Smoke / Tobacco Free Campus
As of July 1, 2015 Illinois Central College is a smoke/tobacco free campus in accordance with Illinois law that all colleges and universities in Illinois must remain smoke/tobacco free.

What does this mean?
Smoke free/tobacco free means the use of tobacco or related products (herbal substitutes, for example) will not be allowed anywhere on campus. The law requires ICC to disallow the following anywhere on campus.
“the carrying, using, burning, inhaling, or exhaling of any kind of tobacco product, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, cigarillos, smokeless tobacco, chew, snuff, herbs, hookah-smoked products, cannabis (including medical marijuana) and electronic nicotine delivery systems including all forms of ‘e-cigarettes’ and personal vaporizers.”
ICC Board of Trustees Tobacco Free Policy
Ready to Quit?
- Freedom from Smoking: ICC is sponsoring seven interactive sessions to help you quit smoking.
- ICC has partnered with This is Quitting to provide a free support network for those interested in quitting. This interactive app and support network is a key step to regaining your freedom from tobacco!
- You can download the free app and log in with your ICC email address to check it out. Search “This is Quitting” in the app store on your phone or go to for links directly to the app for Android and iPhone.
- Sign up for text messaging by going to the training pack “Quit with Text Messages” and initiating Challenge #1: Sign Up.
What happens if you violate the law?
- When campus police officers or campus security officers witness or have evidence of a violation of the policy, they may issue a verbal warning or a Regulation Violation Notice.
- Verbal warnings will be documented.
- Reporting smoking violations to the Campus Police Department can be done in person to an officer, by calling Dispatch or by sending an email.
*Employees who persist in violating the campus regulations will be reported to Human Resources and may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
*Students who persist in violating the campus regulations will be reported to Dean of Students and may be subject to disciplinary action.