Chase Transitions from Farm to Classroom at ICC

With deep roots in agriculture in central Illinois and a passion for the care of animals, Chase is following his dream to become a veterinarian. ICC helped Chase transition from the family farm to a college classroom.
He graduated from ICC in the spring of 2021 and began attending Kansas State University this fall, majoring in Animal Sciences & Industry. After his graduation at Kansas State, he plans to apply to Veterinary School to become a large animal DVM.
Chase shared, “ICC has helped me in many ways. ICC helped me with the transition from high school to college with a small student-to-professor ratio. It also allowed me to take gen-eds at an affordable rate compared to other colleges. Not only that, but I was able to meet new people and create long-lasting relationships with professors and classmates.”
While attending ICC, Chase had the opportunity to live at home, attend classes, and help out on the family farm. He grew up alongside his grandfather and helped him to raise Suffolk sheep. As he grew older he assisted with row crop farming for corn and soybeans.
Being around livestock his entire life, his passion for caring for animals grew. Chase decided to job shadow a local veterinarian and was offered an internship as a vet tech after high school. He continued his vet tech internship during his time at ICC.
“My internship allowed my passion to grow and prove that I have what it takes to become a veterinarian someday. I hope that by receiving an education, I will be prepared to take on veterinary school and graduate to accomplish my goal of being a veterinarian,” Chase said.
His achievement of becoming a veterinarian would make him the first veterinarian in his family. In the future, he hopes to continue to advance the care for animals while continuing to make an impact in agriculture.
“I want to do something that most people can’t do. I want to continue my passion for animals while making an impact in agriculture.”
– Chase