Adult Students
As a new adult student, you’re among friends. Nearly a third of our students are just like you. Financially independent from their parents, work full-time or nearly full-time and often have children of their own. ICC offers flexible in-person and online options to help fit your schedule.
Success Resources
Transition successfully to “working adult student,” we have the resources to support your success.
- Academic Planning: Your student success advisor can help you develop an academic plan that aligns with your goals and connect you to resources that can help you overcome barriers along your path. Connect with your Student Success Advisor.
- Free Tutoring: From peer-to-peer collaboration within specific programs to one-on-one sessions with professional tutors in the College’s certified Academic Support Center, you can find the help you need.
- Financial Assistance: Get the help you need to pay for college through grants, scholarships, student loans, the Federal Work-Study program, or Veterans’ Educational benefits. Our Financial Aid officers are here to walk you through the best options to make your college experience affordable and easy.
After you apply there are still a few steps you’ll need to take to get ready for classes. Our Admissions Checklist has all the steps you need to get fully registered and ready for your first day of classes.
Returning Students
Are you ready to begin your next chapter? ICC is excited to have you back! You’re considered a returning student if you previously enrolled at ICC as a degree-or certificate-seeking student and have been away for more than one year.
If you have been away from ICC for more than three semesters, you might need to be reactivated in the ICC system. Returning students will able need to sign-in to their emails, and MyICC.
Visiting Student
If you are a student who attends another college or university, but you’ve chosen to come to Illinois Central College for a few credit courses, you are considered a visiting university student.
Earn credit at Illinois Central College while attending another college or university. Work with an advisor at your home institution to determine which course(s) you’d like to take.
Meet With Admissions
Admissions representative can answer questions about campus life and guide you through the process of applying. We also host events and invite you to visit us and see for yourself why we’re your Smart Choice. Explore careers and majors, meet faculty, and tour the campus.
Plan Your Visit Day