Leah Grebner
ICC Class of 1995 (Medical Records Technology)
Program Director, Health Information Technology at Illinois Central College
I was already working an entry-level position in the career field and was promoted right after I received my associate degree from ICC. After that, I continued my education. My undergraduate baccalaureate degree is in business administration with a concentration in healthcare management. My master’s degree is in health service administration. My PhD is in health services with a concentration in community health promotion and education. I pursued all of my degrees while working full-time and raising my family.
Tell us about the career path that led you to your current job.
I worked in the field from 1989 until 2004 in a variety of positions that included health information management roles in acute care, skilled care, home health, and consulting. From 2000-2004, I also worked as adjunct faculty for Midstate College and Illinois Central College. In 2004, I transitioned from healthcare consulting into full-time at Midstate College as Director of Health Information Management. I stayed there until Midstate College closed in 2019. That is when I came to Illinois Central College to develop the Health Information Technology program.
How did ICC shape your future or help you attain your professional goals?
ICC provided a strong foundation on which I was able to build my future educational and professional growth. I learned the basics about my career field that enabled me to move from the entry-level position I was in before I started into a higher-level position.
What does it mean to you to be able to teach at ICC and educate future ICC alumni?
It provides me a chance to give back to the next generation of ICC graduates to allow them the same (or better) opportunities as I appreciated.
What advice would you give current students at ICC to succeed?
Thoroughly read the syllabi for each of your courses to make sure you don’t miss any important assignments or deadlines. Communicate with your instructor to provide information about any issues you may be having so they may be resolved before escalating.