
ICC offers a wide variety of internships, and collaborates with area businesses and organizations. Participating students gain invaluable and practical experience in the corporate setting, while acquiring life skills necessary to thrive post-graduation.

If you are currently enrolled in our AIT, Paralegal, Law Enforcement, Human Services Program, DACT, or Health Services programs, internships are a requirement for degree-seeking students and you should consult your Academic Advisor.

Why Should You Consider an Internship?

Internships are a critical component to acquiring job skills and applying the material you’ve learned in your classes at ICC. A few basic requirements that will need to be met in order to be considered are:

Internship Opportunities

We work with College Central Network to help coordinate internships. Follow these directions to get started:

If you wish to receive college credit, do not agree to be interviewed until you have a Faculty Advisor assigned to you.

Become an Internship Provider

Internships are a critical component to professional success, and we are excited to collaborate with Buisness and Organizations to provide the best experiences for ICC students and your organization.

Learn How

How to Land an Internship and Earn Credit

  1. Create a Resume and Cover Letter – For assistance, consult our Resume ChecklistResume ExampleCover Letter Checklist and Cover Letter Example.
  2. Acquire Professional Recommendations – Find at least 2 people who would be willing to provide a professional recommendation. These include current/former teachers, your boss, etc
  3. Find Internship Opportunities – We work with College Central Network to help coordinate internships.
  4. Acquire a Faculty Advisor – Set up an appointment with a faculty member who is willing to work as your Faculty Advisor for the internship. Some programs have specific requirements that need to be met.
  5. Interview for Internships – Our Career Center has many resources that can assist you in preparing for a professional interview.
  6. Finalize ICC Internship Agreement – Once hired, your Faculty Advisor will provide this agreement.
  7. Follow your work and school requirements – Work requirements outlined by your internship and Faculty Advisor must be followed.

Career Services

Leitch Career Center » CC206
East Peoria Campus
Arbor Hall » A17
Peoria Campus