All Scholarships

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


A Call to Serve Through Excellence Scholarship

In memory of Michael Mead
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

AAUW Scholarship

Established by the American Association of University Women-Pekin Area Branch
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any major in an Associate in Arts or Science degree or Engineering degree program

Edward Abplanalp Memorial Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Edward Abplanalp – established by his family, colleagues and friends
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Philosophy

Mel Ackerman Tazewell County VFW Scholarship

In recognition of the community service activities conducted by Tazewell County VFW members
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

AirAce HVAC Excellence Scholarship

In honor of Joel Nieman, ICC HVAC alumnus.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: HVAC/R Technology, HVAC Residential Installer, or HVAC Technician Certificate

Akron Services Scholarship in Agriculture

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Agriculture

Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship

Established by the Nu Pi Omega Chapter (Greater Peoria)
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Ameren College “YES” Scholarship

Award Amount: based on financial need
Available: to be determined
Supports: Any Major

Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Scholarship

Award Amount: $3,000
Available: multiple
Supports: Engineering, HVAC/R Technology, HVAC Residential Installer, HVAC Technician Certificate, Industrial Electrical Technology, or Architectural Construction Technology

Ameren Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

William L. Andrews Dunlap, IL Memorial Firefighters/First Responders Scholarship

In loving memory of William L. “Andy” Andrews, formerly a resident, volunteer firefighter and EMT of Dunlap, IL
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Paramedic, Fire Science Technology, 9-1-1 Telecommunicator, or related fields

William L. Andrews Memorial Firefighters/First Responders Endowed Scholarship

In loving memory of William L. “Andy” Andrews, formerly a resident, volunteer firefighter and EMT of Dunlap, IL
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Paramedic, Fire Science Technology, 9-1-1 Telecommunicator, or related fields

AT&T Foundation Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 11
Supports: Any STEAM degree or certificate program


Margaret Bach Bahnfleth Scholarship

Established by Ray and Peg Bahnfleth
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 4
Supports: Any Major

Alton and Grace Baker Scholarship

Established by Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baker and the Baker Family Trust
Award Amount: $2,250
Available: 1
Supports: Business and Information Systems

Linda Baker Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Linda Baker – established by her colleagues and friends.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Health Careers, Music or Office Occupations

Max and Florence Baltz Scholarship

In memory of Max and Florence Baltz
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 5
Supports: Health Careers

Flo and Sid Banwart Honors Scholarship

Award Amount: Full Tuition
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Barton Educational Scholarship

This scholarship is made in honor of Quest Charter Academy students.
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: up to 4
Supports: Education

Barton Family Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: Multiple
Supports: Any Major in a Degree or Certificate Program

Ryan Matthew Bates Memorial Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Ryan Matthew Bates, son, brother and ICC Student
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Jack – Orville Bensing Scholarship

In honor of Jack Bensing and Orville Bensing – established by the Bensing family & friends
Award Amount: $750
Available: 1
Supports: Information Systems or Chemistry

Michael Blair Diesel Tech Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Diesel Powered Equipment Technology (DPET) or Automotive Technology Program

Bradley University Leon H. Perley Scholarship Award

In honor of Dr. Leon Perley, former President of Illinois Central College
Award Amount: one full year tuition
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Bradley University Thomas K. Thomas Scholarship Award

In honor of Dr. Thomas K. Thomas, former President of Illinois Central College
Award Amount: one full year tuition
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Janet Sue Bradshaw Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Janet Sue Bradshaw
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Occupational Therapy Assistant

Melissa Brannon Memorial Scholarship

Established by her grandmother, Marta Brannan
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Betty Brenkman Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Don H. Brennan Architecture and Construction Technology Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,200
Available: 1
Supports: Architecture or Architectural Construction Technology

Mary L. Brennan Nursing Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,200
Available: 1
Supports: Registered Nurse

Jeannette Fae Browning Memorial Art Scholarship

Established by her family & friends
Award Amount: $1,800
Available: 2
Supports: Art

Betty Kern Burton and David Gordon Burton Scholarship

In honor of the Kern and Burton families.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Business and Information Systems Scholarship

Award Amount: $3,000
Available: 1
Supports: Business and Information Systems


Betty Calkins Fine Art Scholarship

Established in memory of Betty Calkins by her family
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Art

Carpenters’ Local Union No. 237 Endowed Scholarship

Established by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

CEFCU Member Appreciation Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Lucile E. Cheatham Scholarship

In memory of Lucile Cheatham – established by the Grandview Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association
Award Amount: $1,400
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Chicago Cubs Boosters Baseball Scholarship

Established by the Chicago Cubs Boosters of Peoria
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: up to 3
Supports: Any Major

Child Development Basic Scholarship

Award Amount: $750
Available: 2
Supports: Child Development Basic

Church Women United – Illinois Reaching New Heights Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Mary Cignarelli Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Mary Cignarelli, ICC English Professor for 35 years, by her family and friends.
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Cisco Networking Professional Scholarship

Award Amount: $750
Available: 2
Supports: Cisco Networking Professional

Betty Gardner Cloyd Public Health Nursing Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Registered Nurse

CNC Machine Operator Scholarship

Award Amount: $750
Available: 2
Supports: CNC Machine Operator

Combined Central Illinois Construction Industry Fund Scholarship

Established by the Greater Peoria Contractors & Suppliers Association to advance the construction industry
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 3
Supports: Architectural Construction Technology

Commerce Bank Scholarship in Honor of James L. Johnson

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Commerce Bank Scholarship in Honor of Leon H. Perley

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Compeer Financial Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 2
Supports: Agriculture or Agriculture-related degree/ certificates

Joanne A. Coogan Scholarship

Established by Paul and Joanne Coogan
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Education or Health Careers

Marilee A. Cook Scholarship

Established in loving memory by the family of Marilee A. Cook
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Library Technical Assistant, English, or Education

Coppernoll Green Thumb Sophomore Scholarship

In celebration of the good times and life of Lois Coppernoll
Award Amount: $1,002
Available: 1
Supports: Horticulture

Coppernoll Silver Spoon Sophomore Culinary Scholarship

In celebration of the good times and life of Lois Coppernoll
Award Amount: $1,002
Available: 1
Supports: Culinary Arts Management or Restaurant Management Associate Degree Programs

Michael Corn Scholarship

Award Amount: Up to full tuition
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major in a non-transferring degree or certificate program

Cote Family Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Charles W. and Mary Anna Cox Family Scholarship

Established by Charlie and Anne Cox
Award Amount: $4,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Creve Coeur American Legion Post #1234 Scholarship

In honor of all Post #1234 Veterans
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 3
Supports: Any Major

Lois “Joan” Criswell Memorial Scholarship

Established by Church Women United-Illinois in memory of Lois “Joan” Criswell
Award Amount: $1,200
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Cultivating Dreams Horticulture Scholarship

Provided through funds raised by the ICC Horticulture Program
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Horticulture


Dr. John E. and Dora Dalton Scholarship

In memory of Dr. John E. and Dora Dalton
Award Amount: $3,000
Available: 1
Supports: Education or any major that will lead to a teaching certificate

Debby’s School of Dance Scholarship

In honor of Deborah Ruth Simkins
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Dance, Education, LPN to RN, and RN

Byron and Sylvia DeHaan Poetry Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Deissler Family Scholarship

In memory of our daughter, Julia Deissler Bjerke.
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major in a degree or transfer program of study

Florine Derrickson Scholarship

In honor of my Grandchildren, Katy and Shayne Palmer
Award Amount: up to full tuition
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Psychology, Social Work and Drug & Alcohol Counselor Training

Tony Dewitt Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship

In memory of Anthony Ray Dewitt.
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Nursing

Tony Dewitt Memorial Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Anthony Ray Dewitt.
Award Amount: $1,400
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Mabel Dingeldine Scholarship

In memory of Mabel Dingeldine and the Dingeldine family – established by the estate of Ms. Mabel Dingeldine
Award Amount: $3,000
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Disney Family Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Career & Technical Education Degree and Certificate Programs

Bill and Connie Disney Elementary Education Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Education – Elementary

Bill and Connie Disney Secondary Education Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Education – Secondary

Bill R. Disney Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Selected certificate and vocational Business Majors: Accounting, Banking and Finance, Finance, Clerk Typist, Data Entry Clerk, Office Management, Small Business Management, Word Processing Specialist

Michael Disney Scholarship

In memory of our son, Michael
Award Amount: $2,300
Available: 1
Supports: Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

Dobkin Scholarship for Education

Established by the William J. Dobkin and Ella M. Dobkin Trust
Award Amount: $2,500
Available: multiple
Supports: Education

Dobkin Scholarship for Math, Science and Engineering

Established by the William J. Dobkin and Ella M. Dobkin Trust
Award Amount: $2,500
Available: multiple
Supports: Math, Science or Engineering

Dreams Become Reality Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Agricultural and Industrial Technologies, Health Careers and Math, Science and Engineering

Seth Durand Memorial Scholarship for Trades

In memory of Seth Durand
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: CNC Machine Operator, HVAC/R Technology, HVAC Residential Installer, HVAC Technician, Commercial Refrigeration Technician, Industrial Electrical Technology, Industrial Maintenance Technology, Industrial Maintenance, Machine Tool Technology, Welding Tech

Charles E. & J. Frank Duryea Engineering Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology


William and Winifred Ebert Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 3
Supports: Any Major

Kenneth L. Edwards – Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

In memory of Kenneth L. Edwards, ICC’s first president – established by Phi Theta Kappa
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Dr. Robert Ehrich Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Dental Hygienist

Ekstrand Educational Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: varies
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Tim & Linda Elder Service Scholarship

Established to encourage students to pursue careers in service to others
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Human Services and Select Health Careers

Elmwood Educational Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: varies
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Foster and Nancy Embry, Sr – St. Francis Episcopal Church Scholarship

Established by friends and family to honor Foster and Nancy Embry, Sr.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 4
Supports: Any Major

EMT Scholarship

Award Amount: $500
Available: 4
Supports: EMT

Entre Nous Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Betty Speers Radley

In memory of Betty Speers Radley
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: up to 4
Supports: Any Major

Entre Nous Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Beulah Cook Speers

In memory of Beulah Cook Speers
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: up to 4
Supports: Any Major

Erwin Family Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,400
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major


Faculty Forum Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major in a Degree or Transfer Program of Study

Jim Faulkner Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Peoria Police Officer Donan “Jim” Faulkner
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Criminal Justice

Andrew A. Filson Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 1
Supports: Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology Program

Brenda Finney Memorial Scholarship

Established by her friends and family
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

First Baptist Church of Peoria Music Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Catherine M. Fischbach Scholarship

Established in memory of Catherine M. Fischbach by her nephew Pete and his wife, Rita
Award Amount: $4,000
Available: 1
Supports: Health Careers, preference to Nursing

Robert L. and Jacquelyn B. Flint SkillsUSA Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major relating to SkillsUSA

Chef Aaron Flores Culinary Education Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Culinary Arts Management or Restaurant Management AAS degree program

Forrest Hill United Methodist Church Music Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: up to 4
Supports: Any Major

Mike Foster Journalism/Communications/Humanities Scholarship

In memory of Mike Foster.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Journalism, Communications and/or Humanities


Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Gilmore Scholarship

Award Amount: Up to full tuition and books
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Glynn Future Teacher Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Will E. & Alice J. Glynn – established by Mr. & Mrs. Terry Glynn
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 3
Supports: Education

Go Make a Difference! Scholarship

Award Amount: up to full tuition
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major in an Associate or Certificate Program of Study

Charles L. & Mary J. Graack Scholarship

Established by their daughter, Martha A. Jones
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 1
Supports: Art or Horticulture

Graff Family Law Enforcement Scholarship

Established by Professor Nick and Marla Graff.
Award Amount: $1,300
Available: 1
Supports: Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement Degree Program

Minnie Wylie Graves Scholarship

In memory of Minne Wylie Graves – established by her nephew, Mr. Albert D. Wylie
Award Amount: $1,100
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any health-related field

Greater Peoria Contractors & Suppliers Association Scholarship

Established to advance the construction industry
Award Amount: $750
Available: 1
Supports: Architectural Construction Technology

Lowell (Bud) and Alice Grieves Scholarship

Award Amount: up to full expenses
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

George Grim Endowed Scholarship

In memory of George Grim
Award Amount: $1,800
Available: 1
Supports: Health Careers, Engineering, Manufacturing or Computer Information Systems

Jennifer Drake Grogg Women in STEM Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Any STEM degree or certificate program

Growing Minds Horticulture Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Horticulture


Gene Haas Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,500
Available: multiple
Supports: CNC Machine Operator or Machine Tool Technology

Alice and Clarence Harder Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Alice and Clarence Harder
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any program of study in which women are underrepresented in the industry.

W. F. Hardin Scholarship

Honoring Father and Teacher at Manual Training High School, F. E. Hardin
Award Amount: Varies; Pro-rated for Part-time
Available: Multiple
Supports: Graphic Design, Architecture, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Architectural Construction Technology, Automotive Technology, Caterpillar Dealer Services Technology, Diesel Powered Equipment Technology,

Virginia W. Harker Part-Time Student Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dr. Jacqueline L. White
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Joyce Harmon Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: up to 5
Supports: Any Major

Lois Baptiste Harsch Memorial Scholarship for Piano Students

Established in loving memory of accomplished pianist and Maestra, Lois Baptiste Harsch, by her son, Harold L. Harsch, Jr.
Award Amount: Up to full tuition, books and supplies
Available: Multiple
Supports: Music

Dr. William H. and Jeanette McCammon Hart Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 2
Supports: Emergency Medical Technician, Registered Nurse, or Licensed Practical Nurse

Heart of Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children Scholarship

In honor of Child Development Professionals
Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 2
Supports: Child Development

Heart of Illinois Professional Chefs’ and Hospitality Association Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Culinary Arts Management or Restaurant Management Associate Degree Programs

Heart of Illinois United Way Power of the Purse Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Heartland Bank & Trust Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Heartland Bank Community Enhancement Award Scholarships

Award Amount: $500
Available: 8
Supports: Business, Finance, Education, Nursing or Technology

Heaven’s View Christian Fellowship Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 3
Supports: Any Major

Helping Hands Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Physical Therapist Assistant

Steven N. Hemmer Scholarship

In memory of Steven N. Hemmer
Award Amount: $1,800
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

James E. Henry Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,300
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Biology or ICC Health Careers

Dorothy W. Herm Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Dorothy W. Herm – established by her friends and family
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Greg Herman Baseball Scholarship

In memory of Greg Herman – established by his friends and family
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Clarence “Pop” Higgins Scholarship

In honor of Professor Higgins’ grandfather Clarence “Pop” Higgins
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Criminal Justice, Paralegal

Ernest P. & Helen J. Hoffman Honors Scholarship

Award Amount: Full tuition
Available: 3
Supports: Any Major

Ruth S. Holmes Scholarship in Fine Arts

Established by Ruth and Zealy Holmes
Award Amount: $2,400
Available: 1
Supports: Transfer course of study in Art, Music, or Theatre

Homan, Cecil W. Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Cecil W. Homan – established by the estate of Lenora M. Homan
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Horton/Radcliffe Endowed Scholarship

Established in loving memory of Justin Horton and Brandon Radcliffe by friends and family
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Thomas Hranka Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Thomas Hranka
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Business, Business Adminstration, Communcation-General Communication

Human Services Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1-2
Supports: Human Services

Timothy S. Hungate Memorial Scholarship

Established in loving memory of Timothy S. Hungate, our Father, by Kris, Betsy and Bill.
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major


ICC Annuitants Association Scholarship

In honor of ICC Retirees
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: up to 2
Supports: Any Major

ICC Bookstore Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Iliff Brothers Scholarship

Award Amount: $4,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Illinois Health Improvement Association Scholarship

Award Amount: $800
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Health Careers

Illinois Mutual Scholarship

Established by Illinois Mutual Life Insurance Company
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 3-6
Supports: Any declared major in a transfer or degree program

Illinois Mutual-Women in Management Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,300
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

James W. Isaacson Memorial Scholarship

In memory of James Isaccson
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Truck Driving

Italian-American Society of Peoria Scholarship

In memory of Robert L. Facker Sr.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major


Robert A. Jamieson Scholarship

In honor of Robert Jamieson
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Ernest & Rose Jarchow Memorial Scholarship

In memory of two wonderful grandparents.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Robert T. and Katherine M. Jauron Endowed Scholarship

Established in their honor by Dick and Gail Jauron
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Don Jenkins Agricultural Scholarship

In memory of Don Jenkins.
Award Amount: $500
Available: 1
Supports: Agriculture

Jill Johnson Family Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Jones Academic Excellence Scholarship

In memory of Thomas A.D. and Marjorie E. Jones and Barbara A. Jones
Award Amount: $3,000
Available: 5
Supports: Any Major

Edwin and Evelyn N. Jordan Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of our parents – by Edwina Jordan, Dr. Janis Jordan and Dennis & Denise Jones Jordan
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major


Gary M. Karl Trades Scholarship

In memory of Gary M. Karl.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: CNC Machine Operator, Industrial Maintenance Certificate, Production Welder, Truck Driver Training Program, Welding Operator, or Welding Specialist

Mary E. Kaufman Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established by Peoria County Association for Home & Community Education
Award Amount: $1,400
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Christine and James Kemper Scholarship

Our encouragement for students to see how big the world is!
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

King’s Daughters and Sons Book Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Health Careers

Ronald G. Kirkwood Scholarship

Established by ICC English, Humanities, and Language Studies Faculty
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: English, Language Studies, Journalism, or Philosophy

Gary H. & Doris R. Kling Engineering and Health Careers Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Engineering & ICC Health Careers: Emergency Medical Services, Dental Hygiene, Clinical Lab Tech., Licensed Practical/Registered Nurse, Medical Office Asst., Physical/Occupational Therapy Asst., Radiography, Respiratory Therapist, Surgical Technologist

Bernie and Teresa Koch Family Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Accountancy or Accounting Bookkeeper

John and Maxine Kramer Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of our grandparents, John and Maxine Kramer.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Juanita M. & John C. Kriegsman Scholarship

In honor of Juanita M. & John C. Kriegsman – established by the Kriegsman family
Award Amount: $1,200
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Kuhl Insurance Scholarship

Award Amount: $3,000
Available: 1
Supports: Business/Health Careers


Laborers’ Local Union 165 Scholarship

Established in memory of Milton J. “Skeez” Hasty
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: up to 2
Supports: Any Major

Representative David R. Leitch Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,400
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

William D. Lindgren Library Technical Assistant Scholarship

In honor of William D. Lindgren – established by Resource Sharing Alliance and members of the Alliance Library System
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Library Technical Assistant

Luenz Memorial Scholarship

In memory of James M. Luenz
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major


Jose Madrigal Memorial Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Jose Madrigal, established by his Labor Council for Latin American Advancement Brothers and Sisters.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 4
Supports: Any Major

Jerry and Shari Maloney Memorial Endowed Scholarship

In memory of our parents
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2
Supports: Health Careers

Martinie and Foster Scholarship in Agriculture

In honor of the first two department chairs, Bill Martinie and Max Foster
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Agriculture

Carol May Sociology/Human Services Scholarship

In memory of Carol May
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Sociology, Social/Human Services

Kay and Michel McCord Scholarship

Established by Kay and Michel McCord
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any major in a transfer or degree program

Medical Laboratory Technician Alumni Scholarship

In honor of MLT Program Directors through the years: Doris R. Kling, Darlene Clingenpeel, Janice M. Kinsinger, Anh Strow, and Vincent Strow.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Medical Laboratory Technician Program

Medical Laboratory Technician Endowed Scholarship

In honor of MLT Program Directors through the years: Doris R. Kling, Darlene Clingenpeel, Janice M. Kinsinger, Anh Strow, and Vincent Strow.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Medical Laboratory Technician Program

Sue Mescher Jelesnianski Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Sue Mescher Jelenianski
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Computer Information Systems

The Methodist Family Child Care Center Early Childhood Education Scholarship

In memory of Marilyn Kuntz
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Early Childhood Education

MidAmerica National Bank Scholarship Fund

For the good of our community.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Walter H. Miller Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Walter H. Miller – established by the estate of Phebe R. Miller
Award Amount: $1,200
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Melvin O. and Loraine N. Moehle Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2 or more
Supports: Health Careers

Money, James Health Care Management Scholarship

In honor of James Money
Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Select Health Careers

Monica Elevator Scholarship in Agriculture

Award Amount: $650
Available: 1
Supports: Agricultural Business

Morton Community Bank Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Timothy Muller Memorial Scholarship

Established in loving memory of Timothy Muller by his family.
Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 2
Supports: Information Systems

Katherine Murriel and Robert and Shirley McQuirter Endowed Education Scholarship

Established by the McQuirter Family
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major


Nestle USA/Libby’s Scholarship

Award Amount: $800
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Isaac Newton Scholarship

Established by friends of education
Award Amount: $3,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any major in an occupational or transfer program

Nurse Assistant Scholarship

Award Amount: $750
Available: 6
Supports: Nurse Assistant


Florence O’Brien Nursing Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,800
Available: 1
Supports: Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing

Helen O’Leary Schlosser Scholarship in Nursing

In memory of Helen O’Leary Schlosser and Joseph Schlosser.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Nursing Assistant, Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse

Part-time Student Scholarship in Honor of the Glenn D. Oertley Family

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Osterfeld – Tucci Nursing Scholarship

Established in memory of our loved ones by the family of Scott A. Osterfeld and Diane L. Osterfeld nee Tucci
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Registered Nurse

Kathrine M. Owens Endowed Scholarship

In honor of Katie Owens – established by Jim Owens
Award Amount: $5,000
Available: 3
Supports: Any declared major in a transfer or degree program

Louis Owens ROOTS Endowed Scholarship

Established by Virginia and Louis Owens
Award Amount: $1,400
Available: 3
Supports: Education


Kathleen Burke Paige Scholarship

In memory of Kathleen Burke Paige
Award Amount: $3,500
Available: 1
Supports: Music, Dance or Mathematics

Pekin Ambucs Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: up to 2
Supports: Physical Therapy Assistant Program

Carol Penca Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Peoria Area Retired Teachers Association Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: multiple
Supports: Education or related major

Peoria Area Retired Teachers Association Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Education or related major

Peoria Association of Independent Insurance Agents Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 1
Supports: Pursuing an Insurance, Business or Secretarial career

Peoria Evening Garden Club Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 2
Supports: Horticulture

Peoria Garden Club Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Horticulture

Peoria High School Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Peoria Promise Partner – CEFCU Member Appreciation Scholarship

Award Amount: up to full tuition
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major

Peoria Promise – Go Make a Difference

Award Amount: up to full tuition
Available: multiple
Supports: Any Major in an Associate or Certificate Program of Study

Peoria Promise Partner – Lindstrom Collier Scholarship

In honor of educators who inspire low performing students to reach their full potential.
Award Amount: $800
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Peoria Promise Partner – Manual High School Scholarship

This scholarship is made in honor of Manual High School Class of 1960
Award Amount: $1,200
Available: 3-6
Supports: Any major in a transfer or degree program

Amy Ann Peplow-Adkins Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Amy Ann Peplow-Adkins.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Interpreter Preparation Associate Degree

Leon H. Perley Presidential Scholarship

In honor of Dr. Leon H. Perley – established by friends and graduates of ICC
Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Jeanne M. Person, PT and Herman D. Person, PT Scholarship

In memory of Jeanne and Herman Person
Award Amount: $1,514
Available: 1
Supports: Physical Therapy Assistant

Crystal Peterson Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Crstyal Peterson
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Education

Jeff Peterson Scholarship in the Performing Arts

In memory of Jeff Peterson – established by his friends and family
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Music/Theatre/Speech/Dance

Diane Pflederer Nursing Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Registered Nurse

PND Christian Service Award Scholarship

Established by Paul and Joanne Coogan
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

John and Margaret Poehlman Scholarship

Established in their memory by their daughters.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Business and Information Systems or Agriculture

Lela Post Legal Assistant Scholarship

In honor of Lela Post, Administrative Secretary – Peoria County Bar Association
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Paralegal Studies

Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church Endowed Scholarship

Established by members of the church in memory of Reverend Calvin Hightower
Award Amount: $1,400
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Production Welding Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 4
Supports: Production Welding

John Prudhoe Memorial Scholarship

In memory of John Prudhoe
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Accountancy or Accounting Bookkeeper


Respiratory Care Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Stanley Bugaieski

Established by the Respiratory Care Program
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 3
Supports: Respiratory Therapist Program

Respiratory Therapy Club Endowed Scholarship

In honor of Margaret Swanson
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 2
Supports: Respiratory Therapist Program

Elaine Rhodes Scholarship

In memory of Elaine Rhodes – established by her friends, family and colleagues
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 2
Supports: Information Systems

Rising Sun Christian Church Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Dr. Rita Scholarship

In memory of Dr. Rita Fischbach, Dean Emeritus
Award Amount: $5,000
Available: 1
Supports: Math, Science or Engineering

River City Construction, L.L.C. Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Architecture or Architectural Construction Technology

Riverview Memorial Scholarship Fund

In memory of former residents of Riverview – established by the Riverview Residence Association
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: multiple awards
Supports: Any major in a degree or certificate program

Tim Rives Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Timothy G. Rives
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

RLI Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 2
Supports: Information Systems

Robein Kevin Baker Memorial Scholarship

In memory of former teacher Kevin Baker
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Preference to Elementary Education

Norman R. Rocke Memorial Scholarship

Established in his memory by Norm & Judy Rocke and Ron & Barb Rocke
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2
Supports: Registered Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse

Russell-Butler Family Scholarship

Award Amount: Up to Full Tuition and Books
Available: 2
Supports: Any major in a transfer degree program


Grant Saint Julian “Keep Jazz Alive!” Scholarship

In honor of Grant Saint Julian
Award Amount: $2,250
Available: 1
Supports: Preference to Music major

Frank and Kathleen Sauder Home Education Scholarship

In honor of my parents, Frank and Kathleen Sauder, who spent 12 years of their lives on my home education.
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 2
Supports: Science, Engineering, Math, Business, Education or Nursing

Mary Ann Schlupp Scholarship

In memory of Mary Ann Schlupp.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, or Healthcare Professional to RN

Sheriff Chuck Schofield Law Enforcement Scholarship

In loving memory of Chuck Schofield – established by his family and friends
Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice

Schrader Family Agriculture Scholarship

In memory of Gertrude Schrader, a strong supporter of agriculture
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2
Supports: Agriculture (Applied Science or Transfer)

Diane Schulz Medical Imaging Scholarship

In honor of Diane Schulz and her 34 years of service at ICC.
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 1
Supports: Radiographer

Grams and Pops Seiler Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Donald and Beverly Seiler.
Award Amount: $1,700
Available: 1
Supports: Culinary Arts Management or Restaurant Management Associate Degree Programs

Seize the Time Scholarship in memory of Mark Clark

In memory of Mark Clark
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Jack and Ruth Shannon Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Jack and Ruth Shannon
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Roberta D. Shock Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Roberta D. Shock.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Surgical Technologist or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

Paul L. and Eileen W. Sievers Scholarship

Established by the friends and family of Paul L. and Eileen W. Sievers.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Simantel Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Communication – General Communication, Communication – Public Relations, Graphic Communications, Graphic Design, Mass Communication, Multimedia, Web Developer, Web Developer Essentials

Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarship

Established by Peoria Chapter 31
Award Amount: $1,300
Available: 1
Supports: Manufacturing Careers

Harriette Merrill Spencer Memorial Scholarship

In memory of a dear friend, established by Judy Ryan
Award Amount: $1,800
Available: 1
Supports: Any ICC Associate or Health Career Program

Bruce Dale Spurgeon Scholarship

In memory of Bruce Dale Spurgeon – established by W. T. (Ted) and Ruby Overbeck, his maternal grandparents
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

James H. Stagg, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

In memory of James H. Stagg, Jr. – established by his friends and family
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Sandra L. Stemler Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

John W. Stenson Law Enforcement Scholarship

Established by friends of John W. Stenson
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 1
Supports: Criminal Justice

Bud & Ellen Stephens Morgan Endowed Scholarship

In honor of Bud & Ellen Morgan – established by Joe & Michele Richey
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Technical/Business/Medical/Arts

Doris Stone Scholarship in History

In memory of Doris Stone – established by her friends and family
Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Eugene C. and Harriett P. Swager Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Swanson Family Baseball Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Swanson Family Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 1
Supports: Health Careers or Education


Talcott Family Scholarship

Award Amount: up to full tuition
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

The Karl Taylor Family Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Tazewell County School Employees Credit Union Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 5
Supports: Any Major

Paul J. and Lou A. Tenarvitz Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,200
Available: 1
Supports: Human Services

Theatre Endowed Scholarship

Established by the ICC Theatre Program
Award Amount: up to full tuition
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Theatre

ThinkBIG Power Club Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology

Glen & Cora Thomas Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established by Tom & Lynn Thomas in loving memory of Glen & Cora Thomas
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Thompson Scholarship for Health Careers

In celebration of the lives of Katy and Daniel Thompson
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 4
Supports: Health Careers

Thompson Scholarship for Part-time Students

In celebration of the lives of Katy and Daniel Thompson
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 7
Supports: Any Major

Thompson Scholarship for Academic Excellence

In celebration of the lives of Katy and Daniel Thompson
Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Thompson Scholarship for Minority Students

In celebration of the lives of Katy and Daniel Thompson
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2
Supports: Any Major

Thompson Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

In celebration of the lives of Katy and Daniel Thompson
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 3
Supports: Any Major

Geoffrey Jiang Thompson Memorial Endowed Merit Scholarship

In memory of Geoffrey Jiang Thompson
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 1
Supports: Health Careers or Social Work

Casey and Verna Thomson Scholarship

Established by Robin and Bruce Ballard in loving memory of her parents.
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Tri-County Riverfront Action Forum, Inc. Scholarship

In honor of Donald G. Meinen
Award Amount: $1,800
Available: 2
Supports: Environmental or Physical Science or Engineering

TRiO Student Support Services Transfer Scholarship

Award Amount: $4,000
Available: up to 2
Supports: Any Major

Truck Driver Training Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 4
Supports: Truck Driver Training

W. Eric Turner Scholarship

Award Amount: $2,000
Available: 1
Supports: Business or Marketing

David Tuttle Scholarship

In honor of David Tuttle
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: 9-1-1 Telecommunicator


UAW Local 974 Scholarship

In honor of our UAW Fallen Veterans
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Uftring Chevrolet Inc. Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 2
Supports: Automotive Technology or General Motors Automotive Service Educational Program (GM-ASEP)

United Methodist Women of University United Methodist Church Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

University of Illinois Master Gardeners of Peoria County Scholarship

Award Amount: $500
Available: 1
Supports: Horticulture

University of Illinois Master Gardeners of Tazewell County Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Horticulture

Gary “Wayno” Uphoff Music Scholarship

In celebration of the life of Gary “Wayno” Uphoff
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Music


Joy Ann Vallosio Memorial Award Nursing Scholarship

In memory of Joy Ann Vallosio – established by her friends and family
Award Amount: $1,850
Available: 1
Supports: Associate Degree in Nursing Program

David J. Vaughan Legacy Scholarship

Established by David Vaughan Investments, LLC in memory of our founder.
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

David J. Vaughan Memorial Scholarship

Established by David Vaughan Investments, LLC in memory of our founder.
Award Amount: $3,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Albert & June Visocky Endowed Scholarship

In memory of Albert R. and June R. Visocky – established by the Visocky family
Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 1
Supports: Dental Hygiene, Clinical Laboratory Technician, Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, Physical or Occupational Therapy Assistant, Radiography, Respiratory Therapist, Surgical Technologist


Warrick, Rex and Al Thannum Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Rex Warrick and Al Thannum.
Award Amount: $2,500
Available: 1
Supports: Engineering

Washburn Lions Club Scholarship

Award Amount: $750
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Washington Rotary Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 2
Supports: Health Careers

Waterworth Family Fresh Start Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Warren M. Webber Horticulture Scholarship

In memory of my parents, Raymond and Litta Webber, who were life-long gardeners.
Award Amount: $1,750
Available: 1
Supports: Horticulture

Warren M. Webber Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Warren M. Webber
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Accounting or Finance

Wehage Family Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 5
Supports: Agricultural and Industrial Technologies

Wehage Family Scholarship – Arts

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Arts

Wehage Family Scholarship – Health Careers

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Health Careers

Wehage Family Scholarship – Math, Science, and Engineering

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Math, Science, and Engineering

Wehage Family Scholarship – Humanities

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Humanities

Sallie Whelan/Journal Star Scholarship

In memory of Sallie Whelan – established by the Journal Star
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Andrew White Scholarship

In memory of Andrew Lawrence White
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Any Major

Wolf-Hungate Scholarship

Established by Dr. Carolynsue Wolf and Tim S. Hungate
Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 2
Supports: Architecture, Architecture Construction Technology, Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement, Electronics, Fire Science Technology, or Health Careers

Dr. Carolynsue Wolf Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 2
Supports: Dental Hygiene, Medical Coder, Clinical Laboratory Technician, Licensed Practical Nurse, EMT, Registered Nurse, Physical or Occupational Therapy Assistant, Radiography, Respiratory Therapist, Surgical Tech., Fire Science Technology, Law Enforcement

Women’s Chautauqua Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,400
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Jim & Phyl Woodhouse Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1 or more
Supports: Any Major

Melvin L. Woolard Memorial Scholarship

In memory of a great man who was proud of his family and career at Caterpillar
Award Amount: $1,700
Available: 1
Supports: Caterpillar Dealer Service Technology Program

Dr. Ruby Worner Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,250
Available: 2
Supports: Agriculture, Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics

David C. Wright Memorial Scholarship

In memory of David C. Wright – established by Caterpillar Inc., Central Illinois Business Publishers, Inc., and RLI
Award Amount: $1,000
Available: 1
Supports: Journalism or Mass Communication

Dr. Roy Wright Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Dr. Roy Wright founder of the Public Service programs at ICC.
Award Amount: $1,500
Available: 1
Supports: Paralegal, Fire Science, Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice

Wubbena Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Larry Wubbena – established by his friends and family
Award Amount: $3,000
Available: 2
Supports: Graphic Communications or Graphic Design