition<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"248\"><p>SOC 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"453\"><p>Introduction to Sociology<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"162\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Dental Hygienist\t", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 13, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "dental hygienist\t" }
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer – HCSV0070 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "3lEydLXwSeQQGHeX3fpp-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Diagnostic Medical Sonographer", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "51.0910", "code": "HCSV0070", "college": "", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1701957418898, "customFields": { "code": "HCSV0070", "files": [ { "name": "2024 DMS Curriculum Map.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1697048596089\/aIiz4TAEkRvS.xlsx", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public", "public": true } ], "zSPuQ": "Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Ultrasound) is a clinical discipline that involves the use of equipment that produces sound waves to create images of human anatomy for medical interpretation by a Radiologist.\n\nThe mission of the Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Program is to prepare competent entry-level general sonographers in the cognitive(knowldege), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.", "xxK0B": "<p>The program will seek programmatic accreditation through:<\/p><p>Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Diagnostic Medical Sonography.<\/p>", "D3XAk": "BIOL 140; HLTH 121; MATH 110; PHYS 110; RADTK 260", "K5Vlu": "DMS 102; DMS 103; DMS 104; DMS 202", "2ILSA": "COMM 110; DMS 210", "NhgHM": "DMS 101; DMS 201; DMS 203; DMS 204", "1BIqF": "DMS 211; PSY 110", "4MEvM": "DMS 200; DMS 205; ENGL 110", "MMP2l": "DMS 212; DMS 215", "ZtJKO": "<p><strong>Program admission requirement<\/strong>:<\/p><ul><li><p>Current high school senior or high school graduate with minimum high school GPA 2.7, or 9 credit hours of college-level courses with minimum overall GPA 2.5 or higher<br><br>OR<\/p><\/li><\/ul><ul><li><p>College\/ICC student with minimum overall college GPA 2.5 or higher <br><br>AND<\/p><\/li><\/ul><ul><li><p>Complete BIOL 140, MATH 110, PHYSICS 110, HLTH 121, and RADTK 260 with GPA 2.5 or higher<\/p><\/li><\/ul><p><strong>Additional requirements after program acceptance:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Complete drug screen, criminal background check, physical exam, and immunizations <\/p><\/li><li><p>Complete Healthcare Provider CPR certification from the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) or American Red Cross (ARC) BLS attained and keep it current throughout program<\/p><\/li><li><p>Participate in scheduled program registration and orientation sessions<\/p><\/li><li><p>Maintain minimum GPA 2.0 and earn GPA 2.0 or higher in all courses required within program<\/p><\/li><\/ul><p><strong>Recommendations:<\/strong><\/p><ul><li><p>Before application, schedule an appointment with college health careers student success advisor for help enrolling in required courses <\/p><\/li><\/ul>", "fAeYe": "<p>Health Careers Department<br>Peoria Campus, Cedar 105<br>(309) 690-7530<\/p>", "78rZ3": "<p>Earn a C or above in BIOL 140, MATH 110, PHYSICS 110, HLTH 121, RADTK 26O, and all Diagnostic Medical Sonography program courses. <\/p>", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Diagnostic Medical Sonographer ", "igPds": "74", "c6uW8": "<p>* Underlined Courses can be taken prior to acceptance into the program.<br><\/p>", "xeM27": "Health Science", "RXLTy": "Health Science", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Dawn Gangloff", "vvKL0": "<p>Dawn Gangloff<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p>HCSV0085 Radiology Assistant Certificate <\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p>None<\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/6V8aq7WppZX6r0o6IrOk\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"6V8aq7WppZX6r0o6IrOk\">program<\/a><\/p>", "K7UGK": [ { "name": "2023 DMS Curriculum Map.xlsx", "path": "files\/form\/1717776228753\/3NUCGLxGxWBU.xlsx", "public": true } ], "hRP0F": "Diagnostic Medical Sonographer", "l4iwc": [ "Fall 1st 8 Weeks" ], "KbMWy": "Sonographer, Ultrasound Technologist", "BzOLC": "<p>29-2032.00 Diagnostic Medical Sonographers *<\/p>", "4PSDr": true, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "2023-07-01", "5ATC7": "96", "sckmt": "2310", "nw8kM": "74", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "None", "5KtCS": "HCSV0085 Radiology Assistant Certificate", "MUqtm": "Regional", "ZfBNA": "The identified region is within a 60 miles radius and the clinical facilities that have expressed interest in serving as clinical sites are throughout the region which provides access to clinical opportunities for students in all established areas of the region. See attached letters from community colleges", "MGvmz": "Form 20 (New Program)", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "all program courses offered 8wk", "7BoTl": "The ICC Community College district Medical Community has requested that ICC create a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Program. For years, there has been a shortage of sonographers in the local medical facilities (UPH and OSF), as well as regional and national arena. There is no ultrasound program within the community college district and the closest primary pathway program is over 120 miles away. ", "dlMz0": [ "Credit Hours", "Course Sequence", "Removing Courses" ], "Yfdez": "No", "WkzmX": "Reducing credit hours from 77 to 74.\nSMG SUMMARY: Reducing the General Education requirement to align with the minimum requirements for AAS. \nPer Dawn Gangloff in the activity notes: Math 110 \u2013 the reason is that we believe that MATH 110 is the lowest level of MATH that will be accepted by our accreditation standards. Upon review of the content covered in MATH 110, it is also the course that covers our National Education Curriculum for Sonography requirements that our curriculum must adhere to. Physics 110 - the reason physics is specifically listed is according to our program curricular requirements and our programmatic accreditation standards, physics is a required general education course. Rationale for removing HUM\/Fine Arts - according to our program curricular requirements and our programmatic accreditation standards, the following courses must be included in our AAS curriculum - Math, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Psychology\/Human Behavior, Physics, and Communications. In addition, our graduates must be able to communicate in written form, as well as demonstrate effective communication with patients and other professionals. Because ICCB continues to encourage and push us toward 60 credits for an Associate Degree, we had to choose a bucket to withdraw from and the only one that was really an option for us was Hum\/Fine Arts." }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [ { "degreeMapName": "Untitled Degree Map", "semesters": [], "id": "vbAqV0qHS1", "degreeMapNarrative": "<p>Removed Humanities from General Education requirements and changed sequence of program courses for sequence Fall 1 , sequence Spring 1 and sequence Spring 2.<\/p>", "isActive": false, "sisId": "", "termScheme": "" } ], "delivery": "", "departments": [ "HLTHCAREER" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "endTerm": [], "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "2243", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "3lEydLXwSeQQGHeX3fpp-2024-07-01", "institution": "", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729813394970, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "Goal 1: Students\/graduates will be clinically competent.", "justification": "1. Students\/graduates will accurately apply knobology.\n2. Students\/graduates will successfully perform a complete abdomen scan.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Goal 2: Students\/graduates will demonstrate communication skills.", "justification": "1. Students\/graduates will use effective oral communication skills.\n2. Students\/graduates will demonstrate written communication skills.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "Goal 3: Students\/graduates will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.", "justification": "1. Students\/graduates will recognize abnormal sonographic findings and modify the exams as necessary.\n2. Students\/graduates will recognize clinical information that impacts the sonographic examination.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Diagnostic Medical Sonographer ", "name": "Sonographer", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "3lEydLXwSeQQGHeX3fpp", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 24, "registrationMode": "", "requestId": "rZ1Tv0hyovQ4UAepxUY8", "requestStatus": "approved", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"194\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>GENERAL COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"418\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>TITLES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"144\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>credit HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>ENGL 110<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Composition I<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>COMM 110<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Introduction to Communication<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>PSY 110<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Introduction to Psychology<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>MATH 110<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Concepts of Mathematics<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>PHYS 110<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Foundations of Physics<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"194\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>PROGRAM COURSES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"418\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>TITLES<\/strong><\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"144\" scope=\"col\"><p><strong>credit HOURS<\/strong><\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>BIOL 140<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Human Anatomy and Physiology<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 101<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3 <\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 102<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Abdominal Sonography I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 103<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Obstetrics and Gynecology Sonography I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 104<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Vascular Sonography I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 200<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Patient Care<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 201<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 202<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Abdominal and Small Parts Sonography II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 203<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Obstetrics and Gynecology Sonography II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 204<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Vascular Sonography II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 205<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Special Sonographic Exams<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 210<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Clinical Practicum I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 211<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Clinical Practicum II<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>5<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 212<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Clinical Practicum III<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p>DMS 215<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p>Comprehensive Sonographic Review<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>HLTH 121<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Medical Terminology<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"194\"><p><u>RADTK 260<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"418\"><p><u>Sectional Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging<\/u><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"144\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "startTerm": [], "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Diagnostic Medical Sonographer", "transcriptLevel": "", "type": "Associate In Applied Science", "version": 13, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "diagnostic medical sonographer" }
Diesel Powered Equipment Technology – AGRIO0022 | Assoc in Applied Science | CM
{ "_id": "AGRIO0022-2024-07-01", "assessments": "", "attributes": [], "campus": "", "campuses": [], "career": "", "careerPaths": [], "catalogDescription": "", "catalogDisplayName": "Diesel Powered Equipment Technology", "catalogFullDescription": "", "catalogQuote": "", "catalogQuoteAuthor": "", "categories": "", "cipCode": "01.0205", "code": "AGRIO0022", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1701278577327, "customFields": { "code": "AGRIO0022", "files": [ { "name": "230310_Gen Ed Recommendation AAS 15 hrs with chair signatures 3-10-23_signed(1).pdf", "path": "files\/form\/1695135784019\/91Uz9pLTIbEh.pdf", "bucketName": "coursedog-static-public" } ], "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Associate in Applied Science degree program is to provide the training necessary to maintain, service, and diagnose system failures as applied to agricultural equipment, construction equipment, and heavy truck.\u00a0 The program actively encourages students to expand their horizons to permit upward mobility through general education courses and other related learning experiences such as those associated with the student club organization. The program also places a strong emphasis on developing and expanding the student's work ethic so that the student is fully prepared as an entry level service technician.\u00a0", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "AGBUS 118; DPET 229; DPET 130; DPET 132; ENGL 110", "2ILSA": "DPET 233; DPET 244; DPET 245;DPET 246; DPET 242; WELD 120", "NhgHM": "Communication; DPET 133; DPET 235; DPET 241", "1BIqF": "DPET 236; DPET 238; DPET 239; DPET 243; Social & Behavioral Sciences or Humanities\/Fine Arts", "4MEvM": "DPET 134; DPET 230; DPET 231; DPET 232", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "ZtJKO": "<p>High school graduate or equivalent. Candidate applications are screened. Acceptance into the program is based on the caliber of competing applications and departmental approval. Applicants must submit separate application materials for the DPET Program to the Program Coordinator. Applicants must schedule an on-campus meeting with the Program Coordinator. Application forms, procedures and policies are available from the Program Coordinator at the DPET Building by calling (309)694-5582 or (309)694-5616, or online at <a href=\"https:\/\/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\"><\/a>. Students enter the program during the fall semester only. Deadline dates for complete applications are December 1, and April 1 to be considered for the following fall semester. Applications received after April 1 will be considered, should openings occur prior to the start of fall semester. <br><br>High School Recommendations: 3 years English, 2 years mathematics, agriculture mechanics and\/or auto mechanics, welding, agriculture course work.<\/p>", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "78rZ3": "<p>To remain in and graduate from the program: C or better in all required general education and DPET program courses and pass a substance abuse screening. <\/p>", "qznvI": "<p>Students complete two, eight-week internships during the sophomore year of training. Technical training reflects the technology represented by the agricultural equipment, construction equipment, and heavy truck industries. The graduate's salary will directly commensurate with the service professional's academic performance, work ethic, and motivation. Graduates have the opportunity to transfer to a four-year university. Students must be enrolled as full-time students and complete the required coursework in the prescribed sequence. Students must provide their own tools for use throughout the course of study.<\/p>", "5U4b6": "Colin Campbell\nDana King", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Diesel Powered Equipment Technology", "igPds": "67", "c6uW8": "<p>* See specific requirements for Associate in Applied Science Degree.<\/p>", "xeM27": "Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources", "RXLTy": "Agriculture & Natural Resources", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TuifH": "2023-10-25", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "Colin Campbell", "vvKL0": "<p>Colin Campbell<\/p><p>Tyler Smith<\/p>", "Z5f9k": "<p>20<\/p>", "y0abY": "<p>AGRIO 266 Precision Agriculture Technician 25 Credit Hours (7 hours differs)<\/p>", "lzTbo": "<p>None<\/p>", "hRqoL": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/HatUUlqRf1mAOZG974Cp\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"HatUUlqRf1mAOZG974Cp\">program<\/a><\/p>", "wpsbO": "<p>10<\/p>", "NkKKS": "<p>19<\/p>", "hRP0F": "Diesel Powered Equipment Technology (DPET) ", "l4iwc": [ "Fall Full Semester" ], "KbMWy": "Diesel Service Technician, Service Manager, Shop Foreman, Territory Sales Representative, Parts Professional, Service Writer", "BzOLC": "<p>49-3041.00 Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians *;<\/p><p>49-3042.00 Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines *<\/p>", "4PSDr": true, "xogYn": false, "lWQwc": "1988-06-30", "5ATC7": "76", "sckmt": "1224", "nw8kM": "67", "OLVfM": "Parent Program", "mGBr7": "None", "5KtCS": "AGRIO0266 Precision Agriculture Technician Certificate", "audSv": "Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) Foundation: Certified Technician Program\n650 E. Algonquin Rd. Suite 305\nSchaumburg, IL 60173\nPhone: (630) 574-0650\[email protected]\nhttps:\/\/\/certified-technician-program\/", "K3YRr": "Fall 2024", "MUqtm": "District", "UYmmB": "Fall 2024", "4NZ9D": "Mostly 8 week format already, A few courses to remain 16 week", "7BoTl": "The last time the program underwent any major changes was in 2009. Changing technology as well as recommendations from our advisory council are the driving force behind these updates\/modifications.", "vCGmZ": "Two courses will be removed.(DPET 234 and DPET 240). Internship credit hours( DPET 233 and DPET 238) drop from 4 to 3. Weld 120 is added as a required program class. DPET 239 changed from Power Train Diagnostics to Truck Power Trains and an additional credit hour is added. All DPET courses have been reviewed and updated or modified as needed. Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true, "dlMz0": [ "Credit Hours", "Removing Courses", "Course Sequence" ], "Yfdez": "No", "WkzmX": "Reduce Gen Ed credits by 3 credit hours. This change is being made in conjunction with the General Education Committee approval to reduce hours of AAS degree from 18 to 15. Change course sequence moving Social & Behavioral Sciences or Humanities\/Fine Arts elective from Spring 1 to Spring 2 so credit hours will remain full-time. \nThe total program credit hours will go from 70 to 67 credit hours. " }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "APPSC - Associate in Applied Science", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "delivery": "", "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "description": "", "diplomaDescription": "the Degree of Diesel Powered Equipment Technology", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2024-07-01", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": true, "fieldOfStudy": "", "firstTermValid": "", "hegisCode": "12", "id": "AGRIO0022-2024-07-01", "institution": "ICCOL", "institutionId": "", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastAdmitTerm": "", "lastEditedAt": 1729809694910, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastProspectDate": "", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593725, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 1 Graduates of the Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Program will demonstrate an understanding of the technical knowledge and proficiency required of an entry-level diesel powered equipment service professional.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate technical knowledge and proficiency as judged by internship employers.\n2. Students will be gainfully employed by a diesel powered equipment employer at graduation.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 2 Graduates of the program will demonstrate specific knowledge and proficiency in the technical areas of diesel engines, electrical systems, electronic systems, tractor guidance and telematics, diesel fuel systems, power trains, air conditioning, hydraulics, heavy truck suspension, chassis and brakes, and agricultural machinery.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate technical competency thru performance during the annual DPET Diagnostic Skills Assessment.\n2. Students will demonstrate technical competency thru performance in each laboratory practicums held at the conclusion of each designated DPET course.", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" }, { "tags": [], "objective": "GOAL 3 Graduates of the program will develop leadership, cooperative, professionalism and work ethic skills necessary for greater success and upward mobility throughout the graduate\u2019s career.", "justification": "1. Students will demonstrate \u201csoft\u201d skills throughout their internship experiences.\n2. Students participate in DPET student club activities.\n3. Students uphold the standards outlined in the DPET \u201cGuide to Student Success.\u201d", "name": "", "activity": "", "assessment": "" } ], "level": "Assoc in Applied Science", "longName": "Diesel Powered Equipment Tk", "name": "DPET", "notes": "", "nscClassification": "", "owners": [], "printOnDiploma": true, "printOnTranscript": true, "programGroupId": "AGRIO0022", "programLengthType": "M", "programLengthValue": 21, "rawSisId": "AGRIO0022", "registrationMode": "", "requirementLevels": [], "requisites": { "requisitesFreeform": { "value": "<table><thead><tr><th data-colwidth=\"253\" scope=\"col\"><p>GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"489\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"152\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>ENGL 110<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Composition I<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>COMMUNICATION *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES or HUMANITIES \/ FINE ARTS *<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>*see <a href=\"\/pages\/Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" class=\"custom-link\" data-page-id=\"Esm8SJPI7xUaDlk1nZZS\" data-sub-page-id=\"\" data-catalog-id=\"T2im6M8UyiGI4UERucmL\">Associate in Applied Science Degree Requirements<\/a><\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>AGBUS 118<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Agricultural Computations <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 130<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Principles of Internal Combustion Engines <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>4<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><th data-colwidth=\"253\" scope=\"col\"><p>PROGRAM COURSES <\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"489\" scope=\"col\"><p>TITLES<\/p><\/th><th data-colwidth=\"152\" scope=\"colgroup\"><p>credit HOURS<\/p><\/th><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 132<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Electrical Systems of Heavy Equipment <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 133<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Engine Rebuilding, Theory and Practice <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 134<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Air Conditioning of Heavy Equipment <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 229<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Hydraulics <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 230<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Harvesting Equipment <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 231<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Planting and Tillage Equipment <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 232<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Transmissions and Final Drive <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 233<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Occupational Internship and Seminar I <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 235<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Electronic Controls\/Monitoring Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 236<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Hydraulic System Analysis and Repairs <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 238<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Occupational Internship and Seminar II <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 239<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Truck Power Trains <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 241<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Mechanical Diesel Fuel Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 242<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Electronic Fuel Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 243<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Engine Performance Analysis <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 244<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Guidance Systems <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 245<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Truck Suspension, Brakes and Chassis <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>3<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>DPET 246<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Industry Qualifications <\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><tr><td data-colwidth=\"253\"><p>WELD 120<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"489\"><p>Welding<\/p><\/td><td data-colwidth=\"152\"><p>2<\/p><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>", "showInCatalog": true } }, "specializations": [], "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "status": "Active", "sulaSpecialProgram": "", "transcriptDescription": "Diesel Powered Equipment Technology", "transcriptLevel": "20", "type": "DGR", "version": 17, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "parentName": "", "sortTitle": "diesel powered equipment technology" }
Digital Imaging – CRART0180 | Certificate NFA | CM
{ "_id": "CRART0180-2019-01-14", "attributes": [], "campuses": [], "careerPaths": [], "cipCode": "10.0303", "code": "CRART0180", "college": "ICCOL - Illinois Central College", "contacts": [], "createdAt": 1641510662540, "createdBy": "[email protected]", "customFields": { "code": "CRART0180", "zSPuQ": "The mission of the Digital Imaging Certificate program is to prepare students for employment or upgrade existing job skills in the graphic communications industry by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge, and hands-on techniques and skills of photography, lighting, and image manipulation.", "D3XAk": "N\/A", "K5Vlu": "GCOMM 235; GCOMM 250", "2ILSA": "N\/A", "NhgHM": "GCOMM 251", "1BIqF": "N\/A", "4MEvM": "N\/A", "MMP2l": "N\/A", "fAeYe": "<p>Agricultural and Industrial Technologies<br>East Peoria Campus, AIT Building, Room 209<br>(309) 694-5510<\/p>", "qznvI": "The Digital Imaging Certificate is one of four certificates that can be earned while working towards the Digital Publishing Certificate or Graphic Communications Associate in Applied Science\u00a0degree.", "NFUSx": false, "cnba8": "Digital Imaging Certificate", "igPds": "9", "xeM27": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communications", "RXLTy": "Arts, A\/V Technology & Communication", "csS8Z": "Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements.", "TCg0h": [ "East Peoria" ], "Hk6pU": "John Baggett", "vvKL0": "<p>John Baggett<\/p>", "oH8Dk": "<p><a href=\"\/programs\/CRART0062\" class=\"custom-link\" data-program-id=\"CRART0062\">program<\/a><\/p>", "hRP0F": "Graphic Communications: Print \/ Digital", "KbMWy": "Photographer, Image Retoucher", "OLVfM": "Cert - Stackable", "M0UWn": "CRART0062 Graphic Communications AAS", "4NZ9D": "Being discontinued", "7BoTl": "Graphic Communication currently has five stackable certificates. \u00a0The ICC catalog has all certificates in alphabetical order. \u00a0The naming scheme of these certificates scattered them all of the catalog making harder for student to see the progression that builds from one certificate to the next.", "vCGmZ": "I would like to add the program name in front of each of the Certificates. \u00a0In the case of Digital Imagining it would be changed to Graphic Communications - Digital Imaging. \u00a0This would group them together in the catalog and on the web sight so perspective students could better understand the relationship of these certificates to each other. 2\/20\/18 Updated to new department. RP Updated department contact information for consistency. 12\/18\/19 JG", "startTerm": { "year": "2019", "id": "2196", "semester": 6 }, "reportAsNscProgram": true, "saaWhifDispAdvr": true, "saaWhifDispPrem": true, "saaWhifDispStd": true }, "defaultOfRequirementTerm": "D", "degreeDesignation": "CERT - Certificate", "degreeDesignations": [], "degreeMaps": [], "departmentOwnership": [ { "deptId": "AG & IND", "percentOwnership": 100, "primaryDepartment": false } ], "departments": [ "AG & IND" ], "diplomaDescription": "Certificate in Digital Imaging", "effectiveEndDate": null, "effectiveStartDate": "2019-01-14", "evaluatePlanBeforeProgram": false, "hegisCode": "12", "id": "CRART0180-2019-01-14", "institution": "ICCOL", "instructionalMethods": [], "lastEditedAt": 1729271798624, "lastEditedBy": "[email protected]", "lastSyncErrors": [], "lastSyncMergeReportId": "3Z0Q9Q6TMIxIWagUSZXs", "lastSyncStatus": "success", "lastSyncedAt": 1643006593726, "learningOutcomes": [ { "tags": [], "objective"