Determined to Succeed

People told her she would not succeed, but Justyce pushed forward to create a better future for herself and her family.
As a full-time ICC student, Justyce works two jobs to make ends meet while keeping her daughter forefront in her life. Justyce became a young mother while in high school, and others questioned her future. “A lot of hurtful things were said to me, but that only motivated me to finish school and become a stronger version of myself each day,” said Justyce. “I graduated high school in the top 20 of my class with my daughter looking up at me and smiling.”
Justyce has always wanted to be a nurse. After high school, she began nursing courses but had to drop out. Her classes and schoolwork were too much to manage while she was also working three jobs to support her family. A year later, she realized finishing school was the key to a better life.
That’s when she chose ICC. “After reaching out to ICC, they came running toward me with open arms. I’ve truly never felt more love and support from so many different people,” said Justyce. “Every single person I encountered wanted to see me succeed. It was so evident and so motivating.”
Her first semester was filled with financial challenges, but ICC kept Justyce on the path to success. “I was denied financial aid from the start, which would have resulted in my inability to attend college. However, many people at ICC offered a helping hand and assisted me with filing an appeal, which was eventually approved,” said Justyce. “The Foundation has also helped me tremendously. I will always be grateful for the kindness and compassion they have shown me during my difficult times. Without them, I do not believe I would have mentally been able to finish my semester.”
Now in her second semester, Justyce is determined in her goals and elated with the support family she has found at ICC.
“I’m certain I can push through and finish with the support of all the incredible people at ICC. This is the right path for me, and I wouldn’t be able to do it anywhere else.”
– Justyce
Justyce plans to apply for the Fall 2021 RN program cohort, with the goal of eventually working as a registered nurse while pursuing her BSN.
Congratulations, Justyce!