Early College

How Do I Get Started?

Talk to your high school counselor about the opportunity to take dual-credit or dual-enrollment classes at your high school, online, or on one of ICC’s campuses. Each high school offers different options, and your counselor will help you select the best plan for you. You can follow the steps below to be prepared.

  1. Complete our quick and free admissions application.
  2. Determine placement – check with your high school counselor to see if your dual-credit class has prerequisites. Talk to your counselor about Academic Placement as some classes require specific test scores.
  3. Setup your MyICC account – log in to MyICC and your new ICC email (Gmail). This is how ICC communicates with your, and where you can access more academic and enrollment information

Finances & Fees

Check with your high school counselor for financial information and directions to pay course fees.

Why Take College Courses in High School?

How Can I Be an Early College Student?

Where Do I Take Early College Classes?

Early College classes are offered in two formats. Check with your high school guidance counselor to learn what is available through your school.

  1. Early College at the High School (sometimes called dual credit) – Many high schools offer college classes at the high school.
  2. Early College at an ICC campus during the school day – Some high schools offer students the option of attending class at ICC during the school day. This is sometimes called Strong Start or Fast Start.

Which Classes Are Offered?

Early College

Arbor Hall » A102
Peoria Campus
Mon – Thur: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Fri: 8 am – 2 pm