If you are experiencing personal difficulties while a student at Illinois Central College, our free counseling services are available to you.
We provide students with brief solution-focused counseling from our professionally trained counselors. If you need more in-depth counseling services than we can provide, our counselors will assist you in finding community resources. We also have group counseling services. Please call the counseling office or make an appointment to find out what is currently available.
- Mental Health
Stress, Anxiety, and COVID-19 Video Series
- Stress, Anxiety, and COVID-19
- Planning Your Information Diet
- Spheres of Influence
- Practical Wisdom for Tolerating Uncertainty
- Reducing Anxiety with Thought Challenging
- Reducing Anxiety Through Distraction Activities
- Starting a Planning Practice
- Starting a Daily Gratitude Practice
- Starting a Daily Breathing Practice
- Staying Connected and Getting Exercise
- Creating Your Stress-Resilience Action Plan