Early College
How Do I Get Started?
Talk to your high school counselor about the opportunity to take dual-credit or dual-enrollment classes at your high school, online, or on one of ICC’s campuses. Each high school offers different options, and your counselor will help you select the best plan for you. You can follow the steps below to be prepared.
- Complete our quick and free admissions application.
- Determine placement – check with your high school counselor to see if your dual-credit class has prerequisites. Talk to your counselor about Academic Placement as some classes require specific test scores.
- Setup your MyICC account – log in to MyICC and your new ICC email (Gmail). This is how ICC communicates with your, and where you can access more academic and enrollment information
Finances & Fees
Check with your high school counselor for financial information and directions to pay course fees.
Why Take College Courses in High School?
- Get the best of both worlds – by taking dual credit courses you earn college credit AND high school credit at the same time.
- Save money – dual credit courses cost significantly less than those offered at many other local colleges and universities.
- Save time – you will have less courses remaining to complete a certificate or degree.
- Be prepared – adapt to the rigors of college work in advance.
- Be successful – research has shown that high school students who complete 15 credit hours (about five classes) of college work are more likely to succeed in college and earn a degree.
How Can I Be an Early College Student?
- Your high school must offer Early College courses (see your school counselor for more details).
- Must be a junior or senior in high school.
- Must meet the requirements to enroll, which may involve taking an academic placement test.
- Must enroll in classes at the beginning of the semester.
Where Do I Take Early College Classes?
Early College classes are offered in two formats. Check with your high school guidance counselor to learn what is available through your school.
- Early College at the High School (sometimes called dual credit) – Many high schools offer college classes at the high school.
- Early College at an ICC campus during the school day – Some high schools offer students the option of attending class at ICC during the school day. This is sometimes called Strong Start or Fast Start.
Which Classes Are Offered?
- General Education classes – transfer-level courses that fulfill “general education” requirements and are accepted at all Illinois public colleges and universities.
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes – courses that fulfill requirements for a certificate or applied science degree, which prepares students to enter the workforce when they graduate, usually in two years or less.
- Transitional English Courses – This one year course is offered to students during their senior year of high school, with the goal of providing students “day one” success in college-level courses. The course is not for credit, but rather prepares students for college.
Early College
Fri: 8 am – 2 pm