Tuition & Fees

Ready to move your future forward? You tuition at ICC is an investment in you – your dreams, your goals, you achievements.

ICC offers flexible payment options, including monthly payment plans, to help students manage their financial responsibilities.

Tuition Rates

Tuition rates are set for the academic year (fall, spring, summer). Required course fees are listed in the class schedule. Some program courses may have an associated Variable Tuition amount assessed.

On Campus Classes: 

  • 2023-2024 (Fall 23, Spring 24, and Summer 24): $155 per credit hour 
  • 2024-2025 (Fall 24, Spring 25, and Summer 25): $160 per credit hour 

Online Classes: 

  • 2023-2024 (Fall 23, Spring 24, and Summer 24): $155 per credit hour 
  • 2024-2025 (Fall 24, Spring 25, and Summer 25): $160 per credit hour 

Age 65+: FREE (for-credit classes only) 

On Campus Classes: 

  • 2023-2024 (Fall 23, Spring 24, and Summer 24): $330 per credit hour 
  • 2024-2025 (Fall 24, Spring 25, and Summer 25): $341 per credit hour 

Online Classes: 

  • 2023-2024 (Fall 23, Spring 24, and Summer 24): $174 per credit hour 
  • 2024-2025 (Fall 24, Spring 25, and Summer 25): $180 per credit hour 

On Campus Classes: 

  • 2023-2024 (Fall 23, Spring 24, and Summer 24): $390 per credit hour 
  • 2024-2025 (Fall 24, Spring 25, and Summer 25): $405 per credit hour 

Online Classes: 

  • 2023-2024 (Fall 23, Spring 24, and Summer 24): $174 per credit hour 
  • 2024-2025 (Fall 24, Spring 25, and Summer 25): $180 per credit hour

Variable Tuition

Program specific courses can have an additional cost that is added to the tuition rate. Residency does not affect this rate. You can look up tuition cost for individual courses by using the Class Search and looking under Additional Class Information.

When is My Due Date?

The due dates for your tuition payments are based on the date you register for classes and can be accessed through MyICC by navigating to the Financials section or by accessing the tuition payment system and checking your bill.

Find Tuition Due Dates


Fees are based on enrollment in specific classes. The total cost of fees for a given class is displayed on the Class Schedule and in your MyICC account once you are enrolled. You can look up fees for individual courses by using the Class Search and looking under Additional Class Information.

Course and class fees include, but are not limited to, the following:

Cost of Attending

To get an estimate of the what your total cost could be, utilize the Net Price Calculator, or explore additional funding options, check out the cost of attending page.

Learn More About Costs

Claim Tuition on Your Federal Taxes

As a college student, you (or your parents or guardians) may be eligible for a tax credit for tuition expenses. Each January, the 1098-T Tuition Statement will be automatically uploaded to eligible students’ MyICC accounts. Students must consent to electronic delivery to view their 1098-T in their MyICC account.

Access MyICC

Inter-District Cooperative Agreements

Do you live outside the ICC district and wish to study one of our programs that isn’t offered in your home district? You may still be eligible for in-district tuition rates at ICC.