Andrea Walton

ICC Class of 2002 (General Education)
Transferred to Eastern Illinois University
English Instructor, Illinois Central College
Tell us about the career path that led you to your current job.
While at Eastern Illinois University, I earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in Literary Studies. My sole motivation for earning these degrees rested in my desire to teach in Higher Education.
How did ICC shape your future or help you attain your professional goals?
Illinois Central College not only helped me solidify my decision to pursue a career in education, but it also helped me realize that I wanted to shift from teaching in a K-12 setting to Higher Ed. In that way, it helped me focus on a specific career field. In addition to this, I specialize in preparing students to succeed in college.
What does it mean to you to be able to teach at ICC and educate future ICC alumni?
It feels good to know that I contribute to future generations. I fully embrace the opportunity to help college students take the next step in learning how to both think and function in the adult world. Throughout my career at Illinois Central College, I have attempted to be the professor that I rarely encountered throughout my college career.
What advice would you give current students at ICC to succeed?
Do not give up on yourselves. Be patient with your learning process. Seek out the readily available resources at Illinois Central College, like the Academic Support Center and Illinois Central College Library.